The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 113 Say sorry to your family for me

Song Xiaoqin's face turned pale: "Oh no! I was talking to my parents on the phone, and I was just so angry that I forgot about it!"

She quickly took out her mobile phone and broadcast a number. She held the handset to her ear. After a while, she made a call and said, "Mom..."

As soon as she called out "Mom", her mother's voice came out from the receiver: "What's the matter, Xiaoqin? Have you made an appointment with her? Do you want to see her again?"

Song Xiaoqin said hurriedly: "We made an appointment. We'll see you tomorrow. Let's not talk about it for now. What I want to say is that about my song, you and my dad didn't tell anyone else, right?"

The voice on the phone said: "I just told your grandma, your uncle, your aunt and your aunt, but I didn't tell anyone else."

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

The voice on the phone said: "What's wrong?"

Song Xiaoqin: "Nothing... I died..."

The cell phone said: "Get some rest early. Since you have an appointment with someone tomorrow, let's meet him properly and don't be perfunctory. Otherwise, don't make the appointment."

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Song Xiaoqin sat there stiffly, feeling that her life was gloomy.

Zhang Suxin didn't know what to say for a moment, so she could only sigh, stand up from the sofa, and said, "Sit for a while, and I'll cut some fruit for you."

Zhang Suxin didn't let Song Xiaoqin go back that night, so she let Song Xiaoqin sleep at her house.

Song Xiaoqin was not in a confused state of mind, and Zhang Suxin was really worried about letting her drive back alone.

Although speaking of it, it is not a big deal for relatives to know about singing "Learning to Meow", but Song Xiaoqin is a person who looks down on "Learning to Meow" and cares about face. In Song Xiaoqin's view, this matter is a bit Seriously, it's about how she will face her relatives in the future.

After spending one night at Zhang Suxin's house, Song Xiaoqin's condition slowly improved after waking up the next day.

At almost noon, she left Zhang Suxin's house and went straight to the restaurant where she went on her last blind date with Liang Zhe.

Liang Zhe was very active, wearing a crisp and decent suit, and was already waiting in the hotel. After Song Xiaoqin came in, she diligently pulled out a chair for Song Xiaoqin.

Song Xiaoqin hurriedly grabbed the back of the chair and pulled it out, saying: "No, I will do it myself!"

After sitting down, Liang Zhe called the waiter to ask Song Xiaoqin to order. Song Xiaoqin said: "I don't know how to order, so you should do it. Just keep it simple."

But Liang Zhe still ordered a hearty lunch.

Then Liang Zhe said: "I heard from my aunt that you like to read books and play music. I know that you play music. You have reached the top of the ring tones list, and three other songs are also ranked in the top 20, which is quite impressive... "

Song Xiaoqin couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately wanted to make it clear about "Learning to Meow", telling the guy in front of her that she hated this song to death, and asked him not to be sentimental.

However, before she could speak, Liang Zhe continued: "I didn't know about my hobby of reading before. I heard from my aunt that you like to read Doraemon novels..."

Song Xiaoqin suddenly swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Liang Zhe added: "Miss Song, since you like Doraemon's novels, you must have read "Dragon", right? To tell you the truth, my company's new project is aimed at "Dragon"."

Song Xiaoqin's eyelids twitched, and she suddenly felt that the guy in front of her was not entangled with herself, but with Zhang Suxin's family.

From songs to novels, why is this guy targeting Lu Anzhi's works?

She only heard Liang Zhe continue: ""Dragon" is an excellent novel with a high-quality script, rich background, and complete settings. It has great potential for game adaptation. More importantly, it is very popular.

"My team has fully investigated the market prospects of "Dragon" and is now in contact with the author of "Dragon" to win the game adaptation copyright of this novel. I can say that this is a strong possibility You will definitely win!"

"so what?"

Song Xiaoqin asked.

Liang Zhe said: "When we get the game copyright of "Dragon", we might be able to meet Doraemon, the author of "Dragon". Do you want Doraemon's autograph? If there is a chance, I will How about I get one for you?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "No need..."

Liang Zhe said: "It's okay, it's just a helping hand, it's not a big deal."

Song Xiaoqin said: "No need..."

Liang Zhe said: "It really doesn't matter, when the time comes..."

"I said no need!"

Song Xiaoqin burst out suddenly, but at least she was concerned about Liang Zhe's face, so she suppressed her voice slightly and did not let the other guests at the table notice her.

Liang Zhe was stunned for a moment, his words stuck in the middle.

Song Xiaoqin said: "First of all, I don't like "Dragon". I just liked watching "The Legend of Wukong" before, but now I feel less about it. And I already have "The Legend of Wukong" signed by Dora B Dream, so it won't be a bother. You did it for me.

"Secondly, it's about "Learning to Meow". I hate this song. This song is completely worthless. There is nothing commendable about it from lyrics to composition. The reason why I sang this song is precisely because The quality of this song is not very good. I am embarrassed to sing songs of higher quality.

"I didn't expect that this song would reach the top of the ring tones download list. If I had thought of it earlier, I would definitely not sing it. So you keep telling me about "Learning to Meow" over and over again, which bothers me a lot. .

"I don't want to say any more about the rest. I hope Mr. Liang can understand what I mean..."

Liang Zhe was stunned for a while, then nodded dullly and said, "Okay, I understand."

After that, he became depressed and taciturn. When the food was served, he only took one or two bites before losing his appetite.

Song Xiaoqin also took a few bites as if she was coping. She made an excuse to go to the bathroom midway and secretly went to the bar to pay for her meal. So at the end of the meal, Liang Zhe was stunned again when he failed to pay.

After leaving the hotel, the two went their separate ways.

Song Xiaoqin recalled Liang Zhe's lonely back and suddenly felt a little guilty.

However, she felt that this was the best result, lest she keep procrastinating, giving Liang Zhe the wrong impression, and making Liang Zhe spend his time and energy in vain, which would be a sin.

She called Zhang Suxin.

"How about it, have you made it clear?"

As soon as Zhang Suxin picked up the phone, she asked on the phone.

"Make it clear."

As she was replying, she added, "Suxin, say sorry to your wife for me. I might have messed up his business."

Zhang Suxin asked: "What?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "It's about the novel game copyright. Liang Zhe opened a game company and wants to buy the game copyright of your novel. But I seem to have hit him hard. I don't know if he will buy it."

Zhang Suxin said in surprise: "Do you know the identity of his author?!"

Song Xiaoqin sighed and said, "It's so obvious. If I can't guess it anymore, wouldn't I be a fool?"

"All right."

Zhang Suxin smiled coquettishly and said, "Would you like to come to my house again to chat?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "Okay, I'll be there in a moment."

She drove to Zhuyuan Community and arrived at Zhang Suxin's house. When Zhang Suxin opened the door, she heard Zhang Suxin say: "It's okay. I just called Xianxian's dad. Xianxian's dad said that the game company did not withdraw its intention, but instead changed the original offer." The price of game copyright worth tens of millions has been increased to eleven million..."

Song Xiaoqin: "?!"

Thanks to 08a for the tip.

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