The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 123 Underground Parking Lot

Lu Anzhi felt that the temperature inside the car seemed to have risen a few degrees. The dim ambient lights illuminated the quiet and charming atmosphere, making both him and Zhang Suxin feel a little unnatural.

But he also had to remind himself to pay attention.

I'm driving, so I can't be distracted.

In silence all the way, we drove the car into the underground parking lot. Reverse the vehicle into the garage, brake and disengage, then park and turn off the engine. Lu Anzhi sat on the driver's seat, but he still didn't open the door and get out of the car.

Like him, Zhang Suxin sat quietly in the passenger seat and made no further movements.

Lu Anzhi felt that he felt the subtlety of the atmosphere, and deep in his heart, he seemed to be waiting for something. Presumably Zhang Suxin is the same, right?

The car lights have been turned off, and the lighting in the basement is cold and dim, which is completely different from the radiant light outside.

But this kind of light seeped into the dark car, but it couldn't dissipate the warmth inside.

Lu Anzhi turned to look at Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin didn't look at him, she was looking straight ahead. He looked through the car window, not knowing what he was looking at.

Lu Anzhi noticed that Zhang Suxin's eyelashes were trembling slightly. The cold light from the basement penetrated the car window and hit Zhang Suxin's face, making her already fair skin even whiter.

The white is so vivid, making the light in the eyes become more and more crystal clear.

Lu Anzhi suddenly felt that he could no longer wait quietly like this. When driving before, Zhang Suxin had already taken the first step - even though it was a step she took back immediately after taking it, she couldn't always let her take the initiative.

If she keeps asking her to take the initiative and just waits blindly, she will definitely be disappointed, right?

Lu Anzhi thought so.

"Can I kiss you?"

he asked. After asking, I immediately regretted it.

This is indeed what he really thinks now and what he really wants to do. Zhang Suxin was sitting in front of him, so quiet, so touching, so beautiful, how could she not make his heart move?

But is it too abrupt to say it this way?

After all, he and she didn't even hold hands seriously. Since we met, we have only carried each other once, wiped tears once, and touched hands once.

——The first meeting does not count.

"don't want!"

Zhang Suxin said in a low voice without looking at Lu Anzhi.

Sure enough... I was still abrupt...

Lu Anzhi sighed secretly.

He watched Zhang Suxin's lips and teeth open slightly, and her long eyelashes trembled more and more fiercely...

Did her words make her so panicked?

Lu Anzhi felt that he was a little confused and didn't know what to do.


Zhang Suxin sat there and didn't move, and she didn't even unbuckle her seat belt.

Is she still waiting for herself?

I can’t figure it out…

Lu Anzhi decided to give up thinking. His entire body turned toward the direction of his gaze, leaning forward slightly.

The armrest box separated him from Zhang Suxin's body, but his forward leaning body was close to Zhang Suxin. Lu Anzhi felt that he seemed to feel the faint scent of shampoo on Zhang Suxin's body, as well as Zhang Suxin's warmth.

Zhang Suxin did not look at Lu Anzhi, as if she had ignored him. She still sat upright and looked forward.

But her increasingly trembling eyelashes and sparkling eyes reminded Lu Anzhi that she was not completely unresponsive to Lu Anzhi's actions.

She was nervous.

But she didn't hide.

Lu Anzhi mustered up his courage and leaned forward more and more.

The spacious car and the spacious center console armrest box became an obstacle to him for a moment. In that moment, he suddenly regretted that he should not have bought this car. If he had bought a cheap car, the armrest box was simple or even non-existent, it would not be like this. obstacles.

He held the storage box with one hand and turned his body awkwardly. His turned face was already very close to Zhang Suxin, blocking Zhang Suxin's sight.

Zhang Suxin's eyes finally had to fall on Lu Anzhi's face. Lu Anzhi looked directly into her eyes and saw a moment of panic in those crystal eyes.

He heard Zhang Suxin's breathing, which was thin and rapid, as panicked as Zhang Suxin's eyes.

But Zhang Suxin did not say "no" again, nor did she hide.

Lu Anzhi gently pressed his lips to Zhang Suxin's lips.

Soft and warm.

There is also a bit of lipstick fragrance.

Should he have rephrased the question and asked her if he could eat her lipstick?

Lu Anzhi suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

When did you start thinking about this? !

He drove away the messy thoughts from his mind, felt Zhang Suxin's tense nerves, and couldn't help but think:

Should I take a step further?

Why think?

I never thought that people would have so many random thoughts when they are kissing...

With this in mind, he took a step further.

Zhang Suxin's response was so jerky, and she and Lu Anzhi, who was equally jerky, began to cooperate and practice slowly.

Lu Anzhi was suddenly glad that he had not flinched because of Zhang Suxin's "no" just now. It felt so good to get a response from his lover, which made Lu Anzhi feel heartbroken and warm.

He accepted Zhang Suxin's response and felt both good and bad. The awkward stumbling was not so comfortable, but the emotional feeling of being together made them actively and diligently cooperate with each other and not want to be separated.

Lu Anzhi felt Zhang Suxin's heavier breathing, and Zhang Suxin also felt Lu Anzhi's breathing.

But Zhang Suxin always cooperated enthusiastically and stiffly, her body never moving.

After being separated for a long time, Lu Anzhi saw Zhang Suxin looking at him with shy eyes.

There seemed to be two strands of love in those eyes, stuck in his eyes.

He couldn't help but kiss Zhang Suxin again.

But this time it was just a gentle kiss, and then he returned to the driver's seat and sat down.

I twist my waist and feel a little sleepy...

"We go home……"

Zhang Suxin said.


Lu Anzhi nodded.

But after they finished speaking, neither of them moved, as if they didn't want to be the one who ruined the charming atmosphere in the car.

In the end, Lu Anzhi took a deep breath, opened the door and got out of the car.

After he got off the car, Zhang Suxin stopped waiting quietly and prepared to get off. But Lu Anzhi turned around and said, "Wait a minute."

Zhang Suxin didn't know why, but she still stopped her movements obediently.

Then her eyes followed Lu Anzhi to close the driver's door, walked around the front of the car, and opened the passenger door.

When she was caught off guard, Lu Anzhi leaned in, attacked her again, and then unbuckled her seat belt.


Lu Anzhi stepped back out of the car, stood up, and extended his hand to Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin couldn't help but smile, and put her hand in Lu Anzhi's, and was pulled out of the car by Lu Anzhi.

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