The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 125 Good Night and Good Morning

Before Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin came back, Song Xiaoqin had already put on diapers and pajamas for Xianxian.

When Zhang Suxin occasionally had something to do, she would ask Song Xiaoqin to help and take care of the children. Therefore, Song Xiaoqin is already familiar with doing these things.

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Suxin can safely leave Xianxian to Song Xiaoqin.

In this way, Zhang Suxin saves a lot of things. After Zhang Suxin washed up, she put on her pajamas and lay down next to Xianxian.

Xianxian was lying on the bed with her back stretched out, and the quilt had been pushed to nowhere.

Zhang Suxin covered her with the quilt again, and she immediately kicked it off again.

Zhang Suxin took the trouble to pull the quilt over and cover her up.

This little guy is always like this when he sleeps. He rolls here and there, and he is not honest at all. Therefore, Zhang Suxin specially bought her a long pajama, which had buttons under her legs to tie it up so that her stomach would not get cold.

And it's not too cold today. The little guy is wearing pajamas, even if he doesn't cover himself with a quilt, he won't get cold. But Zhang Suxin was used to covering the little guy with a quilt, so whenever she was awake, she couldn't help but pull the quilt over the little guy.

The little guy seemed to feel that his mother was back next to him.

So the little guy found a familiar feeling, snuggled into Zhang Suxin's arms, raised his legs, put them on Zhang Suxin's waist, and continued to sleep.

Zhang Suxin had no choice but to see that the quilt was still covering Xianxian's body, so she simply stopped moving and allowed Xianxian to sleep with her.

She was lying on the bed, but couldn't sleep for a while. She took out her mobile phone, opened it Qiuqiu, and sent a message to Lu Anzhi: Tell me when you get back.

Xianxian's breathing, shorter and more rhythmic than an adult's, sounded softly. Zhang Suxin listened to the little guy's breathing in his sleep and glanced at his phone from time to time. After a while, he received a message from Lu Anzhi through Qiuqiu: Well, we're here. Just finished washing and lying down. And you? have you slept?

Zhang Suxin thought for a while, slowly typed on the nine-character keyboard, and sent a message to Lu Anzhi: If I fell asleep, who sent you this message?

After all, she had only been using this phone for a short time, and she hadn't used it to send many text messages before, so typing on the phone was slower.

However, Lu Anzhi responded quickly. Zhang Suxin soon received a new message: Maybe it was sent by Song Xiaoqin?

Zhang Suxin:......

Lu Anzhi: Okay, no more joking. Why are you not sleeping yet?

Zhang Suxin: I’m waiting for you. I fell asleep when you arrived.

Lu Anzhi: Well, good night then.

Zhang Suxin: Good night.

But she stayed on the bed for a little while. Xianxian changed positions a few more times and was covered with quilts several times, but she still couldn't fall asleep.

She turned on her phone and looked at the Qiuqiu chat box with Lu Anzhi. Suddenly she remembered something and asked Qiuqiu: What did you mean when you said good night before? What was it?

She just asked briefly, not thinking that Lu Anzhi would be able to give her the answer tonight. She thought Lu Anzhi had already fallen asleep, but she didn't expect a new reply to come out of the chat box soon: Please split the pinyin of good night into the first letters of the three words.

After seeing the reply, Zhang Suxin immediately typed again and asked: Why aren't you asleep yet?

Lu Anzhi: I was just about to go to bed when I saw a new news notification, so I took a look.

Zhang Suxin: Oh, I’m disturbing you...

Lu Anzhi: No problem.

Zhang Suxin: Then go to bed quickly.

Lu Anzhi: Yeah.

When there were no new replies in the chat box, Zhang Suxin thought about what Lu Anzhi had just answered her.

The pinyin for "good night" is "wan", which consists of three letters: w, a, and n. If you separate them, which three letters can be understood as the first letters of them?

Zhang Suxin typed these three letters in the chat box without sending them, and then looked at them quietly.

As she looked at it, inspiration suddenly struck her and she understood it all at once.

She immediately pressed the back button repeatedly to eliminate the three letters, typed two more words, and sent Lu Anzhi: Good night.

Then soon, she received another reply from Lu Anzhi: Good night.

Her already good mood suddenly became even happier.

She put her phone aside and soon fell asleep.

The dream was vague and unclear, but Zhang Suxin vaguely felt that the dream was very sweet and she liked it.

Lu Anzhi was also in a great mood.

After he put down his phone, he quickly fell asleep. In his sleep, he stayed with Zhang Suxin and Xianxian, bathing in the warm sunshine, causing laughter and laughter. The sunshine contained the flavor of family affection and love, which made him intoxicated.

When I woke up, every bit of the time I spent with Zhang Suxin last night was still in front of my eyes, the memory was so clear. He picked up his phone, opened Qiuqiu's phone, and subconsciously opened the chat box with Zhang Suxin.

However, he seemed to have woken up early, and Zhang Suxin was probably still asleep, so the conversation in the chat box was still stuck on the last two "good night"s last night.

He thought for a while and sent another message to Zhang Suxin: Good morning.

However, there is no new information about Zhang Suxin in Qiuqiu on the mobile phone, but there is new information about the editor's hard work.

Kuku's head is flashing.

Lu An chose to open it and saw the message that Kuku sent in the middle of last night.

This Internet-addicted girl stayed up most of the night, playing on the computer!

——Master B, are you there?

——Boss B, I told you in advance that you were not here. Just know it once you're online. Your "The Little Prince" and "Doraemon's Fairy Tales Collection" are scheduled to be released at the end of the month. Promotion will start today, and printing and shipping will also be carried out simultaneously.

——The publicity method is still advertising in electronic magazines, Huoke and several portal websites.

——The length of "The Little Prince" is too short, so it will not be serialized in the electronic magazine, but a few clips will be sent out.

——Hehe, the editorial department approved my suggestion and played some tricks. See for yourself.

The message said "today" because it was early this morning when Kuku sent the message.

Lu Anzhi was not too surprised after reading the five messages that he had sent in the middle of the night.

This was something Kuku had discussed with him before, so he was prepared.

However, Kuku said that she played some tricks in the promotion, which aroused Lu Anzhi's curiosity.

——What trick?

Lu Anzhi asked Qiu Qiu directly about Ku Ku.

Kuku immediately replied: Hehe! Mr. B, go and see for yourself!

Then after a while, Kuku lost a few links through the chat box, including links to the Maple Tree electronic magazine, Huoke, and several portal news websites.

Lu Anzhi asked in surprise: What time did you go to bed last night? Aren't you tired after getting up so early?

Ku Ku replied: I’m not sleepy! So energetic!

Internet-addicted girls are energetic when they have computers and the Internet.

Before Lu Anzhi could reply to Kuku, he received a message from Zhang Suxin.

When he clicked on Zhang Suxin's flashing profile picture, Zhang Suxin also said back to him: Good morning.

So Lu Anzhi asked: How did you sleep last night?

As for Kuku, it has been left aside.

Thanks to Jie Lin, 08a, a daily bookworm for the reward.

The new month is just the beginning of new relationship progress.

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