After returning to Zhuyuan Community, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin washed Xianxian and changed her pajamas together, and then left after coaxing Xianxian to sleep. Naturally, there was another obsession before leaving. The two of them understood each other tacitly, as if they were taking care of Xianxian to sleep just for this moment.

After arriving at Song Xiaoqin's house the next day, I started recording the remaining songs.

Lu Anzhi chose to record "Ren Xiaoyao" and "End of the World" first to warm up and find out the feeling. The most difficult "Sutra" was planned to be recorded last.

The first song "Ren Xiaoyao".

Lu Anzhidu has already shown these songs to Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin. According to Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin, this song "Ren Xiaoyao" ranks last among the four songs.

Of course, that's not to say the song isn't great. The melody of this song was very good. Song Xiaoqin tried to sing it a cappella according to the score, and both she and Zhang Suxin felt that it could be sung. But it depends on who you compare with.

In front of the other three songs, this song doesn't seem so prominent.

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin were amazed by this. Why does Lu Anzhi have so many inspirations? !

The recording started, and as the instruments passed one by one, Song Xiaoqin finished the chorus, and listened to it again with Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi, saying: "This song sounds quite interesting, but I don't know how it will sound with singing..." "

Then Lu Anzhi went into the recording room to record songs. When his voice sounded, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin couldn't help but be stunned.

"Make me sad or regretful, hate the sky you don't even understand, make me miserable or tired, let the wind float in the sky and the earth freely..."

The singing voice and the music came out of the earphones, and a strong sense of the world came over him instantly. They all seemed to have followed the singing into a world full of entanglements of love and hate, and were surrounded by love and resentment.

"A hero is not afraid of a humble background. He can be proud of his high ambitions, but he is in trouble because of a fate. He will not be able to catch him for the rest of his life..."

Xianxian and Zhang Suxin were listening to the song through headphones. At such a young age, they couldn't tell the difference and just shook their heads happily.

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin looked at each other and then listened to the song silently.

When Lu Anzhi sang the entire song with the music, Song Xiaoqin couldn't help but ask Zhang Suxin: "Do you feel different?"

Zhang Suxin nodded and said, "Yeah...but I can't tell..."

Song Xiaoqin said: "It feels like a character in a martial arts story is did he do it?!"

Zhang Suxin thought for a while but didn't understand, and said casually: "Maybe it's because he can write novels..."

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

She was busy talking about her feelings with Zhang Suxin, but forgot to check in with Lu Anzhi. Only then did she notice that Lu Anzhi asked her "How is it" in the recording room, and she hurriedly replied: "Very good! Over and over again!"

Afterwards, Lu Anzhi came out of the recording room, listened to the song himself, and nodded with satisfaction. He concentrated on it with all his heart and soul, and finally sang the original song with the overwhelming feeling of being in a world.

Although this song itself is very classic and catchy, the most unique thing about it is the original singer Ren Xianqi's unique sense of worldliness from the beginning.

Being able to sing such a feeling gives the song its unique temperament and charm.

With such an effect, why would I need to find someone else to sing this song?

After so many works of preparation, I am now famous and have the right to choose my own singing. There is no need to rely on Zhang Suxin's name to keep the copyright like in "Sea of ​​Flowers".

Next is "End of the World".

Like "Ren Xiaoyao", the recording process of "Tianya" was also very smooth.

This time Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin were mentally prepared, but when Lu Anzhi opened his voice, they were still a little shocked.

"The meteor that cannot be resisted in the dark sky and secretly, can't be hurt but is frozen but has a dead heart, the hard pursuit is lost, the cute, hateful, what a pity..."

A man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life and is weather-beaten seems to appear in the song. Zhang Suxin suddenly felt that this song "Tianya" was like the sequel to "Ren Xiaoyao". After experiencing the entanglements of love and hatred, the Jianghu people became what they are now and sang this song "Tianya".

Lu Anzhi still performs this song very well.

After Lu Anzhi finished singing the song, Song Xiaoqin couldn't help but said: "Only this guy can sing this song with this flavor, right? I thought about the singers that I can think of, and it seems that no one sings like this. A feeling..."


Zhang Suxin was silent for a while and then nodded.

After all, Lu Anzhi was Xianxian's father, and his relationship with her was getting closer and closer. Zhang Suxin was embarrassed to comment on Lu Anzhi too directly, as if she was in Versailles.

And thinking about Song Xiaoqin's state a few days ago, Zhang Suxin was afraid that if she commented on her, Song Xiaoqin would say she was showing affection, which would make Song Xiaoqin angry.

After Lu Anzhi came out of the recording room, he listened to the song "Tianya" he had just sung, and nodded when he felt it was ok.

After listening to two songs, the slender little guy became interested and started singing by himself.

Of course she can't sing "Ren Xiaoyao" and "Tianya". What she sings is about her little rabbit being obedient and won't do it until it does so. And as usual, there are few words and sentences, and the preface and the follower are not matched, so that it doesn't sound the same at all. logic. And the whole song is not in tune,

But for such a young child, who would ask her to sing well? Cuteness is enough!

The little guy's voice is sweet and milky. Even if he sings out of tune, it won't make people uncomfortable.

"Little girl, what are you singing while shaking your head?"

After Xianxian finished singing, Song Xiaoqin squatted in front of Xianxian and asked.

Unexpectedly, Xianxian remembered her words immediately, shook her little head and said, "Shake your head! Shake your head!"

Song Xiaoqin asked her with a smile: "Do you know what it means to shake your head?"

The little guy shook his little head again and said, "Shake your head! Shake your head!"

Song Xiaoqin smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I know you know it. Stop shaking it. If you shake it any more, you'll faint."

Sure enough, the little guy stopped, immediately lay down on the ground, and said, "Oh, I feel so dizzy!"

Lu Anzhi and the other three all laughed.

Song Xiaoqin added: "But I feel that the lyrics of your two songs are a should I put it...a bit lazy. Forget it, it doesn't matter. If you want to be lazy, just be lazy. You have already written meow meow meow Meow meow, it’s okay to be lazy with the lyrics. Just sing it with feeling.”

Lu Anzhi smiled and said nothing.

Everyone has their own preferences, and the lyrics of these two songs by Ren Xianqi are indeed a bit inexplicable to many people. They are about popular Death Stars and about being caught in a trap. The meaning can be understood if you think about it carefully, but it is just awkward.

Lu Anzhi actually feels this way too. But he kept the original flavor of the song without changing it. He wants to be relaxed and happy in this life, how troublesome is it to change his lyrics? Why bother?

He even broke "Dragon Clan" and didn't mind the flaw in the lyrics.

And this original awkwardness is also a memory for him.

I recorded two songs in one morning, and the progress was not slow.

We had lunch at Song Xiaoqin's house at noon, and Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin coaxed Xianxian to take a nap.

This little guy came to Song Xiaoqin's house before and refused to take a nap, but he was able to fall asleep these two times, which made Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin feel a lot less worried.

But after all, they were at Song Xiaoqin's house. Although Song Xiaoqin was not in the room where Xianxian slept and Xianxian was asleep, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin still didn't dare to be too presumptuous. Waiting patiently for Xianxian to wake up from sleep and record the next song.

Thanks to Looking at the Sunset and 08a for the reward.

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