Song Xiaoqin tried to sing "The Hard-to-Recite Sutra" by comparing the score and lyrics. The first time she sang it, she bit her tongue the second time. The third time she couldn't sing the two words smoothly. She only felt her tongue It's almost knotted.

"What is this!"

She was speechless for a while. "Love in B.C." is a bit difficult to pronounce and rap, but after learning it from Lu Anzhi, she became more proficient in it a few times, and she had no problem singing it herself.

But this song was different, she had no idea how to sing it.

She had some doubts about whether anyone could sing this song.

However, the next day, she cooperated with Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin to finish the soundtrack. When Lu Anzhi walked into the recording room, her eyes widened in shock.

"Is this a dialect?!"

Song Xiaoqin took off half of the earphones and asked Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin nodded and said, "Yes, Cantonese, Cantonese. Cantonese songs have their own genre and are quite nice." She was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Lu Anzhi could even speak Cantonese and could sing Cantonese so well. It’s also so well written.

Cantonese songs are quite popular in Guangzhou because they have a unique charm. Zhang Suxin also knew some of them.

But Cantonese songs have always been difficult to export to Guangzhou. Even though Spice Island has now become the largest port city in Asia, extremely prosperous, leading the development of Guangzhou, and the economy is the best in the country, Cantonese songs are just dialect songs of Guangzhou.

After listening to Lu Anzhi sing the entire song "The Hard to Recite Sutra", Song Xiaoqin asked Zhang Suxin: "What do you think of this song?"

Zhang Suxin said: "I think... it is very powerful. It is the most powerful among these four songs. Even if it is placed among the Cantonese songs in Guangzhou, this song can stand out. But..."

Song Xiaoqin said: "But this is a dialect song. I'm afraid Gu Ruiyong has to consider the TV audience and won't choose a dialect song."

Zhang Suxin nodded.

The two just had a brief discussion and were not worried about it. Anyway, according to Lu Anzhi's wish, Gu Ruiyong was given two songs in the end.

It’s okay if they themselves know the quality of this song.

After Lu Anzhi came out of the recording room, Song Xiaoqin couldn't help but ask him: "How did you do it?! How is it possible that you don't bite your tongue and don't have a ladle in your mouth?"

Zhang Suxin knew it as soon as she heard what she said: "Have you tried singing this song?"

Song Xiaoqin sighed and said: "I thought the lyrics of this song were quite strange, so I gave it a try. Who would have thought that this song is a Cantonese song?!"

With a look of resentment on her face, she stuck out her tongue and said, "Look, my tongue has been bitten..."

If you stick out your tongue to speak, it will inevitably sound a bit tongue-in-cheek. Xianxian suddenly laughed: "Hehe! My sister has such a funny tongue!"

Song Xiaoqin glanced at Xianxian: "It's a big tongue!"

Xianxian then read it again: "Big~tongue! Teasing~"

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

Seeing that Xianxian didn't understand, Song Xiaoqin asked Lu Anzhi the same question again.

Lu Anzhi didn't intend to irritate Song Xiaoqin anymore. He just said that he should learn more and practice more, such as practicing more tongue twisters and so on. He succeeded in getting a look from Song Xiaoqin.

Lu Anzhi found that after being in contact with Zhang Suxin for a long time, people around her tended to roll their eyes. Even Xianxian can pretend to look at people. Even Lu Anzhi himself has recently had a tendency to express his speechlessness with a look that loves white people.

After all four songs were completed, Lu Anzhi asked Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin to make the choice, and finally selected the two songs "Sword Like a Dream" and "End of the World".

The reason why I did not choose "The Hard to Recite Sutra" is precisely because of the language problem. As for "End of the World", they chose it with their feet.

"Tianya" and "Ren Xiaoyao" both feel similar, but both have slight flaws in their lyrics and cannot compare to the other two songs. Both of them and Lu Anzhi were not sure which of the two songs was more suitable for "Legend of Heavenly Sword", so they followed their own preferences.

In comparison, they all prefer the melody of "Tianya".

However, they only recorded this song today, and it was still early, so the three of them thought of striking while the iron was hot and recorded the remaining songs on the Lu Anzhi Music Copyright Network.

Lu Anzhi sang "Today", and Zhang Suxin sang "Thousand Years of Love" and "A Thousand Years of Waiting Once Again". There are still five songs that stimulated Song Xiaoqin that day, as well as three children's songs: "Two Tigers", "Let's Swing the Oars" and "Little Rabbit Be Good".

They stayed at Song Xiaoqin's house for another three days and finished recording the remaining songs. Of those three children's songs, two were sung by Song Xiaoqin.

Seeing Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin singing for so many days, Song Xiaoqin felt itchy to sing. But she still had the same old habit of not wanting the good songs written by Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, so in the end she took away the two children's songs "Two Tigers" and "Little Rabbit Be Good".

These two children's songs are quite simple, but simple is simple, but the quality is not low. In Song Xiaoqin's opinion, they are much better than "Learning to Meow".

So she was quite happy to sing.

As for "Let's Swing the Oars", she knew it was an awesome song as soon as she heard it, so she refused to sing it and let Zhang Suxin sing it.

But after she finished singing, she asked Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin: "We are not in a hurry to pass on these songs, right?"

Zhang Suxin glanced at Lu Anzhi and let Lu Anzhi make the decision.

Lu Anzhi said: "Don't worry, the songs on the ring tones download list are still shining brightly. I don't think there is any need to release songs for the time being."

The songs that Lu Anzhi took out are still occupying the front row on the ring tones download list, and none of the other songs can top it.

This has also led to the popularity of the songs on Shuaigou Music becoming more and more popular, and the controversy over Lu Anzhi, the king of ringing ringtones, has become more and more intense on the Internet.

Hearing what Lu Anzhi said, Song Xiaoqin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. When you are going to release these two children's songs, remember to tell me so that I can be mentally prepared."

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "It's just two children's songs, what kind of mental preparation do you need? These two songs are different from "Learning to Meow", and they will basically not top the download list of ring tones."

Song Xiaoqin said: "I'm not worried about this. I'm worried that my two songs will be targeted again..."

Lu Anzhi was happy and said: "We have already changed people to go on a blind date. Why are you worried about this?"

"makes sense……"

Song Xiaoqin felt depressed for a while.

Zhang Suxin also smiled and said: "I don't think you need to worry. There is no meow meow meow meow in these three songs. Your blind date changed his mind because of meow meow meow meow meow. You also sang another song. Aren’t you paying attention too?”

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

"Cat? Where is the cat?"

Xianxian was attracted by Zhang Suxin's words and asked quickly.

Zhang Suxin said with a smile: "You are looking for Sister Song, your Sister Song is Maomao."

Song Xiaoqin glared at Zhang Suxin angrily.

However, Xianxian glanced at Song Xiaoqin, turned around and shouted to Zhang Suxin: "Well~~~Sister is not a cat!"

"What is that sister?"

"Um... um... sister is sister."

"Oh! Little darling, you finally got it right!"

Song Xiaoqin was finally happy, picked up Xianxian and gave her a big kiss.

The kiss made Xiao Xianxian cry out: "Oh!"

Thanks to 08a for the tip.

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