The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 148 Agreements and Plans

When Zhang Suxin heard Lu Anzhi's suggestion, she shook her head and said, "I also thought about taking Xianxian home directly, but after thinking about it carefully, it's still not appropriate. I have to give my parents some time to prepare. , don’t suddenly take Xianxian back so that they don’t know what to say in front of their relatives and neighbors.”

Lu Anzhi nodded and said, "You're right, I didn't think everything through."

Children's marriage and grades are two major social topics for parents. If Zhang Suxin took herself and Xianxian home without any warning, Zhang Suxin's parents would really not know how to deal with it.

The two of them went into the police station, inquired about the settlement matters, and then made a permit to move here and left first.

After that, Lu Anzhi still needs to take the household registration leaflet to the police station affiliated with the school, complete the move-out procedures, and then move in here.

Driving to Song Xiaoqin's house, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin discussed how to do it well. Finally, I decided to invite Zhang Suxin's parents to Haidu to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then wait for Zhang Suxin's parents to come to Haidu before confessing.

When the time comes, Xianxian is here and she can express herself in person, so I think it will be easier for the two elders to accept it.

Lu Anzhi learned about her parents from Zhang Suxin and found out that they were both high school teachers.

Zhang Suxin's father, Zhang Yuzhi, teaches high school Chinese, and her mother, Miao Suqin, teaches music.

Zhang Suxin embarked on the road of singing because she was influenced by her mother Miao Suqin. However, Zhang Yuzhi has always disagreed with Zhang Suxin's entry into the entertainment industry as a singer, so she had many complaints against Miao Suqin.

And because Zhang Suxin has been almost out of contact in the past two years, Miao Suqin also regrets a little, wondering if it would have been better not to teach Zhang Suxin music.

In short, the two elders are very dissatisfied with Zhang Suxin staying in that circle, and naturally they don't want Zhang Suxin's other half to be in the entertainment industry. Fortunately, Lu Anzhi has not set foot in the entertainment industry now, and he is still writing novels, so he may be able to satisfy Zhang Yuzhi's appetite.

"I checked the time last night. During the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, your copy of "The Little Prince" should be released. With "The Little Prince" here, my dad might be more accepting of you."

Zhang Suxin said this to Lu An when she proposed to meet during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Lu Anzhi didn't expect that the book "The Little Prince" he took out because of Xianxian might have a miraculous effect in conquering his father-in-law, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Do you think it would be easier for me to win over your dad by writing something like a literary masterpiece?"

Lu Anzhi said.

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu An: "What can't be taken down? What you said is really ugly! It's a masterpiece! How dare you think about it! If you can write a masterpiece, my dad might be able to imprison you."


Lu Anzhi didn't dare to answer the call.

Zhang Suxin added: "But my dad is not that kind of scholar. He doesn't read much classics, he only likes to read martial arts novels. He also occasionally reads other types of novels. You have "The Little Prince", which is enough to make him look at it in a new light. "

"That's it..."

Lu Anzhi silently remembered Zhang Suxin's words in his heart.

Martial arts novels...

We drove all the way close to Yipinju, but Lu Anzhi stopped a little further away.

"Why stop here?"

Zhang Suxin asked.

The place where the car stopped was the business district near Yipinju. The square in the business district was a bit deserted during working days, but at nearly noon, there were a few people sitting under a row of parasols in the square. Chatting while eating and drinking.

Lu Anzhi turned off the car, looked at Zhang Suxin, and said with a smile: "Do you remember the agreement we made? Xianxian happened to be at Xiaoqin's place today. Let's just take advantage of this time to complete the agreement."

Zhang Suxin recalled what she had said to Lu Anzhi and said, "I just said it casually. There is no need to come here specially, right? It's boring."

Lu Anzhi had already opened the car door: "Then do you want to get off?"

Zhang Suxin glanced at Lu An and got off the car silently.

Lu Anzhi was already standing in front of Zhang Suxin, squatted slightly and said, "Please, my dear."

"Don't call me that, it's too annoying!"

Zhang Suxin protested, but still lay on Lu Anzhi's back.

Lu Anzhi stood up and carried Zhang Suxin on his back.

The two of them have gone through so much and have reached this point where they finally no longer feel awkward or embarrassed about this little intimate contact.

But no matter what, this moment is here to fulfill the original agreement. Lu Anzhi carried Zhang Suxin on his back, and the two of them recalled the slender "one more time" that day, as well as the people under them and the weight on their backs, and they felt sad for a moment.

Everything fell into place, and to this point today, I feel... pretty good.

"How about I carry you to Xiaoqin's house?"

"Not so good."

"It's okay. This place is not far from Yipinju. Don't underestimate my physical strength."

"Then don't think I'm too heavy."

"Do you think you are heavy?"


Lu Anzhi carried Zhang Suxin all the way out of the business district and walked to the door of Yipinju. The security guard at the door was very professional and turned a blind eye to the actions of Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin.

The two of them entered the Yipin Residence. Zhang Suxin asked, "Are you tired?"

Lu Anzhi said: "It's not bad, not very tiring."

Zhang Suxin said: "I hear you are a little breathless."

Lu Anzhi said: "It's okay, just a little."

Zhang Suxin said: "Put me down when you are tired."

Lu Anzhi said: "It's okay, we're just two steps away. We're almost at the door of Xiaoqin's house."

Then they quickly arrived outside Song Xiaoqin's house.

Song Xiaoqin and Xianxian were playing in the villa yard. Lu Anzhi heard Xianxian's call before he carried Zhang Suxin to the door of Song Xiaoqin's villa yard.

"Dad! Mom!"

The two looked for the sound and saw Xiao Xianxian dancing and jumping around.

The little guy must have seen the two of them and was extremely happy. His jumping movements seemed to be dancing, but the dancing was so messy that no one could understand it.

Lu Anzhi put Zhang Suxin down. In the courtyard of the villa, Song Xiaoqin had already led Xianxian to the door and opened the door for the two of them.

Xianxian rushed over and hugged Lu Anzhi's leg.

Lu Anzhi picked up Xianxian.

Xianxian asked: "Dad, what are you and mom doing?"

Song Xiaoqin said quietly: "What else can you do! Humph! Haha!"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

As a result, Xianxian imitated Song Xiaoqin's speech again: "Humph! Haha! I'm sorry!"

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin laughed out loud.

Song Xiaoqin sighed speechlessly: "Your family is really my nemesis!" After finishing speaking, she asked again, "How is it?"

Zhang Suxin said: "It's done."

Song Xiaoqin suddenly became interested: "Show me."

Zhang Suxin took out her and Lu Anzhi's marriage certificate and showed it to Song Xiaoqin. The little guy Xianxian also came to watch, but when he saw that only Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were up there, he was unhappy: "Where is Xianxian?"

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