The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 150 The God of Wealth is going to abandon you

In one night, Lu Anzhi wrote a quarter of the first chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

He now has a regular schedule and rests when the time comes. Even if you have to stay up a little longer for something, it won't be too long.

Before going to bed, he asked Qiuqiu: When will the next issue of the electronic magazine be released?

Although he has been receiving free e-magazines from Under the Maple Tree, he has never taken the time to read them. In the past when he was traveling, he would only read them when he had time to think about them. Therefore, there is no accurate idea of ​​the release time of this electronic magazine.

Occasionally I remember the time, but if I don't pay attention after a few days, I will forget it.

This guy Kuku has always been a champion of staying up late, so naturally it is impossible to fall asleep at this point. When she saw the news about Lu Anzhi, she immediately asked: What's the matter on the weekend, Boss B?

Lu Anzhi looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer. Today was Tuesday. It has only been two days since the last electronic magazine was released.

He then asked Kuku: Can the electronic magazine under the maple tree publish martial arts novels?

Bitter reply: What Maple Tree does is not a martial arts magazine, Boss B. There are very few martial arts magazines nowadays, and there is only one ancient and modern legend. However, Ancient and Modern Legends is a physical version and does not have an electronic magazine.

Lu Anzhi: Oh, do any of you know the editor of Ancient and Modern Legends? Can you give me your contact information?

Kuku immediately sent a question mark.

In the bedroom of Kuku's house, the editor seemed to have some kind of ominous premonition. When he saw Lu Anzhi's question in Qiuqiu, he accidentally knocked the water glass in his hand on the ground.

"Bian Xiaogu, what are you doing?! Can you calm down?!"

The irritable voices of the family immediately sounded outside the bedroom.

"I didn't do anything. I accidentally dropped the water glass."

Speaking bitterly, he asked Doraemon in Qiuqiu: Boss B, what do you mean by this?

Then she went to pick up the water glass from the ground.

As soon as she picked up the water glass, the miserable mother entered her bedroom, glanced at the floor, then went out to get a rag, while complaining: "I don't look for my boyfriend every day, except when I go to work." When I get out, I know how to surf the Internet. If I don’t stop surfing the Internet, I can drop my water glass. Why don’t you drop yourself one day?”

He said bitterly: "I didn't mean it...Give me the rag and I'll just wipe it myself."

The miserable mother walked closer while talking and said: "Let me come, you can watch your computer work and go about your work. Every time I talk about you, you always say you are working. Why don't you say it this time?" ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Ku Ku shouting: "What?!"

The miserable mother's eyes widened immediately: "Bian Xiaogu, that's all if I don't say anything to you. Do you still want to quarrel with me?!"


Kuku quickly pointed to the computer and said, "I'm not questioning you, Mom, it's Boss B, just Doraemon..."

The miserable mother said: "Your God of Wealth? What's wrong?"

She is not interested in the current magazine Under the Maple Tree, and feels that youth fantasy literature is not something she would like at her age.

But she will still pay some attention to the number one author in her daughter Bian Xiaogu's hands. After all, my daughter has received a lot of bonuses from this God of Wealth. I heard that this year’s bonuses will be even greater and will break the record.

So when Bian Xiaogu said Doraemon, my miserable mother immediately stopped complaining.


Bian Xiaogu pointed at the computer screen and said.

The distressed mother leaned in front of the computer screen to take a look. On the screen, in the Qiuqiu chat box with "Teacher Big B", "Teacher Big B sent the latest news":

I just wrote a martial arts novel and want to serialize it as soon as possible. If any of you have the contact information of the editor at Ancient and Modern Legends, can you give me one? I'm going to submit an article.

Kukun's mother seemed even more anxious than Kuku for a moment: "What's going on?! Why didn't you entertain this Doraemon well? Why did they abandon you?"

Kuku was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Mom, what are you talking about? I have served Mr. B very well. Can I neglect the God of Wealth? Why can't I serve him well? It's just that people asked me if our magazine can be distributed. Publish martial arts novels, I told him that the only magazine that publishes martial arts now is Ancient and Modern Legends..."

As she spoke, she replied to Lu Anzhi on Qiuqiu: Boss B, are you going to abandon me just like that?

Lu Anzhi replied within a few seconds: What do you mean I abandoned you? Didn’t you say that you don’t accept martial arts novels under the maple tree?

Before Kuku had time to answer Lu Anzhi's words, Kuku's mother said: "Look, it's your problem, you are still stubborn with me. I would say your magazine is the same, you always publish those messy novels. What do you mean? Martial arts is so good, but you won’t accept it. I used to like reading martial arts novels.”

"Yes, yes, you also like it now. I know martial arts dramas are your favorite."

He gave a perfunctory answer. It's obviously a matter of the magazine's direction, what does it have to do with her? Moreover, Mr. B did not directly ask her whether Mr. B's own martial arts novels could be published in Under the Maple Tree magazine.

However, she knew that she couldn't make sense with her mother on this issue, so she stopped arguing. She talked perfunctorily with her mother, and while typing new words on her hand, she talked to Lu Anzhi:

Mr. B, you didn’t tell me it was your book. If it’s just a martial arts book and it’s yours, Mr. B, then there should be no problem. Mr. B, let’s not abandon the near and seek the distant. Let’s try publishing it in our own magazine?

Upon seeing this, the bitter mother said: "That's right. Martial arts novels are very good. This time I have to pay attention to what you, the God of Wealth, write. I didn't expect that he would also write martial arts."

"People can also write fairy tales."

As he was talking bitterly, he saw Lu Anzhi asking again in Qiuqiu: Don't we need to consider the audience issue?

Kuku immediately replied: Of course others have to consider it, but who are you, Mr. B? You are Doraemon! Your pen name is the biggest golden sign. Do you have any manuscripts now? If there is any, Mr. B, please send it directly. I will apply to the editor immediately after reviewing the manuscript.

Teacher Big B: No, I have written a little bit of the first chapter. I will send it to you after I finish it tomorrow. This book should be serialized in a magazine like the previous "Holy Biography".

After thinking hard, I replied: If it is fully serialized, it may affect the sales of some physical books. However, Mr. B, you have too many plans for physical books this year, and you really can’t spare the right time to arrange the release of a new book.

Teacher Big B: That’s it, I’ll write the first chapter tomorrow and send you the manuscript.

He breathed a sigh of relief and replied: OK! Looking forward to Mr. B’s manuscript. But Master B, why did you think of writing martial arts?

Teacher Big B: Martial arts are also fairy tales.

Teacher Big B: A fairy tale for adults.

The miserable mother saw these two sentences from Lu Anzhifa from behind, and exclaimed: "Look at what others said, how good it is! He is indeed a great writer, no wonder he can be your God of Wealth. Bian Xiaogu, how wonderful Learn from others.”

Kuku: "..."

Thanks to Sanjue Shusheng and 08a for the reward.

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