The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 156 The new book is non-toxic and knife-free, you can read it

Two more days have passed, and Doraemon's new fairy tale works "The Little Prince" and "Doraemon's Fairy Tale Short Stories" have finally been released.

In Lu Anzhi's Sanwei Bookstore, Wang Ping also put these two books on the bookshelf.

As the day went by, the sales of these two books were pretty good, and several copies were taken away by customers. Some buy them individually, some buy them both together. If this continues, sooner or later these two fairy tales will be ordered more.

Wang Ping kept a set of "The Little Prince" and "A Collection of Doraemon's Fairy Tales". She paid the bill at the counter and planned to take it back to her son and grandson at night.

However, although this book is a fairy tale, it must be read to his son Yan Shunan first.

Yan Shun'an said that Doraemon's novel has a serious tragic plot and may not be suitable for children. It is best to let him read it first to check, so as not to make such a handsome hero depressed.

Wang Ping felt that her son was right.

She couldn't understand. The boss Lu Anzhi usually seemed so calm and easy-going, his wife was so beautiful, his daughter was so cute, and he seemed to have a happy married life. Why did he love to write tragedies so much?

The characteristics of his own boss are already well-known on the Internet. Wang Ping also learned about it from his son Yan Shunan and daughter-in-law Liu Xiuting.

"The Little Prince" and "Dora B Dream Fairy Tales Short Stories" are not bad in popularity, but they are still far behind the original "Dragon Trilogy". Therefore, Wang Ping did not need to worry that these two books would be sold out quickly, so she kept one for herself.

Lin Shuhua didn't come to Sanwei Bookstore until late in the evening.

Firstly, she had classes during the day and couldn't afford to visit the bookstore. Secondly, she thought that the previous times she came during the day, she couldn't meet the owner of the bookstore. This time, she would try at night and maybe she could meet the owner. .

So she chose this time to come.

She stood in the store and looked around.

The lights have been turned on in Sanwei Bookstore. The rows of bookshelves under the lights are neatly arranged, and there is not a single other customer in sight. There is a soothing song playing on the speaker in the bookstore, but it is not loud. If a guest is reading in the corner of the long table, he will not be affected by the music.

Not only can't you see the guests, but you can't see the boss either. In the bookstore, which is not big but not small either, Wang Ping is the only one behind the counter.

Lin Shuhua was a little disappointed, but he was already used to it.

I’ve been here so many times and never met the boss, so why should I meet him this time?

She asked Wang Ping directly: "Hello aunt, do you have "The Little Prince" and "Doraemon Short Fairy Tale Collection"?"

Wang Ping pointed to the bookshelf in the store and said, "Yes, it's on the second row of bookshelf over there."

This position on the bookshelf has become a special place for Lu Anzhi's new works. "Dragon Clan III" was sold out. After reprinting, due to Lu Anzhi's request, this set of books was no longer available in the bookstore. Therefore, there is no "Dragon Clan III" in the store now. The one that was there before was always "Dragon Clan". two".

Now "Dragon 2" has been moved to another bookshelf, and its position has been replaced by "The Little Prince" and "Dora B Dream Short Stories and Fairy Tales".

"Well, thank you."

Lin Shuhua thanked him, went to the bookshelf, picked up a copy of "The Little Prince" and "A Collection of Doraemon Short Stories and Fairy Tales", and paid at the counter.

After paying the money, she sat down on the corner of the long table, first removed the transparent plastic envelope of "Dora B Dream's Collection of Short Stories and Fairy Tales", and opened it to read.

She was a little curious about the "Tadpole Looking for Mom" ​​that her boss had shown her.

According to the page number indicated in the table of contents, turn the book to "Tadpole" to find your mother. Lin Shuhua looked at it.

This short fairy tale is indeed very short. The simple story is accompanied by pictures full of childishness, so the number of pages is extended.

This novel is indeed, as my grandfather said, a short story that is both educational and entertaining. There are not many big principles in the story, but through the short story of Doraemon looking for his mother, he can capture the characteristics of different animals, allowing people to distinguish frogs, tadpoles, goldfish, crabs, turtles, catfish, etc.

Such a childlike story made Lin Shuhua feel like reading the works of an older generation of fairy tale writers like her grandfather.

Grandpa will definitely like this kind of fairy tale, right?

Lin Shuhua thought to himself.

After she finished reading the novel, she stood up and looked around. The boss was still nowhere to be seen in the bookstore, so she picked up two books and left Sanwei Bookstore.

After a while, Wang Ping called Lu Anzhi to explain, and told Lu Anzhi that she had bought two books, paid the price, closed the door and went home.

Lu Anzhi told her on the phone that she didn't have to pay, but she firmly refused.

After returning home, Wang Ping gave "The Little Prince" and "Dora B Dream Short Story Collection" to her son Yan Shunan.

Yan Shun'an learned the lesson he learned from watching "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" last time, and this time he didn't dare to dive into the book as soon as he got it. After having dinner together, I helped Wang Ping and Liu Xiuting clean up the dining table and kitchen before going to get a book to read.

In the middle, Liu Xiuting kicked him out of the kitchen and asked him to read a book by himself, but he refused.

Yan Shunan watched "The Little Prince". He read the comments on the Internet and knew that some people speculated that "The Little Prince" was a spin-off of the "Dragon" story, so he became even more interested in the novel.

Although Yan Shun'an felt that the claims on the Internet were impossible, he still had some expectations in his heart.

And when the page of the book was turned, he was finally disappointed.

"The Little Prince" is really a fairy tale.

But this fairy tale has a really different feel. As an adult, Yan Shun'an concentrated on looking and actually looked in. After reading it, I was quite touched.

This novel is not long, and the chapters are sparsely divided, making it easy to read briefly. There are also childlike illustrations in the middle. Yan Shun'an, a veteran reader who reads a lot, looks very fast. I finished reading this novel in one night.

However, he was still unfinished and felt that he could read the book in detail again.

"What, have you finished reading?"

His wife Liu Xiuting asked him.


Yan Shunan nodded and said, "I never expected that Doraemon could write such an excellent fairy tale."

Liu Xiuting said: "I feel like you have said this once a few days ago."

Yan Shun'an said: "Really? It seems so. Who would have thought that this guy could be so good at writing martial arts, and he could be so good at writing fairy tales?"

Liu Xiuting asked: "How outstanding is it? It makes you feel like this."

Yan Shun'an gave the book to Liu Xiuting and said, "You can read it yourself. This book is very good, quite philosophical, not difficult to read, and even you can read it."

Liu Xiuting took the book.

Yan Shunan took another book and went to his son Yan Junjie's bedroom. He is now convinced that Doraemon's fairy tale is non-toxic and knife-free, and he can show it to his son.

Knocking on the door of Yan Junjie's bedroom, Yan Shun'an saw that his son had finished his homework but had not gone to bed yet. He took the book to Yan Junjie and said, "Here, I'll give you a book. Go to bed early."

"Okay, thank you dad."

Yan Junjie took the book and said something, and when Yan Shunan went out and closed the door, he opened the book, flipped through it, and found one of the stories——

"Snow Child".

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