The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 175 Behind the Scenes Preparations

After Lu Anzhi had an idea in his mind, he put down his phone and took a rest.

He didn't know if this idea would work, if there was room for proper operation, and if it would produce results. But after all, we have a direction and we have to give it a try.

However, this matter did not happen overnight. He calmed himself down and did not rush.

After waking up and recuperating, he and Zhang Suxin took care of Xianxian to get up, wash and eat, and then said they had something to do and left Zhang Suxin's house.

"Go home early after your work."

Zhang Suxin said this when he came out of the house.

He couldn't help but smile, nodded, and said, "Yeah, okay."

After getting a wife like this, how could I not protect her from the wind and rain?

Why didn't he come back and give the once unreasonable wind and rain a beating?

Lu Anzhi first returned to Sanwei Bookstore, went to the second floor to open his laptop, finished writing the seventh chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and sent it to the editor.

After finishing his daily work, Lu Anzhi searched for information about the singer variety show that Huo Jiawen participated in and checked it in detail.

That singer variety show was actually broadcast on CCTV Variety Channel, and it was called "Singer Sets Sail". The main focus is on rising star singers competing on stage, as well as live broadcast and online scoring modes.

Lu Anzhi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that in this era, besides the Spring Festival Gala, there would be live broadcasts.

He browsed the information carefully and realized that the host of this variety show was Han Guangyuan, a famous variety show director of CCTV, nicknamed Han Dazui.

Han Guangyuan has led many variety shows on CCTV Variety Channel, with excellent quality and high popularity.

In the past two years, more and more auditions and PK-type variety shows have become popular, and they are becoming more and more popular. A year ago, Han Guang made an angry comment about the fake love and overflow of scripts in such variety shows, which attracted a lot of ridicule.

Afterwards, Han Guangyuan was so angry that he launched the variety show "Singer Set Sail", inviting well-known singers to be judges, and new singers to compete on the same stage. The scoring mechanism is judges and live audiences, audience SMS voting, and online real-time voting. accounting for a quarter.

Han Guangyuan has experience in hosting the Spring Festival Gala. He has said in public many times that he is confident of hosting a live variety show, so that the audience can have a good look at what a real talent show should be like.

Lu Anzhi didn't know whether what Han Guangyuan said was true or not. If what he said was true, then his plan might really come true.

Although if this plan is useful, it can only play a small role and cannot cause the other party to suffer. But if you have an idea, you will always do it.

There is a first step for everything before you can take the second step.

He took a look at the guest list, and there were actually two acquaintances confirmed on it -

Zhou Bo, and Yuan Yi.

One is the new little king, and the other is the established queen.

There is another person named Du Yuning, who is also a very senior figure in the music industry. He has strong singing skills and has many classic old songs.

Lu Anzhi looked at the list of judges and suddenly felt that the entertainment industry in this world was so small. There are two acquaintances among the three judges.

He called Zhou Bo and asked some questions.

From Zhou Bo, he learned that although "Singer Sets Sail" is still in the preparation stage, almost all the singers have been invited.

The competition method will be announced later, and it is actually very simple.

Because it was the first time to experiment with this kind of live variety show, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the variety show, Han Guangyuan simplified the program process as much as possible.

The specific process is: one day before the start of each program, the singers check in to the program group and submit singing tracks to the program group, which will be announced by the program group through television and the Internet. After the announcement, you have half a day to change the track, and the track is locked after half a day.

The live broadcast process of the program consists of entering the venue, drawing lots, singing on stage, scoring by the judges, and scoring by the live audience and text message and online audiences.

There will be a time limit for SMS and online audience scoring to ensure fairness. SMS and online voting results will be announced on the official website in real time, and a dedicated notary office will notarize the results to ensure authenticity and validity.

"Why is Teacher Lu interested in this variety show? You don't want to make a debut, do you?"

After Zhou Bo answered Lu Anzhi's question, he suddenly realized something and said, "Speaking of which, Teacher Lu, you have also published music. You are quite famous and very popular, which fits the requirements of Director Han's program.

"How about I say hello to Director Han? If Teacher Lu is coming, it will be no problem! And Sister Fang, my agent has been thinking about you for a long time and wants to sign you to make your debut. .”

Lu Anzhidao: "I'm not making my debut. But I'm really interested in this variety show. Let me think about it. If it's possible, I really need your help in introducing it."

Zhou Bodao: "Okay, no problem! I'll wait for your news."

After Lu Anzhi hung up the phone, he sat in a chair and thought for a while, then called Song Xiaoqin.

After Song Xiaoqin answered the phone, she said in surprise: "Hey, why did you remember to call me?"

Lu Anzhi said: "I have something I want to talk to you about."

Song Xiaoqin asked: "What's the matter? Tell me."

Lu Anzhi said: "Where are you? I'm going to find you. It's not convenient to talk on the phone, so it's better to meet in person."

Song Xiaoqin said: "I'm at home. Come over. Are Suxin and Xianxian coming too? I haven't seen them for a few days and I still miss them."

Lu Anzhi said: "If they don't go over, it's me alone who has trouble with you."

Song Xiaoqin said: "You are looking for me alone?! What's the matter?" After asking, she said, "Forget it, let's meet and talk, then I'll wait for you at the restaurant at the door. We, Suxin and Xianxian have eaten together. A place to eat.”

Lu Anzhi said: "Okay, I'll be there in a moment."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Anzhi said hello to Wang Ping and went out to drive.

On the way, he was thinking about what he wanted to say, and he couldn't help but drive a little slowly. When he arrived at the hotel Song Xiaoqin was talking about at Yipinjuwai, Song Xiaoqin had already sat down in the hotel and was waiting for him with a drink.

After sitting down opposite Song Xiaoqin, Song Xiaoqin called the waiter and asked Lu Anzhi to order a drink, and then asked Lu Anzhi: "Is there something that we must meet and we have to avoid Suxin?"

She thought that Lu Anzhi came to see her alone and naturally avoided Zhang Suxin. I just don't understand what needs Lu Anzhi to avoid Zhang Suxin.

Lu Anzhi said: "There is something wrong, but I have to ask you two questions first."

"what is the problem?"

Song Xiaoqin asked.

Lu Anzhi said: "Do you know what happened three years ago?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "You know, wasn't it just that you and Suxin had Xianxian, and Suxin retired for you and Xianxian? What's wrong?"

It seems that I don’t know anymore.

After all, it was hard to talk about this kind of thing. Zhang Suxin didn't want Song Xiaoqin to worry, so it was normal not to tell her.

Lu Anzhi did not rush to answer Song Xiaoqin's question and asked a second question: "Do you want to make a debut?"

Song Xiaoqin: "???!!!"

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