The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 275 Enthusiasm for punching in regardless of age

Lu Anzhi looked at the CRBT music website on his phone. "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" is still ranked 27th. But its download data is already very high, not far from the 26th place.

Hearing Zhang Suxin's question, Lu Anzhi said: "The top ten should be no problem. But I don't think it is easy to surpass "Learning to Meow" and reach the top spot. "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" wants to surpass "Learning to Meow" , I guess I need to rely on some tricks to get out of the circle." What he just told Song Xiaoqin was the truth, but Song Xiaoqin had obviously been carried away and did not believe him.

Zhang Suxin believed in Lu Anzhi's judgment and asked, "What's the reason for getting out of the circle?"

Lu Anzhi recalled the popularity of this song on the Internet in his previous life, and said with a smile: "The rhythm and melody of this song are quite versatile. If someone can play video editing, he can edit this song with other TV movies or singers' songs. , it will probably be quite fun if you put it on the Internet.”

In its previous life, "The Most Dazzling National Style" was actually aimed at older people at the beginning. Later, this song also became popular among the younger generation. It was thanks to the various videos, film and television clips, ghosts, etc. that were first released on Bilibili that the song was successfully brought out of the circle. .

The Phoenix Legend really became popular among the younger generation after the short video platform became popular and Zeng Yi stopped "yoyocheke". People suddenly realized that Phoenix Legend was actually so trendy and powerful. Since then, the Phoenix Legend fan base has welcomed a large number of young people.

Of course, the situation in this life is much better than in the previous life. The combination of Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin is already somewhat famous among younger people. Their song styles are diverse, complex and very fashionable, ranging from "Learning to Meow" to heavy metal, as well as "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Lady". An innovative song.

In the eyes of many netizens, the three people in Zhang Suxin's studio can be said to be the most fashionable and playful musicians. Because of this impression, Zhang Suxin Studio has many fans who pursue individuality and are extremely active on the Internet.

Therefore, the spread of "The Most Dazzling National Style" may exceed that of its previous life from the beginning, but it may not be that easy to reach the top.


Zhang Suxin nodded. She had never seen the scene Lu Anzhi was talking about and could not imagine it in her mind.

The two of them did not continue the topic after that. They are here for vacation, not for work, so there is no need to worry about these things. Therefore, although Lu Anzhi knew about those wonderful works in his previous life and was deeply impressed by them, he had no intention of replicating these works in this world.

That would be too tiring.

I already write novels and songs. It’s okay to use these jobs to adjust my daily routine. Why should I find other things to add a burden to my life?

As it approaches noon, the sun gradually becomes brighter on the beach. The family went back to the hotel to rest.

There are also many places for leisure in the hotel, including indoor and outdoor swimming pools, gyms, KTV, etc., and there are also children's playgrounds.

After lunch, I took a nap with Xianxian. In the afternoon, when the sun was still shining, the family walked around the hotel and experienced the experience. Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin went to the gym and swimming pool to play, while Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin took Xianxian to play in the children's playground all afternoon.

Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin originally wanted to accompany Xianxian, but they were driven away by Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi. It is rare for the two elders to come to Yanan, so Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin will naturally not let them spend all their time taking care of Xianxian. It is only right to let them experience, enjoy and enjoy.

In the evening, the sun was no longer so strong, and the family went to the beach again. Lu Anzhi brought his camera and took many photos of the family and many beautiful photos of Xianxian.

The little guy is now very good at POS. Lu Anzhi pointed the camera lens at her. She faced Lu Anzhi and tilted her little head slightly, raised her little hand, stretched out two fingers, gestured "yeah", and then showed A bright smile. It's just that the palms of her hands are always facing herself, and the "yeah" is the other way around.

The family went to bed earlier this night. The next day they got up early and went to the beach to watch the sunrise.

When the sun slowly rose from the horizon, Xianxian couldn't help jumping up and down, clapping her hands and saying happily: "Wow! It's so beautiful!"

Zhang Suxin asked her: "Is the sun more beautiful now or at noon?"

Xianxian made her choice without hesitation: "You are beautiful now!"

In the next few days, the family continued this pattern and vacationed at the beach. Occasionally I go to the scenic spots in Longwan, but after wandering around, the final evaluation is still not as good as the seaside.

However, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin still wanted to take a look at the famous "Tianya Haijiao" in Sanwan, as well as the Guanyin Statue in the South China Sea. They said it was very famous there and many colleagues and friends would go there when they came to Sanwan. After finally coming to Yanan, it would be a pity not to go there for a while.

Lu Anzhi's enthusiasm for checking in is really shared by everyone, but younger people have different choices of checking in than older people.

He rented a car and took his family to the ends of the earth in Sanwan, and then to the Guanyin Statue in Nanhai, where he checked in and took photos. After the trip, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin both commented unanimously on this day's itinerary: "It's not interesting, not as good as Longwan."

However, they did not feel it was a pity to waste a day. Adhering to the idea that they come as they come, they took photos in these two places and had a great time.

On the eleventh day of the first lunar month, Lu Anzhi rented a car and took his family to stay in Huawan. Song Xiaoqin also flew to Yanan and rushed to the hotel in Huawan to meet Zhang Suxin's family.

On the eleventh day of the first lunar month, relatively few people were traveling to Yanan for vacation. Song Xiaoqin booked a hotel and a room in advance. As soon as she saw Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, she said happily: "Look! Look! "The Most Dazzling National Style" is in the top ten! It's just around the corner to be number one!"

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin didn't pay much attention to CRail Music Network these days, but they didn't expect Song Xiaoqin to be so interested. She was obviously numb to "Learning to Meow" being number one on the charts before, but now she cares so much about it.

It seems that this Chinese New Year has a big impact on Song Xiaoqin.

The two of them took a look at, and sure enough they saw that "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" had already entered the top ten, pushing four songs back to the sixth position.

While Song Xiaoqin was still excited, Xianxian pulled Song Xiaoqin's sleeve and said, "Sister, where's the red envelope?"

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