The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 286 The illustrator quits his job and the origin of the pen name “Dora B Dream”

Lu Anzhi didn't understand what the editor meant, so he sent a message asking: What do you mean I'm finally back?

Kuku: The old you is finally back! I received three manuscripts at once, I am so happy!

Lu Anzhi:......

Kuku asked again: Oh, by the way, Boss B, this book has been serialized so far. I think the story has progressed a lot. How many words and chapters are there left to finish?

When I asked this question, Kuku actually felt aggrieved, and at the same time a little happy.

Which other editor doesn't know the outline of the author's novel so that he can follow up on the progress of the author's novel and use the outline to discuss things like the rhythm of the article and plot changes with the author when necessary?

But she is different. The other authors she had were fine, but Lu Anzhi, apart from giving her an outline for the first book, had never given her an outline for any other novel.

Therefore, she had no control over the progress of Lu Anzhi's novel. Fortunately, she could finish the novel immediately after receiving it. She could read it in one go. At most, when reviewing the novel, like ordinary readers, she would be surprised by the plot in the novel. But the serial novel is different. She is completely dark.

If it weren't for Lu Anzhi's novels, which have always been extremely complete, have excellent content, are stable in performance, and have never had any problems, the editorial department would never have agreed to serialize such a novel with only the beginning and nothing else.

After all, in this world, online novels are still in magazine mode. For the sake of the e-magazine's reputation, the editor has very strict control over the overall direction of the novel, which is different from the website serialization in the previous life.

And this is what makes Kuku feel happy. She couldn't get an outline from Lu Anzhi, and she didn't need an outline at all. Lu Anzhi's stable performance means that the novel does not need to be revised at all. The entire editorial department believes that Doraemon will never miss the mark in the serialization, and they are extremely assured of him.

So for the hard daily work, I only need to rush for manuscripts, read manuscripts, and arrange other matters for Lu Anzhi's novel. There is a lot less work, and I can earn a lot of bonuses. What could be happier than this?

Sometimes Kuku even fancifully wishes that the authors under her could be like Boss B. That would save her a lot of trouble. Once she accidentally told her colleagues about her whims, and they complained with envy and hatred: "You really dare to think about it! We can only imagine that we have a trump card like Doraemon in our hands." That’s fine, you still dare to think about having a bunch of Doraemon under your hands! What a fool you are!”

However, even though he wants to do good things, Ku Ku is still very dedicated when he should be dedicated. For example, now, she has considered the progress of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in advance and specifically asked Lu Anzhi, thinking that if the novel is coming to an end, she will quickly report to the editor-in-chief and follow up on the release of the single volume.

Lu Anzhi said: "This book has a total of forty chapters, and it is indeed almost finished."

According to the serialization schedule, it will take almost two months.

He said bitterly: Ah! Then you can start preparing a separate book. Fortunately, I asked you in advance, and it was just in time. If I reported it and started preparations, I could directly receive the single book after the serialization, which would be the most popular and the sales would be better.

Lu Anzhi: Well, you are the editor, so you can make arrangements.

Kuku: Okay.

Kuku is also glad that Boss B is so easy to talk to - although he always likes to stimulate her.

She remembered something and sent another message to Qiuqiu: Oh, by the way, Boss B, one more thing. Zhai Xiao said that after she finished drawing the illustrations for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", she planned to stop taking illustrations. When you publish your next novel, you will have to change the illustrator. Do you want me to recommend a group of illustrators to you, and you can take a look at their works and choose from them? But there is no need to rush this matter. Boss B, you can choose it whenever you are free.

Zhai Xiao is the illustrator who has been working with Lu Anzhi, and his pen name is "Qingtian". Her style is changeable and her storyboards are very strong. She can perfectly adapt to every work of Lu Anzhi and adjust her style according to the work. She can even paint the childlike, innocent and childish style in "The Little Prince". Lu Anzhi has always been very satisfied with her.

Hearing that Zhai Xiao suddenly stopped painting, Lu An was a little surprised for a moment: Is something wrong with her? Why don't you draw any more?

Lu Anzhi thought that if Zhai Xiao encountered any difficulties, he could help her. Even if it was a financial problem, he could directly take action. It is not easy to find such a satisfactory illustrator, and Lu Anzhi does not want to miss such a partner.

Kuku: Nothing wrong. She just graduated and doesn’t plan to draw illustrations in the future. She wants to try her hand at drawing comics.

Lu Anzhi:?

Kuku: What’s wrong?

Lu Anzhi: You mean...she just graduated? !

Lu Anzhi really couldn't believe it. Zhai Xiao's mastery of styles is so varied. During "The Legend of Wukong" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", he could even paint ink-and-wash paintings with a sharp style and full of artistic conception. Lu Anzhi always thought that Zhai Xiao had profound skills and his age He must be old, but now Kuku told him that Zhai Xiao had just graduated, how could he dare to believe it? !

——He is Qiuqiu’s friend who has Zhai Xiao, but he rarely chats with her. Zhai Xiao's illustration contract was also signed through Maple Tree. At that time, he signed the contract first, then Zhai Xiao signed it, and then the maple tree reviewed the signature and sent it to him. He kept it aside without opening it, so he had no idea about Zhai Xiao's age. Don't understand.

Kuku was confused for a moment: Boss B, you don’t know? !

Lu Anzhi: Do I need to know?

Kuku: Isn’t it written in the contract?

Lu Anzhi: I didn’t open it and read it.


Lu Anzhi: I'll ask her.

Kuku: OK. Then I'm going to read the manuscript, Boss B.

After that, Lu Anzhi opened Zhai Xiao's Qiuqiu chat interface.

Zhai Xiao’s Qiuqiu name is also called “Sunny Day”, and her avatar is the illustration character Hui Liyi she drew herself.

Lu Anzhi asked first: Are you there?

He turned on the computer and waited for a long time when there was no response, so he turned off the computer first, planning to talk later.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Suxin asked. She noticed that Lu Anzhi had stopped writing novels just now. After Qiuqiu chatted for a while, he kept waiting with the computer on. While playing with Xianxian, he would look at the computer from time to time and ask.

Lu Anzhi said: "It's okay. It's possible that I have to change the illustrator."

Zhang Suxin said: "Ah? Isn't that sunny day nice? Why do you need to change it?"

Lu Anzhi glanced at Zhang Suxin and smiled: "You actually know the name of the illustrator. Most people don't pay attention to this at all."

Zhang Suxin said: "Of course ordinary illustrators don't pay attention, but Qingtian is different. She is so amazing. Just wait." While talking, she got up and went to the bedroom, took out a book from the drawer and showed it to Lu Anzhi. .

Lu An took a look and saw that it turned out to be a "Sunny Day Illustration Collection" published by Maple Tree. There were many paintings in it, all of which were illustrations from Lu An's novels.

"You actually still have this book?! I never knew!"

Lu Anzhi was a little surprised.

This collection of illustrations was released by Feng Shuxia in the first half of last year. Its sales volume is not as high as Lu Anzhi's novels, but it is still pretty good among illustration collections. Lu Anzhi also earned some profits from this collection of paintings.

Zhang Suxin said: "Yes, I bought this book as soon as it came out. To tell you the truth, I will read your "Dragon", half of the reason is Xiaoqin's recommendation, but the other half of the reason is because of Qingtian Painting cover. If I hadn’t been attracted by the cover she drew, I wouldn’t have bought your book.”

Lu Anzhi laughed: "In that case, I have to thank her. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to make my wife look at me differently."


Zhang Suxin wrinkled her nose at Lu Anzhi.

And Xianxian has been attracted by the painting album in Lu Anzhi's hand, and said: "Let Xianxian have a look! Let Xianxian have a look!"

Lu Anzhi handed the book to Xianxian and told her, "Xianxian, be careful not to damage it. This is mom's book."

"Hmm, mom's book is so delicate that it won't get damaged."

Xianxian said, and immediately went to the coffee table to get a pen to draw on the album.

Zhang Suxin quickly confiscated the album, handed the coloring book to Xianxian, opened a new, clean page, and said, "Xianxian, draw on this."

Xianxian didn't care and said, "Okay!" and then doodled.

Zhang Suxin put the album aside and asked Lu Anzhi: "What's wrong with Sunny? Why do you stop painting so well?"

Lu Anzhi told Zhang Suxin what Kuku had said to him. Zhang Suxin was also a little surprised that Qingtian had just graduated from college, but she didn't have any opinions on how Lu Anzhi would communicate with Qingtian and what kind of illustrator he would use in the future.

This is Lu Anzhi's matter. Lu Anzhi has his own ideas. She will not interfere with Lu Anzhi with her own opinions.

She went to prepare dinner and let Lu Anzhi wash her hands cleanly and sit down to eat.

While eating, Lu Anzhi glanced at his cell phone. He logged into Qiuqiu on his mobile phone and happened to see a message from Zhai Xiao.

Qingtian: Here, what’s wrong, Teacher Lu?

Lu Anzhi: Are you planning to draw comics?

Sunny: Well, yes. I have always wanted to draw comics, and I want to try it after I graduate.

Lu Anzhi: What do you plan to draw?

Qingtian made a sarcastic expression, and then said: I haven't thought about it, I just want to draw. Originally I wanted to see if I could draw a "Dragon" comic, but then I decided that would be too unchallenging, so I decided to draw something else. But I can't find the direction. I thought about several ideas, but the editor killed them all.

Regarding the comic adaptation of "Dragon", Maple Tree has been looking for a suitable cartoonist. Because of the extremely high popularity of this work, Under the Maple Tree was very cautious about adapting the comic and always wanted to find a strong cartoonist. They also considered Sunny Day, but Sunny Day did not agree. Lu Anzhi knew this.

Lu Anzhi: Have you even found an editor?

Qingtian: It was recommended to me by editor Kugui, the editor of Painting Friends. Mr. Lu, aren’t your manga adaptations of “The Legend of Saint” and “The Legend of Wukong” also serialized on Art Friends?

Lu Anzhi understood now. Huayou is a magazine that specializes in comics. It used to be a paper magazine, but it has only transformed in the past two years. It has simultaneously transformed from an electronic magazine to a paper magazine to a comprehensive electronic magazine.

Lu Anzhi: Then come on! I wish you success!

Qingtian: It’s so difficult, Teacher Lu! Let me tell you the truth. On the one hand, I draw comics because of my own dream, and on the other hand, I want to get rid of your shadow. I drew illustrations for you when I was in college. Others said that I became famous because of your influence. I was not convinced and wanted to give it a try myself. That's why I didn't pick up the comic "Dragon". Now it seems that I really don’t have much ability. Being famous is really thanks to your help, Teacher.

"Hurry up and eat, why haven't you eaten yet?"

Zhang Suxin reminded Lu An.

Xianxian also said: "Dad, please eat well and don't look at your phone!"

Lu Anzhi smiled at Xianxian and said, "Dad is working on his mobile phone. When the work is done, he will stop looking at his mobile phone and have a good meal."

Xianxian nodded and said, "Yeah, dad is working on his mobile phone." She turned to Zhang Suxin and said, "Dad is working on his mobile phone."

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu Anzhi. She came over to look at Lu Anzhi's phone and saw the chat between Qingtian and her husband. She was a little surprised that such a powerful illustrator like Qingtian would have such an idea!

I wonder how her husband will respond to her?

Zhang Suxin looked at Lu Anzhi again and thought to herself.

Lu Anzhi replied in Qiuqiu: It's nothing, don't listen to people's nonsense on the Internet. You are so strong, even if you change your author partner, you can still succeed. Only by joining forces can we achieve this result. It's not a matter of you taking advantage of me and me taking advantage of you.

He added in his heart: It is not the powerful alliance between himself and Zhai Xiao, but the powerful alliance between his memory from another world and Zhai Xiao. On my own, I am not worthy.

Zhang Suxin looked at it and nodded, feeling that what Lu Anzhi said on Qiuqiu made sense. The cooperation between my husband and Qingtian is complementary to each other. The two powerful forces join forces and achieve mutual success. There is no one who is taking advantage of the other.

However, everyone has their own strengths, and not everyone is as good as my husband in every aspect. It is normal that Qing Tian is good at drawing but not good at making up stories.

She watched quietly without saying anything, but Qingtian replied: Teacher Lu, just comfort me.

Then Lu Anzhi replied: What's the matter? I tell the truth. The paintings you draw are not only beautiful and expressive, but also have a strong sense of storyboarding. Among all illustrators, you are also the best among the best.

Zhang Suxin looked at it and nodded, feeling that her husband was right. She always thought Qingtian's paintings were very good, but she couldn't say exactly how good they were. It was my husband who clearly explained the advantages of Sunny Day’s illustrations in just two sentences.

Zhai Xiao replied: Teacher Lu, I am so proud of what you said!

Lu Anzhi: Really. Otherwise, I will write the script for you and you will draw the comic. In the novel, your illustrations assist me, but in the comics, our roles are half and half. Your strength will be more recognized by others. what do you think?

Qingtian: Teacher Lu, you can also write comic scripts!

Lu Anzhi: How about it? Can it be done?

Zhai Xiao took a while before replying: That's up to you, Teacher Lu. I had completely resigned myself to the fact that I had no talent for stories. I'd better concentrate on painting.

Lu Anzhi: OK, let’s collaborate on comics. I'll write a script for the opening of a comic when I have some free time. You can give it a try. If it fits, we'll start working on it. As for illustrators, I will look for them again when I publish novels in the future.

Qingtian: Um...Sorry, Teacher Lu.

Lu Anzhi: It’s okay.

After finishing the chat, Lu Anzhi put his phone aside and ate.

Zhang Suxin asked her: "Do you really want to collaborate with Qingtian to draw comics?"

Lu Anzhi nodded and said: "I will just write the script. The main job is still done by Zhai Xiaolai...that is, Qingtian. She has been working with me for so long, and she also helped me to show off in front of my wife when I first met her. She’s so conspicuous that I have to help her no matter what.”

Lu Anzhi only came up with the idea of ​​cooperating on comic drawing just on a whim. But this is not difficult. Among the gifts from the previous life, there are still so many comic works that I can remember so clearly. It's a pity that it only remains in my own memory. It’s good to have the opportunity to take it out now.

Moreover, Huayou is a bimonthly publication, and the plot of a comic is much less than that of a novel, so it doesn’t take much effort to write your own script.

Zhang Suxin asked: "Do you have any inspiration for comics?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Already have it. When we finish recording the song tomorrow, I will write a script for Zhai Xiao to try when I get back."

Zhang Suxin really wanted to open her husband's brain and see what was going on inside. Why was she already inspired when she just started talking about comics?

He has too many inspirations, right? !

She didn't know that Lu Anzhi not only had the inspiration for the beginning, but also had the ending figured out.

According to Zhai Xiao's strength and characteristics, Lu Anzhi has indeed thought about the work. He directly identified some of the works with the strongest sense of mirror, which can also be said to be among the best comic works in the world. If Zhai Xiao can perfectly express the advantages of this work, then she will definitely achieve extremely high achievements. And I will be wealthy and free again.

When Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were talking, Xianxian was sitting at the dining table, holding a spoon and stuffing food into her mouth. She looked at Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin for a while. After they finished talking, she asked: " What does Dad want to draw?"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Dad doesn't draw anything."

Xianxian said: "Oh, that's Xianxian's painting. Xianxian will paint after eating. Dad, can you see how well Xianxian painted?"

Lu An said: "Okay!"

"Yeah! Slim is amazing!"

Xianxian said and started to eat quickly.

While talking to Xianxian, Lu Anzhi suddenly thought of something again and fell into deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Suxin gave Lu Anzhi a chopstick dish and asked.

Lu Anzhi said: "I'm thinking...should I let Zhai Xiao try another work and draw an interesting comic for Xianxian."

Zhang Suxin asked: "For Xianxian? Isn't it suitable to be a painting friend?" The painting friend is more interested in juvenile comics. Xianxian is so young and can't understand juvenile comics. Naturally, what Lu Anzhi prepared for Xianxian would not be a young man.

Lu Anzhi said: "It should be no problem. There are always works suitable for all ages."

Zhang Suxin said: "It seems that you have inspiration again..."

Lu Anzhi smiled slightly: "Yes."

Zhang Suxin asked: "What was the inspiration? Can you tell me about it?"

Although she was quite curious about the comic script she just mentioned, she had no urge to ask Lu Anzhi. But what Lu Anzhi mentioned now was different. Her husband had already said that this comic was for Xianxian.

How could she not be curious about the comics for Xianxian?

Luan's Way: "This is the story of a robotic cat that traveled through time and space from the future. It has a pocket on its belly that can take out many future props with magical functions. Its name is Doraemon!"

Zhang Suxin's eyes widened: "So you already had this inspiration, right?"

Lu Anzhi nodded and said, "That's right."

Zhang Suxin soon understood why her husband's pen name was "Doraemon". If "Doraemon" is this idea, then my husband compares his brain to the pocket on Doraemon's belly.

My husband has always been so confident!

"Cat? Where is the cat?"

Xianxian was attracted by Lu Anzhi's words again, looking around and asked.

Zhang Suxin smiled and touched Xianxian's little head and said, "It's not a cat, it's a robot cat."

"Machine! Machine! Cat!"

Xianxian repeated it word by word, and then asked, "Where is Doraemon?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Hurry up and eat. When you finish eating, daddy will draw a robot cat for you, okay?"

Xianxian said happily: "Okay!"

She quickly speeded up her meal, and Zhang Suxin quickly reminded her to slow down and not choke.

Lu Anzhi also started to eat dinner. He eats much faster than Xianxian. Xianxian had already started eating, but now they finished eating together. When the little guy was still thinking about letting Lu Anzhi draw cats, he climbed down from the chair, took Lu Anzhi's hand and said, "Dad, let's draw cats!"

So Lu Anzhi was pulled by Xianxian to the coffee table, sat down on the sofa, waited for Zhang Suxin to bring over a piece of white paper, then leaned down, found the black ratio from a pile of colored pens in Xianxian, and drew on the paper The outline of Doraemon appeared.

Xianxian's eyes became brighter and brighter as she looked at the round and chubby cartoon image that was gradually taking shape on the paper.

Lu Anzhi clicked on Doraemon's eyes, then took a blue colored pen and colored Doraemon, then changed to a red colored pen, painted the collar and nose, and finally replaced it with a yellow pen , yellowed the bell hanging on Doraemon's collar, and said, "The painting is done."


Xianxian let out an exclamation.

Lu Anzhi asked: "How is it? Do you like it?"

Xianxian nodded repeatedly and said, "I like it!"

Lu Anzhi painted Little Blue Fatty very cutely, and it was an image that Xianxian had never seen before. It was novel and beautiful. How could Xianxian not like it?

Zhang Suxin sat next to Lu Anzhi and watched Lu Anzhi finish drawing Doraemon. She couldn't help but blinked and looked at her husband. This cute and cute image was actually drawn by my husband so easily. I didn’t expect that my husband also had such a skill in painting. Although it can't be compared with Qingtian, it is still very powerful.

How many other skills has he mastered?

Zhang Suxin was thinking, but didn't ask. She is afraid that her husband will be proud.

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