The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 316 Thousands of troops and horses on a single-plank bridge, pitiful hearts of parents all o

That night, Xianxian lay between Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin and fell asleep. The weather is getting warmer, and the little guy is becoming more and more dishonest when sleeping. He always likes to kick the quilt. Fortunately, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin brought her pajamas, and she wore them to sleep without fear of getting her stomach cold.

Zhang Suxin watched the little guy turn over and lay on his side, then kicked the quilt aside and ignored her. Anyway, if I put the quilt on the little guy again, she will just kick it away again. After making sure that the little guy wouldn't catch a cold, she didn't bother to care about the little guy's quilt.

She lay on Xianxian's side and asked Lu Anzhi: "Are you really planning to write science fiction novels?"

Lu Anzhi said: "If Youyou has good grades in the college entrance examination, it is no problem to write about it. We have received so much favor from Sister Dongxia, and it is extremely difficult to repay Sister Dongxia a little favor. Sister Dongxia doesn't need anything from us... But It’s definitely okay to give Yoyo a gift—and it’s a gift like writing a novel.”

When he was talking to Ren Youyou before, he noticed Ren Youyou's expression. Ren Youyou was really interested in the novels he wrote. When he talked about science fiction novels, his eyes lit up. She should like science fiction novels. .

Therefore, Lu Anzhi proposed this gift. While he was talking, he also noticed the change in Ren Youyou's expression. After confirming that Ren Youyou was indeed very interested, he finally made up his mind.

Such a gift will not bring any real changes to Ren Youyou, but it can bring a different color to the end of this senior girl's high school career.


Zhang Suxin sighed.

"Why are you sighing?"

Lu Anzhi asked.

Zhang Suxin said: "In fact, I should be doing this kind of thing, but now I have to think about it all, which makes you worry."

Lu Anzhi glanced at Zhang Suxin reproachfully and said, "Why are you seeing me outside like this?"

"All right."

Zhang Suxin smiled, skipped the topic, and asked instead, "Do you have an idea in your mind? Forget it, I am definitely asking this question too much. How could you have no idea? What kind of science fiction novel did you conceive? Yes, can you tell me about it first?"

Lu Anzhi said: "We haven't finished talking about "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" yet. Don't you want to listen to "The Eight Parts of the Dragon"?"

When they fell into the night, they still maintained the habit of telling "The Eight Parts of the Dragon". In this novel, Lu Anzhi has already told Zhang Suxin about the part where heroes gathered at Shaoshi Mountain. It was the moment when multiple forces gathered, multiple clues were tangled, and the climax came one after another. Zhang Suxin listened to it in a spell-binding way these two nights, and nothing else happened. Can't care anymore.

However, at this moment, Zhang Suxin was able to resist the temptation of the climax of the story of "Dragon" and said: "Of course I want to listen, but it doesn't matter if I pause for one night. First, tell me what your science fiction novel is about. ?I’m quite curious.”

Lu Anzhi said: "This is not good. This is a gift for Ren Youyou. How can I let you know first?"

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu An and said, "Then let's continue talking about "The Eight Parts of the Dragon"."

Lu Anzhi shook his head helplessly. After all, he had to waste his words.

He continued to tell Zhang Suxin, from Xiao Feng's appearance to the gathering of the three brothers, to the fierce battle between Ding Chunqiu and Murong Fu, as well as the identity of the leading brother being exposed, the appearance of the sweeper, and the end of Lu An was all told in one night.

Zhang Suxin felt excited and sad at the same time, and her heart was surging.

The book "Legend of the Condor Heroes" was serialized to the end, and Zhang Suxin read it all. She always felt that the book was well written, and it had the style of a master, as netizens commented. But now that she heard Lu Anzhi tell the story of "Dragon" to this point, she felt that "Dragon" had surpassed "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" by a few points in terms of skill.

Even though all kinds of threads are tangled here, he can still write in such an orderly manner, without rushing or slowing down. His skill is really extraordinary. And the experiences of the characters in the novel, up to this moment, have almost all explained the theme of the novel.

She suddenly remembered the Cantonese song that Lu Anzhi had written before, and couldn't help but said: "The song "The Hard to Recite Sutra" that you wrote before was probably written for this story, right?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Yes, you saw it."


Zhang Suxin sighed softly again, and then suddenly said, "This Master Xuanci is really hateful!"

Lu Anzhi said: "Why did you bring this character out so easily?"

Zhang Suxin said: "This person is really irritating and has no sense of responsibility at all! The origin of the story of "Dragon" is basically because of him."


Lu Anzhi nodded.

Zhang Suxin continued to comment: "In the battle at Yanmen Pass, it was Murong Bo who instigated the discord, and it is true that he could not blame Xuanci. They still had some conscience and took in Xiao Feng, the son of Xiao Yuanshan and his wife who was accidentally killed by them. But for the so-called reputation, they attacked Yanmen Pass He was very tight-lipped about his mistakes in the First World War. Especially this Xuanci. After Xiao Feng followed up all the way, he never showed up. It was really hateful to sit back and watch people like Tan Gong, Tan Po, Zhao Qiansun and others die one by one.

"And before you tell today's story, I really couldn't have imagined that Xuan Ci was actually Xu Zhu's father and Ye Erniang's husband. He broke the precepts and gave birth to a son, but he still concealed it and served as his abbot in the Shaolin Temple. Carefully If you pursue it, it can be considered shameless."

Lu Anzhi said: "You are right. Therefore, all his actions were exposed when the heroes of Shaoshi Mountain gathered together, which is in line with the theme of this novel, 'Everything is evil'."

The word "sentiment" in "Devils and Dragons" in "Sentiments are all sins" does not simply refer to the literal "emotion". It is also appropriate to say that it is the word "desire" here.

Zhang Suxin naturally understood this, nodded and said, "Yeah." Because of this, she felt that Lu Anzhi's writing here was so good, even better than "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"Cackle, cluck..."

Xianxian suddenly laughed and said a few words that she couldn't understand.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin both stopped talking and looked at the little guy lying on his side between them, only to see that the little guy started chirping and continued to sleep. I don’t know what I was dreaming about just now, what words I was saying, and I was laughing so hard. I must have dreamed about good things in my dream.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin looked at each other and lay down separately.

"Go to sleep."

The road to safety.


Zhang Suxin responded.

Tonight's bedtime story ended here, and the two fell asleep.

Ren Youyou is at home on vacation these two days, so they don't have to get up early to cook for Ren Youyou. So they slept until broad daylight before getting up. Xianxian got up earlier than them. After getting up, she sat on the bed, looking to the left and then to the right. It wasn't until they felt the little guy's gaze vaguely and opened their eyes that the little guy laughed and said: " Xianxian woke up first!"

"Hmm, slenderness is amazing."

Zhang Suxin praised Xianxian, and the little guy immediately burst into joy and narrowed his eyes.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin sat up together and asked, "What did Xianxian dream about last night? Why are you still laughing when you fall asleep?"


Xianxian thought about it for a long time. It seemed that the memory of last night's dream had been lost. It took her a long time to recall it and said, "I dreamed of going to an amusement park together!"

Lu Anzhi asked her: "Who are you going to the amusement park with?"

Xianxian said: "With a lot of people!" The little guy saves trouble and doesn't name them one by one. He sums up everything with "a lot of people".

In the past, this little girl would have spent a long time nodding her head.

But since she said "many people" now, she just didn't want to nod. Lu Anzhi did not continue to ask, got up and took Xianxian out of the bedroom.

On this day, Ren Youyou didn't tense up as much as yesterday and relaxed a lot. She only briefly flipped through the titles of her notes and the catalog of textbooks, recalling the key points of knowledge she had learned in the three years of high school from those titles of notes and the catalog of textbooks.

Lu Anzhi saw that Ren Youyou had adjusted his condition to relax, and he felt relieved for the little girl who was going to take the college entrance examination in two days, and said: "This is the right thing. There are only two days left before the college entrance examination, and I am still nervous all the time. It’s not good to be so tight. During the college entrance examination, strength is very important, but mentality is also a key part. Many people have not adjusted their mentality well and performed abnormally during the college entrance examination."

As expected, Ren Youyou relaxed and answered Lu Anzhi with a smile: "I have no problem, Brother Lu. I have been planning what I will do every day since I was in high school. Let me show it to you. "

She said and went back to the bedroom. When she came back to the living room, she held a thick notebook in her hand and handed it to Lu Anzhi as if to show off.

Lu Anzhi took it and took a look. This book was almost used up. You could tell at a glance. However, the book is still in a clean and flat state as a whole, which shows that Ren Youyou protects it very well.

Lu Anzhi opened it and looked at it, only to see that Ren Youyou's plan was written on page after page. Her study plan for each week and day, and a summary of the completion of the plan after the week and day are completed.

Lu Anzhi flipped through a few pages and suddenly felt a little emotional. No wonder this girl can become a top student. The perseverance to stick to her study plan is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

Zhang Suxin also came over to take a look, and Lu Anzhi moved the notebook to Zhang Suxin for Zhang Suxin to look at.

"can you do it?"

Lu Anzhi asked Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin shook her head and said, "I can't." She glanced at Ren Youyou, already feeling sincere admiration for the girl who was still in high school.

It's normal to not be able to do it, and you can't do it either.

Lu Anzhi asked Ren Youyou, "Aren't you tired of sticking to your daily plan like this?"

Ren Youyou said: "It's okay. Sometimes I feel a little tired, but after completing the plan, I will also have a strong sense of accomplishment. This is the method Aunt Yao taught me. I was not used to it at the beginning. It took me a long time to get used to it. Once I got used to it, I didn’t get used to it if I didn’t make a plan.”

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "Looking at your plan, I suddenly feel that your success rate in getting the gift of science fiction novels has become very high. If I really want to write and write a novel, I will exchange the novel for you. How about the notebook?”


Ren Youyou didn't react for a moment.

Lu Anzhi said: "When the time comes, I will use this notebook as an example for Xianxian."

"What kind of role model?"

The ignorant little guy didn't know what happened, so he came over to ask.

Ren Youyou glanced at the innocent little guy and said, "Actually, it's not necessary. It will be very tiring." Her plan is hers alone. There are many students with good grades in the school, and they are not like her. Plan the same.

Such a plan is indeed very tiring to implement, and may not be suitable for everyone. She does not feel that her hard work qualifies her to be a role model for others.

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "It's okay. I don't insist on Xianxian to learn from you. I don't know if this little girl will be good at studying in the future. If she is not good at studying, I will let her study hard. There is no use studying. And even if her academic performance is good, she will have her own method that suits her. I just want to use your notebook to tell her how serious and persistent she should be when facing her chosen goal. "

Ren Youyou scratched his head and said, "Brother Lu, I feel a little embarrassed when you say that."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin both laughed.

Lu Anzhi returned the notebook to Ren Youyou.

This day passed peacefully again.

Then came the third day of vacation. After noon, there was only half a day left before the college entrance examination.

This afternoon, Lu Anzhi drove into Yao Dongxia's car and took Ren Youyou to see the examination room. Zhang Suxin and Xianxian stayed at home to prepare dinner for Ren Youyou.

Ren Youyou's examination room is a bit far from home, so Lu Anzhi doesn't plan to take Ren Youyou back and forth then. There happened to be a good hotel near the examination room, and he directly booked a room there for two days. During the short break at noon, Ren Youyou could rest there.

When he made a reservation, there were very few rooms left in the hotel, and the hotels nearby were all full. The hotels he selected were still too luxurious and too expensive, so only one or two remained. If it's any later, I'm afraid I won't be able to book it.

A single-plank bridge with thousands of troops and horses. The college entrance examination, whether in the past life or this life, has affected the hearts and fate of too many people.

This day passed by peacefully and nervously. But this tension is about time. Ren Youyou's condition has been adjusted very well. Even though the college entrance examination is about to take place, she is not so nervous. This night, she even went to bed early and had a good sleep.

The next morning, Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi woke up early and prepared a light but hearty breakfast for Ren Youyou. Xianxian also woke up early with them, which saved them from calling the little guy.

After eating breakfast and washing up, they went out together and drove to the examination room.

After arriving at the place, a large number of people were already standing outside the examination room. Lu Anzhi reluctantly pulled over the car and saw Ren Youyou to the door. He waited for Ren Youyou to check the admission ticket and enter the examination room before returning to the car. Drove the car to the hotel.

After staying in the guest room, Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi sat by the window, looking at the crowd of people outside the window, they couldn't help but sigh. They have all experienced such a day, but they have not paid attention to this day since they went to college. Unexpectedly, after so many years, they would be on the edge of the examination room again on a day like this.

Only this time, it was not because of themselves or their children. It feels a little weird when I think about it.

"Wow, there are so many people!"

Xianxian also walked to the window, pressed her hands on the window glass, and looked out.

Lu Anzhi asked her: "How many people are there?"

"one two three four……"

The little guy counted randomly for a while, but couldn't count clearly, and finally said, "There are many, many people!"

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin both laughed.

Zhang Suxin sighed and said, "I wonder what it will be like when Xianxian grows up and we send her to take the college entrance examination."

Lu Anzhi said: "It's still early, what are you thinking about now?"

Zhang Suxin looked out the window and said quietly: "I was just thinking randomly. Sigh... Our Xianxian will go to kindergarten in the second half of the year, and in three years we will enter elementary school and formally learn knowledge. I thought that Xianxian would have to get up early in the future I can't bear to study in the dark and go through such a hard time."

Lu An was stunned for a moment and said nothing.

He also felt that it was true what Zhang Suxin said. Fortunately, he has enough capital in this life, so that Xianxian only needs to experience the hardship of study, and does not need to experience the hardship of life. If it was in the past life, or if there were no gifts from the past life in his mind, he would have had a child like Xianxian, and he would not only have to go through the hard work of studying, but also face the difficulties of entering society.

Fortunately, we have this life, and we have time travel.

Also, fortunately, there are gifts from previous lives.

Throughout the morning, the outside of the examination room and school was crowded with people, sitting or standing, looking anxious, probably even more so than the candidates sitting in the examination room taking the exam. These are parents of students. During the two days of the college entrance examination, they all put down their work and came here to accompany them throughout the exam.

Although it doesn't have any effect, it still makes people sigh. I pity the hearts of parents in the world.

"I heard from my mother that when I was taking the college entrance examination, my neighbor also took the college entrance examination, and his parents burned incense for several days and fasted for several days. During those days, one incense stick after another in his house, Never stopped.”

Zhang Suxin chatted with Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi asked: "What about the end? How did your neighbor do in the exam?"

Zhang Suxin said: "I heard that he didn't do well in the exam. He blamed his parents for burning incense every day and making the house smoky. He didn't get enough rest. Later he repeated his studies."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

After the morning exam ended, Ren Youyou left the exam room by herself and arrived at the hotel not far away. They ate in the hotel room - lunch was delivered directly from the hotel.

"Did sister take the exam?"

While eating, Xianxian asked Ren Youyou curiously. She had already been curious after seeing so many people outside all morning, so she asked Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin what they were doing, and then she found out that Sister Youyou was taking an exam.

Ren Youyou smiled slightly and said, "Yes, it's time for the exam."

Xianxian said: "Xianxian won't take the exam."

Ren Youyou said: "Yeah, Xianxian will have to take the exam when he grows up." Living together these days, she also knew that this little guy took it as his mantra to do whatever he wants when he grows up.

Xianxian nodded and said, "Xianxian will take the exam when she grows up." The young girl didn't know what the exam meant yet.

"How did you do on the exam?"

Lu Anzhi asked. He and Zhang Suxin looked at the state of Ren Youyou talking to Xianxian and felt that the college entrance examination candidate must have performed well, otherwise he would not be so calm.

Sure enough, they listened to Ren Youyou and said: "It feels good, there should be no problem. Brother Lu, just be prepared to give me science fiction novels."

Lu Anzhi said: "Okay, come on. I will burst into tears for you."

Ren Youyou couldn't understand for a moment: "What does it mean to explode?"

Zhang Suxin also looked at Lu Anzhi curiously, not understanding the word. Liver...sounds terrible.

There is no such statement in this world.

Lu Anzhi explained: "It's nothing, it's just a joke I made randomly. Doesn't Chinese medicine say that staying up late hurts the liver? It means staying up late means working overtime."

Ren Youyou understood immediately: "So working overtime is equivalent to hurting the liver until it explodes, right? Brother Lu is indeed Brother Lu. He can be so vivid and interesting even if he makes a joke. It's a pity that I didn't know this earlier. Otherwise, I can use it in this college entrance examination essay."

Lu Anzhidao: "I almost forgot to ask, what is the essay topic for this college entrance examination?" At the end of the first morning of every college entrance examination, the hottest topic is college entrance examination composition. The past life and this world are no exception.

When he asked Ren Youyou this question, he turned on his phone and took a look at WeChat. Sure enough, the topic of college entrance examination composition had entered the hot search on WeChat.

Ren Youyou said: "It is life and hard work, and it is an extension of writing an essay."

Lu Anzhi nodded. He clicked on the hot search and took a look. Someone had already compiled a summary of the essay topics for different papers of the college entrance examination, such as "The World I Live in", "Integrity and Kindness", "The Geometry of Life", "Using Fantasy" It’s quite simple to write an open composition about the theme.

Unlike in the previous life, as the college entrance examination essay developed, the questions became more and more weird, such as when and slaves, and even trap questions such as survivor bias that may not be encountered in ordinary times.

After lunch, Lu An's family of three stopped chatting with Ren Youyou and let Ren Youyou have a good rest. I continued to take the exam in the afternoon, and there was still a huge army of test escorts outside the examination room.

After the day's exam, Ren Youyou was still in good spirits. Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were relieved about this powerful candidate. They went home to rest for a night, and continued to come to the hotel the next day to accompany the exam. They were much more relaxed than the parents sitting on the curb outside.

After this day of accompanying the exam, Zhang Suxin couldn't help but sigh: "I feel that I have experienced in advance what Xianxian will be like during the college entrance examination in the future. Now because Youyou is taking the exam, I don't feel nervous at all. When the time comes for Xianxian to take the exam, I will You must feel nervous, right?"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "Why are you thinking so far now? It's still early for Xianxian to take the college entrance examination. And if she doesn't do well in school then, we might give up early and don't expect her to get good results."

Zhang Suxin pushed Lu Anzhi and said, "Stop talking! Crow's mouth!"

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