The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 331 A few things about Xianxian

Seeing that the slender little guy was still looking at him with big innocent eyes, waiting for his answer, Lu An said: "Paparazzi are puppies, not dog owners."

Xianxian asked: "Then why are cowboys not calves?"

Lu Anzhi said: "This father doesn't know either."

Xianxian was a little surprised and seemed to find it a little funny. She narrowed her eyes and smiled and said, "It turns out that dad doesn't know either."

Lu Anzhi smiled slightly and said, "Yeah, dad doesn't know everything." He really didn't know how to explain it to the little guy. The little one's cognition is still very simple, and she uses her simple and clear identification methods to distinguish things. It is difficult for Lu Anzhi to explain the historical changes and social processes of the beautiful country to the little ones, and the little ones will not understand.

"Okay, it's time to go to sleep."

Lu Anzhi said to Xianxian.

It was already night when he and Zhang Suxin read these online comments. After dinner, Lu Anzhi took Xianxian outside for a walk. Xianxian rode her balance bike and had a lot of fun in the small park in the community. She was a little tired by now. So Lu Anzhi said, she said "ok", ran back to the bedroom, and climbed into bed in twos and twos.

The little guy can now easily climb onto the bed, no longer struggling like before.

However, as soon as he went to bed, the little guy said: "Dad."

Lu Anzhi asked: "What's wrong?" He and Zhang Suxin had just followed.

Xianxian said: "I want to drink milk." Although Xianxian is three years old now, she has never stopped drinking milk powder. She likes to drink it herself, and Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin have the ability to buy milk powder for the little one, so there is no need to stop it in a hurry.

When they traveled in the first half of the year, they always brought milk powder cans and slim baby bottles with them.

When I visited various kindergartens before, I chatted with the kindergarten teachers and heard from the kindergarten teachers that some children were not weaned until they were four or five years old.

However, Xianxian now drinks very little milk and mainly eats. I drink a little at most every day, sometimes I can’t remember it, and I even don’t drink it for two or three days. Judging from this situation, it is estimated that this little guy will be weaned naturally after a while.

When I told the kindergarten teacher about Xianxian's situation, the kindergarten teacher was very envious of her. She said that her own children got sick all the time, didn't eat well, and often had food accumulation. She said that Xianxian was like a little angel. What the hell? There is no need for adults to worry.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin thought about it carefully and realized that this little guy was indeed just like a little angel, rarely worrying about others.

"Okay, mommy will make some milk powder for you."

Zhang Suxin said with a smile, then turned around and went out to make milk powder for the little one.

Xianxian quickly climbed down from the bed and said, "Xianxian can do it by herself."

Zhang Suxin smiled and said, "Okay."

At this stage, Xianxian has to do everything by herself. Although sometimes the efficiency of some things was greatly reduced, neither Lu Anzhi nor Zhang Suxin took away what the little guy wanted to do.

For example, when Lu Anzhi went to pick up the express delivery, the little guy wanted to join in the fun. She had to carry just two books with Lu Anzhi.

This is still Lu Anzhi's express delivery. If she was sure it was her own, she wouldn't even want Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin to interfere, she could only do it herself.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin felt that this was the stage for cultivating the little one's autonomy, so they allowed the little one to participate in work to the best of her ability, even if the efficiency was slower.

When the kindergarten teacher noticed this, she said that Xianxian had entered a stubborn period, and she would be very stubborn about some things, such as what things could only be done by herself and what things could only be done by herself. Come and get it, or be paranoid about some things, lose your temper, etc.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin have never seen the little guy show paranoia or lose his temper, but according to the kindergarten teacher, they did something right by letting Xianxian's own stubbornness do something. .

Slim ran over and followed Zhang Suxin's footsteps. Zhang Suxin asked her first: "Mom, take the bottle and fill it with water for you. Can you put the milk powder in it?"


Xianxian agreed, pulled out the dining chair in front of the dining table, climbed onto the dining chair, waited for her mother to fill the water, put the milk bottle in front of her, then took the milk powder can, opened it, and put it on the bottle beside.

"one two three……"

The little guy took the spoon from the milk powder bottle, scooped up the exact amount of milk powder and put it into the bottle. After scooping up enough milk powder, she carefully placed the spoon and covered the milk powder jar - this was all her own work, and now she was determined not to let Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi interfere.

But this time, Zhang Suxin reached out for her milk bottle and wanted to shake the milk powder in the bottle, but was suddenly blocked by Xianxian.

"Xianxian shakes herself."

The little guy said hurriedly, then grabbed the bottle with both hands and shook it gently in a decent manner.

Lu Anzhi came out and saw this scene, and said with a smile: "Xianxian shakes it by yourself?"

Xianxian nodded and said, "Yeah, Xianxian can do it herself."

Zhang Suxin said: "She does everything by herself now, she's so awesome."

"Hmm, slenderness is amazing!"

The little guy said very proudly, still very serious about the work at hand.

However, Zhang Suxin was a little worried, fearing that the little one would take the bottle away, so she was careful next to Xianxian to prevent accidents.

However, the accident did not happen. The little one had already observed enough of Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin's actions before, and she did a decent job. She quickly shook the milk powder evenly, and asked Zhang Suxin to put the lid on her, "Gudong" Drink it cleanly.

Lu Anzhi washed the bottle, and Zhang Suxin took Xianxian to bed. However, the little guy added: "Xianxian hasn't brushed her teeth yet."

So the little guy went to brush his teeth again. She is also very particular about brushing her teeth now. She carried a small bench and walked to the sink, put down the small bench and stepped on it. She took her toothbrush cup and her small toothbrush, turned on the faucet and filled the water to brush her teeth. Except for the action of squeezing toothpaste, other people are not allowed to participate in all other tasks.

Therefore, Zhang Suxin only needs to watch the little guy from the side and occasionally point out what the little guy should do. She doesn't have to do anything during the whole process.

After the little guy finished brushing his teeth, he washed the toothbrush cup with water from the faucet, rinsed the toothbrush, put it aside, wet his little hands with water and wiped his little face clean. Only then was the entire process completed.

After doing all this, the little guy was finally satisfied and climbed into bed, lying between Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin and quickly fell asleep. Zhang Suxin asked her, "Does Xianxian pee?" The little guy said, "No."

When Xianxian fell asleep, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin lay on either side of the little one. They couldn't fall asleep for a while, and then they started chatting.

Lu Anzhi asked: "Your belly is still so flat, when will it show up?"

Zhang Suxin said: "It was early, I can't remember clearly, but when I was pregnant before, it seemed that it was four or five months before I slowly started to show my pregnancy."

"That's it..."

Lu Anzhi nodded.

Zhang Suxin said with a smile: "Just wait and see. When the child in your belly grows up little by little, you can finally put your hand on it and feel the little one moving. It will be a wonderful feeling."

"Is it?"

Lu Anzhi was a little longing for it.

Zhang Suxin said: "Anzhi, I want to discuss something with you."

Lu Anzhi asked: "What?"

Zhang Suxin said: "I just want to take care of the second child when he is born. It's up to me to decide what to prepare for the child. You have to cooperate with me. - I don't mean anything else, it's just that I'm so slender. When he was two years old, I was always taking care of him alone, and I thought, how I took care of and treated Xianxian before, how I will take care of the second child in the future."

Lu Anzhi nodded and said, "Try to keep a bowl of water as flat as possible, right?"

When Zhang Suxin heard what Lu Anzhi said, she knew that Lu Anzhi understood what she meant. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes. I heard many people say that it is quite difficult to serve two children a bowl of water. I just think, let’s do this from the beginning, develop a habit, and do it better when the second child and Xianxian are older. Let’s try our best to make the children less unbalanced, just a little less.”

Lu Anzhi nodded again and said, "You're right, I actually think so too. But I planned to wait until the baby was about to be born before I mentioned it to you. I didn't expect you to tell me now. .”

The two of them had a good connection, suddenly felt warm, and held their hands together.

Lu Anzhi said: "But to achieve this, the two of us alone are not enough."

Zhang Suxin said: "There are still dad and mom, right? I'll talk about it later."


Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Fortunately, I have no parents here, so it saves me a lot of verbosity."

Zhang Suxin glared at Lu An and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Anzhi had no choice but to shut up.

Zhang Suxin observed secretly and saw that there was nothing strange about Lu Anzhi's expression. She felt relieved knowing that her husband was just teasing. But she still felt a little uncomfortable. How could anyone joke about such a thing?

She didn't want to stay on this topic and asked Lu Anzhi, "Do you have any more stories?"

Lu An smiled and said, "Want to hear a story again?"


Zhang Suxin nodded. She couldn't fall asleep for a while, but she had developed the habit of listening to Lu Anzhi's stories before going to bed. Now, "Dragon" has been finished, and the interesting parts of "Chaos" have almost been covered.

Lu Anzhidao: "Do you want to hear the follow-up to "The Three-Body Problem" and "Harry Potter"?"

Zhang Suxin said: "Forget these two, you will write it out soon. There is no need to tell it to me now."

Lu Anzhi said: "Then I will tell you something specific."

"What story?"

Zhang Suxin blinked and asked Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi glanced at Zhang Suxin. The lights in the bedroom have been turned off and the curtains are drawn, but there is a gap left because of their slenderness. The faint starlight filtered into the room, and he could vaguely see Zhang Suxin's crystal clear and beautiful eyes.

"let me see……"

Lu Anzhi was a little hesitant for a moment. After singing "The Cowboy is Busy" to Xianxian during the day, Lu Anzhi suddenly remembered a story in the game. The story takes place in the western part of the beautiful country, where gangs are powerful and passionate, and the story is also tortuous and attractive.

But he thought about it and ultimately decided not to tell the story. After all, Zhang Suxin is still pregnant with the child, so she should maintain a good mood and stop telling Zhang Suxin stories that end in tragedy.

"Let me tell you some happy stories..."

Lu Anzhi collected his thoughts and told Zhang Suxin, "This story happened in a place called Qixia Town. There is an inn in Qixia Town called Shangru Inn. As for why the inn is called Shangru Inn, then We have to start with the family of the inn owner, Lu Qinghou..."

He told it calmly, slowly pulling Zhang Suxin into the story. What stories not only make people happy, but also make people happy continuously? Of course it's a sitcom.

And compared with other stories, sitcoms are unit dramas one by one. Compared with those series, they are more suitable as bedtime stories.

In sitcoms, Lu Anzhi also has many impressive ones, such as "Underground Traffic Station", "The Story of the Cooking Class", "The Big Bang Theory", "IT Madman", "Friends" and so on. But he ultimately chose this unique and interesting hodgepodge world of martial arts.

Sure enough, as Lu Anzhi told the story, the story of Qixia Town slowly progressed. Characters such as Tong Xiangyu, Bai Zhantang, and Li Dazui appeared one after another, and Zhang Suxin was amused by Lu Anzhi and kept laughing.

"How do you come up with all these random jokes?"

After Zhang Suxin heard Lu Anzhi's story tonight, she couldn't help but ask Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi said: "Why is it such a mess? Isn't this a serious joke?"

Zhang Suxin thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed not a mess for Lu Anzhi. If this story is all messed up to Lu Anzhi, what should I do now that my husband has written so many novels?

Her husband's brain is better than ordinary people's. This is something she has known for a long time.

"Go to sleep."

She smiled softly and said.

"OK, good night."

Lu Anzhi said to Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin recalled the meaning of "good night" that Lu Anzhi told her, and the smile on her lips became warmer and richer unconsciously, and she said softly: "Good night."

A night of silence.

"Pitter patter..."

The sound of running water pulled Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin out of their dreams. The couple opened their eyes and saw that sunlight was already shining through the specially exposed gap between the curtains.

Its daybreak.

The couple sat up from the bed as a conditioned reflex, and quickly pulled back the slender quilt to take a look, and sure enough, the little guy had wet the bed.

The little guy seemed to have realized something. He opened his eyes in a daze and stretched out his legs, making her waist and butt hang in the air.

Good guy, this little girl also knows what's going on, and she cooperates.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin looked at each other and smiled helplessly, then took off their slender pajamas to prevent the urine-soaked clothes from sticking to the little one's body and causing her discomfort.

As for the bed, it was fine. Since Xianxian stopped wearing diapers to sleep, she would occasionally wet the bed. In order to prevent the mattress from being damaged, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin bought diaper pads to put under the sheets. So all you need to do is wash the sheets and diaper pad later.

Zhang Suxin went to get some clothes for Xianxian to wear. Lu Anzhi patted Xianxian's slippery little butt and said, "Xianxian wet the bed, are you ashamed?"

Xianxian was already excited at this time. She turned over and stood up. She pointed to the position above where she was lying on the bed and said, "It's not wet here."

Lu Anzhi couldn't help but smile, pointing to a spot just below his slender fingers and said, "But it's wet here."

Xianxian went to a little below Lu An's finger and said, "It's not wet here either."

Lu Anzhi still pointed to the same place: "It's wet here."

Xianxian pointed to the left side of where Lu Anzhi was pointing: "It's not wet here either."

Lu Anzhi: "It's wet here."

Xianxian pointed to the right side of where Lu Anzhi was pointing: "It's not wet here."

Lu Anzhi laughed helplessly, pointed to the original place, and asked, "Then who peed here?"

After changing the question, the little guy finally stopped avoiding the question, leaned on Lu Anzhi, and said shyly: "Xianxian..."

"Ha ha!"

Lu An smiled and held Xianxian in his arms.

Zhang Suxin brought the slim clothes, and Lu Anzhi reached out to take them and put them on for the little guy.

As soon as he got dressed, the little guy got out of bed, pinched a corner of the sheets and said, "Dad, come down and wash the sheets."

This little guy wets the bed a lot and now knows what to do next.

So Zhang Suxin made breakfast, and Lu Anzhi, with Xianxian's help, struggled to lift up the sheets and diaper pad, and together with Xianxian, he "lifted" the sheets, diaper pad, and Xianxian's quilt one by one into the washing machine.

After that, Zhang Suxin made breakfast first and the three of them ate together. After breakfast, Lu Anzhi put the sheets and quilts on the clothes drying rack with Xianxian's help.

After everything was finally hung up to dry, Xianxian looked at each item on the clothes rack, feeling full of accomplishment. She suddenly remembered something and said to Lu Anzhi: "Dad, don't tell others!"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Okay, dad won't tell others. But mom already knows. What if mom tells others?"

The little guy ran to find Zhang Suxin again and said to Zhang Suxin: "Mom, don't tell others!"

Zhang Suxin smiled and asked, "Mom, don't say anything to others?"

The little guy said: "Hmm... um... I said Xianxian wet the bed."

Zhang Suxin agreed: "Okay, mommy, please don't tell others about Xianxian's bedwetting, okay?"

Xianxian was then satisfied and said: "Okay."

Lu Anzhi followed Xianxian. After Zhang Suxin agreed to Xianxian, she couldn't help but smile at Lu Anzhi and said, "This little guy gossips about herself and makes it difficult for others to guard against her. But now she tells us not to tell others about her bedwetting."

Lu Anzhi laughed "haha" and asked, "Will you tell me?"

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu An and said with a smile: "Of course I won't say anything. Why, are you still afraid of my little belly and want to take revenge on Xianxian?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Of course not. How could I regard you as such a person?"


Zhang Suxin hummed.

Xianxian seemed to find it interesting and followed suit: "Humph!"

However, before Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin could reveal Xianxian's embarrassing story to others, Xianxian told the embarrassing story herself. During the day, when Miao Suqin received her daily call, the little guy said to Zhang Suxin's cell phone: "Grandma, Xianxian wet the bed today."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were speechless for a while. This little guy talked about his bedwetting as if he was something to be proud of.

Miao Suqin was stunned for a moment when she heard on the phone. She didn't know if she didn't react, or she didn't know how to answer it. She said on the phone, "Really? Why is Xianxian so powerful?"

"Hmm, slenderness is amazing!"

Xianxian ended the topic with a boast.

After breakfast, it was time to go to Song Xiaoqin's house.

Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin made an appointment to go to Song Xiaoqin's house today to record two song demos prepared for Zhong Yu.

During this period of time, Lu Anzhi had already decided what song to give to Zhong Yu. The lyrics, music and arrangement had been written out and entered into the music copyright network. Now we just need to record the demo and send it to Zhong Yu.

If they were in Xijing, they would only need to record at their own home, but now that they were in Haidu, they had no equipment at home, so they went to Song Xiaoqin's house as usual.

On the way, we took a detour to the new store in Zhuyuan Community. The name of the new store "Baicao Garden" has already been posted. Before the new store was renovated, this store, which looked like a traditional Chinese medicine store, would never be associated with a bookstore.

When Lu Anzhi went to register this bookstore, the name of the bookstore confused the people in the relevant departments for a while.

When they arrived at the new store, Wang Ping was looking at the decoration. As for Sanwei Bookstore, two clerks have been hired, so there is no need for Wang Ping to go over and watch them all the time.

Seeing Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin coming with Xianxian, Wang Ping stepped forward and said hello.

Xianxian said again: "Auntie, Xianxian wet the bed this morning."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

Wang Ping picked up Xianxian and asked, "Really? Did Xianxian clean up after wetting the bed?"

Xianxian said: "Yeah, Xianxian and her father packed it together. Xianxian and her father put all the sheets, quilts, and changing pads into the washing machine and washed them!"

"Really? Xianxian is so amazing!"

Wang Ping praised Xianxian.


The slender eyebrows are wide open and the eyes are smiling.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were slightly stunned. At this moment, they realized that the little one didn't want to show off her great achievements in bedwetting, but wanted to show off that she and her father had washed everything together.

Then he went to Song Xiaoqin's house. As soon as the little guy saw Song Xiaoqin's face, he said, "Sister, Xianxian wet the bed this morning!"


Song Xiaoqin didn't understand for a moment, so she was stunned and asked, "Is Xianxian ashamed?"

Xianxian said without hesitation: "No shame!"


Song Xiaoqin was silent for a while and said, "That Xianxian is amazing."


Xianxian nodded repeatedly, forgetting to show off that she threw all the sheets, quilts, and diaper pads into the washing machine.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin sat in the living room for a while, Song Xiaoqin played with Xianxian for a while, and then they all went down to the basement to record demos of two new songs.

Here in Haidu, no one would look at Zhang Suxin, guard against this or that, or say anything about radiation or not.

——Of course, there is one person who needs to be on guard against Xianxian snitching.

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