The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 340 The little white rabbit is white and white, and two old men say they are coming

Song Xiaoqin stayed at Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi's home for several days. Best friends Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin became addicted to watching that idol drama. After watching it for two days, they discovered that it was an old drama that had been aired last year.

——They didn’t really like watching TV series before, so they didn’t pay attention to them.

After learning that this drama was broadcast last year, the two of them found a video store while they were out for a walk, bought the TV drama's disc, and also bought a DVD player along the way.

——This TV series is actually available on computers, and the complete episodes are already included in those video playback software. But both Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin felt that watching dramas on TV was better than watching them on a computer. Firstly, they could sit casually and comfortably, and secondly, the size of the TV was much larger than the computer screen, making them enjoyable to watch.

After returning, the two of them set up the DVD player without Lu Anzhi's help. They turned on the power and put in the disc to play. Not only did they enjoy watching it, but they didn't need to be disturbed by advertisements.

And Lu Anzhi continued to code. In the past few days, Kuku contacted him and told him that the communication with Science Fiction World had been completed, and the contract had been initially drawn up and sent to him for review.

After receiving the contract, Lu Anzhi read it carefully - he still forced himself to read this boring job in order to understand it. After all, compared to normal text, the terms in the contract are always very difficult to pronounce - this and Compared to other contracts, the contract with Science Fiction World magazine is relatively simple and clear. The content is that he only needs to serialize it in Science Fiction World and charge a fee of 500 words per thousand. Science Fiction World does not occupy any copyrights, and will be published and distributed in the future. It's something under the maple tree.

After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, Lu Anzhi signed the contract directly, then painstakingly added the editor from Science Fiction World, communicated with the mailing address, and sent it out.

The editors at Science Fiction World are not as chatty and casual as Kuku. They are very polite when they speak and always act businesslike. Lu Anzhi was also happy with this and saved a lot of nonsense when communicating.

——Of course, it’s not that he doesn’t like the editor Kuku. Kuku is also quite interesting, and not annoying. Sometimes talking to Kuku and teasing the baby can relax you.

After signing the contract, the science fiction world couldn't wait to get the manuscript, so that the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" could be serialized as soon as possible. They obviously took the novel very seriously.

So Lu Anzhi saved the manuscript for another two days and sent the written content.

The chapters in "Dark Forest" are much simpler than the first part. There are only the prologue and the upper part Wallfacer, the middle part Spell, and the lower part Dark Forest. The upper, middle and lower parts are simply divided according to the chronological order in the novel. The content in the upper part of The Wallfacer is all set in the third year of the Crisis Era.

But for serialization, dividing it into chapters like this is definitely not possible. After all, the original novel covers the first part from page 12 to page 167. When he was reading novels in his previous life, he had a habit of always liking to read the next chapter before stopping and doing other things. However, the super simple length division in this novel almost caused him to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

His method of processing was very simple. He did not make any modifications to the original work. He just added "1, 2" in front of each part based on the length and paragraphs of the original three parts. ,3”.

In this way, each large chapter can correspond to a serialization. And he didn't need to make changes to the original work.

When I sent the article to the editor of Science Fiction World, it was already Friday afternoon, and the content I sent was the prologue and the first three chapters of the upper part. This bit of content is enough to keep Sci-Fi World serialized for a month.

Before posting the article, Lu Anzhi asked the editor if he needed to wait until Monday before posting. After all, Saturday and Sunday were rest days. The editor said it didn't matter. Reading Lu Anzhi's novels was not work for him, but rest and relaxation.

This statement is much simpler and clearer than Ku Ku. If Ku Ku was the case, he would definitely have to complain a few times before rushing to read the novel.

So Lu Anzhi sent the manuscript.

During this period of time, the Internet was still discussing "The Three-Body Problem", Lu Anzhi, and Ren Youyou, the top candidate in the college entrance examination.

The relationship between the top scorer in the college entrance examination and a popular novel still attracts attention. But as the parties involved, neither Lu Anzhi nor Ren Youyou expressed a single opinion on the matter. Both of them have little need for news, they just want this matter to pass quickly.

On Saturday and Sunday, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin had almost finished watching the TV series.

In fact, compared to the TV series in the previous life that developed to dozens of episodes later, the TV series in this world are relatively very compact, and the episodes are not too long. The drama Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin watched only had about thirty episodes.

And even thirty episodes is considered a long time in today's TV series.

Even if the two women have the disc in hand, they are more restrained and only watch five episodes at most every day. Take a break every time you watch an episode, stand up and stretch your muscles, while also relaxing and relaxing your eyes. And in the evening, after Xianxian came back, the two of them naturally didn't know how to watch the drama, so they watched it so slowly.

When Saturday and Sunday arrive, the two women have to set an example for Xianxian who stays at home, and they will not follow dramas anymore. Together with Lu Anzhi, they had a good time playing with Xianxian. Song Xiaoqin directly booked a nearby theme park, stayed there, and had a great time for two days.

In the past two days, Xianxian has been pestering her sister Song. As a result, sister Song was unable to experience many of the thrilling items in the theme park. She accompanied Xianxian to play simple and childish children's items over and over again.

"I want to go home..."

After the first day of playing, Song Xiaoqin, who felt extremely bored, couldn't help but complain to Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin smiled and said, "Just go back and no one will stop you."

But Song Xiaoqin just said that she hadn't had such fun with Xianxian for a long time. Now that she had a rare opportunity, she didn't want it to end so simply - although playing those projects with Xianxian was quite boring.

Seeing Song Xiaoqin like this, Zhang Suxin teased her: "You like children so much, why don't you have one yourself?"

Before Song Xiaoqin could speak, Xianxian blinked and asked, "What kind of child is sister giving birth to?"

Zhang Suxin said: "Sister, give birth to a younger brother and sister to play with you, okay?"

Xianxian said: "No, I want my sister to play with me!"

Song Xiaoqin smiled contentedly, picked up Xianxian, kissed her, and said, "It's better Xianxian! You're so sensible! You guys... my father and my mother are just urging us to get married, so why are you guys here too?" "

Lu Anzhi said: "Don't talk about me, I don't have it. Don't take me with you."

Zhang Suxin pursed her lips and smiled.


Xianxian also held Song Xiaoqin's cheek and kissed her.

So Song Xiaoqin was happy and bought a lot of delicious food for Xianxian.

After the two days of travel, Lu Anzhi drove Zhang Suxin, Song Xiaoqin and Xianxian back home. Although they played in the theme park for two days, they were not really tired.

After all, they have been out a lot and have already gained experience. They go there just to have fun, not to get tired. Therefore, faced with the dazzling array of entertainment projects, several people chose to play them selectively, and did not just go through them and experience them all.

I didn’t experience the rest this time, I’ll try it next time. Anyway, they are not short of a few tickets.

On the way home, Zhang Suxin asked Xianxian what she wanted to eat at night. Xianxian thought about it and said, "I want dumplings!"

Song Xiaoqin said happily: "You also want to eat dumplings? What a coincidence, I want to eat them too."

Xianxian chuckled, thinking that eating dumplings for dinner must be a good idea.

So Lu Anzhi drove to the vegetable market near his home, bought vegetables, chopped meat, and then returned home. Song Xiaoqin also found a nearby convenience store and bought a lot of snacks for Xianxian.

——Xiao Xianxian made her happy today, and this was her reward for Xianxian.

After arriving home, Lu Anzhi carried the vegetables and meat fillings into the kitchen. Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin washed their hands, put on their aprons, and made dumplings. Lu Anzhi originally planned to help, but was kicked out by two women.

"Go, go, don't you know how big your kitchen is? How can it accommodate so many people? Go and do your own thing."

Song Xiaoqin said.

But she could drive Lu Anzhi away like this, but she couldn't drive away Xiao Xianxian who loved to join in the fun.

When they drove Lu Anzhi out of the kitchen, Xianxian had already placed the small stool next to the chopping board, and put on her apron in a decent manner - Zhang Suxin bought it for her. She always She likes to join in the fun in the kitchen. When she saw this small-sized apron when she went to the supermarket, she clamored for it, so Zhang Suxin had to buy it for her.

Lu Anzhi glanced at the door of the kitchen once or twice and saw the little guy standing on a small bench, holding a small rolling pin in his hand, rolling out a piece of dough. After a while, he looked again and saw that Xianxian was half-flattening the dough. Scoop the dumpling filling onto the non-round dough. The little one always felt that there was not enough stuffing on her dumplings, so she kept adding stuffing to her dumplings without restraint. Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin had to remind her over and over again: "That's enough, that's enough. If you put more stuff in, it won't be able to wrap it up." "

The little guy just gave up.

After a while, Lu Anzhi came over to hang out again, and was called in by Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin.

"Look at the dumplings your daughter made."

Zhang Suxin said to Lu Anzhi with a smile. Then Xianxian stepped aside, pointed at a bulging irregular semicircle on the chopping board and said, "Look!"

The bulging semicircle was filled with stuffing, which must have been stuffed by the little guy himself, and on the edge were the fingerprints pressed one by one. I guess the little guy used her fingers to press and press the stuffing. The dumplings are sealed.

Lu Anzhi said with a smile: "Xianxian is so awesome. Xianxian will eat the dumplings she made by herself."

Xianxian said happily: "Yeah, Xianxian can eat it by herself!"

But after the dumplings were cooked, one of the two dumplings made by the little guy fell apart. The little guy was very sad: "Where are the dumplings? Where are my dumplings? Xianxian obviously made two dumplings."

Zhang Suxin had no choice but to persuade Xianxian: "Xianxian is fine, there is still a dumpling left. Look, isn't mom also losing a dumpling?"

Song Xiaoqin followed: "Yes, yes, my sister is gone too. Two of the dumplings she made fell apart."


Xianxian asked.

"It's right here."

Song Xiaoqin pointed to the dumpling wrappers and dumpling fillings made by Xianxian that had spread out in the pot. Fortunately, Xianxian didn't pursue it and said happily: "Here it is." Then she went to fish for her dumplings.

The dumplings looked very poor, but the little guy didn't dislike them at all and ate them very happily. While eating, he said, "It's so delicious!"

The little girl ate fifteen dumplings for dinner. Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin asked her to eat less, but she refused. There was no other way, so the three adults had to finish the remaining dumplings quickly to prevent the little ones from eating endlessly.

What left the three of them speechless was that the little guy's belly was huge. After eating fifteen dumplings, he was still not finished. After Lu Anzhi put away the dishes, the little guy was thinking about the snacks Song Xiaoqin bought for her.

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Song Xiaoqin and said, "I want you to buy her these messy things."

Song Xiaoqin called innocent and said, "I didn't know she could eat so much now! I obviously bought snacks for her before and it was fine."

She had no choice but to persuade Xianxian: "Xianxian, be good, don't eat. You see your belly is already round and bulging. If you eat any more, it will burst."

Xianxian seemed to be a little hesitant, but looking at the bag full of snacks, she still couldn't bear to put it down.

Song Xiaoqin said: "These snacks are yours anyway, you can eat them tomorrow. How about eating them after you sleep tomorrow?"

Xianxian thought about it for a while before agreeing: "Okay, then Xianxian puts the snacks next to the bed."

Zhang Suxin said: "Okay, can you pick a snack and put it next to the bed?"


Xianxian agreed and spent a long time selecting in the snack bag. Finally, she selected a bag of biscuits, picked it up and ran into the bedroom with a clatter and placed it on the bedside.

After she was satisfied, she no longer thought about the bag of snacks and went to play with Song Xiaoqin happily.

——Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin thought that this little guy really didn't care about him anymore.

After the little one had enough fun with Song Xiaoqin and it was almost time to rest, Xianxian waved her hands to Song Xiaoqin and said see you tomorrow. After Song Xiaoqin returned to the guest bedroom to rest, she washed up and followed Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin. Went to the master bedroom.

After going to bed, the little guy lay down between Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, and recited her nursery rhyme again: "Little white rabbit, white and white, with two ears standing up, loves to eat radishes and green vegetables, and jumps around. So cute."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin clapped and said they were going to sleep so quickly, and then the little guy suddenly picked up the bag of snacks on the bedside and said, "The little white rabbit likes to eat this."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

This little guy is obsessed with snacks after all.

The couple couldn't help but smile silently.

Zhang Suxin said: "The little white rabbit likes to eat radishes and vegetables, but doesn't like this."

But the little guy pointed to his chest and said, "This little white rabbit loves to eat this."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin did not intend to spoil the little girl and said, "This little white rabbit also eats radishes and green vegetables."

Then the little guy recited the nursery rhyme again: "Little white rabbit, white and white..."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin looked at each other and smiled, thinking that the little guy was finally calm and obedient.

Then I heard the little guy continue to read: "Put up your ears. I love eating this and green vegetables. It's so cute to jump around."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

Lu Anzhi: "..."


Zhang Suxin couldn't help but laugh, stretched out her index finger and tapped the little guy's forehead, and said, "You, you can't stop talking about it, you're beating around the bush."


The little guy laughed, with a hint of cunning in his smile.

Zhang Suxin said: "Little White Rabbit likes to eat this, but you have to wait until tomorrow. Little White Rabbit ate so many dumplings tonight, and if you eat more dumplings, it will ruin your stomach. Do you hear me?"

Xianxian was depressed and said, "I know." However, she was good at regulating her emotions. She was only depressed for a moment and then said, "Then, can Xianxian eat this when she wakes up tomorrow?"

Zhang Suxin said: "Yes."

Xianxian immediately put down the snacks and said, "Xianxian, go to bed now." After saying that, she closed her eyes and made a sound in her mouth: "Huh...huh..."

Lu Anzhi couldn't help but laugh: "Who did this little guy learn from? How come he still snores?"

Xianxian opened her eyes and said, "Learned it from my grandpa."


Zhang Suxin couldn't help but laugh again, patted Xianxian and said, "Go to sleep."

The little guy closed his eyes again and made a sound: "Huh...huh..."

One night passes, and when you wake up the next day, it’s a new week. When Lu Anzhi thought about his past life, what he hated most was this time, which meant that he had to crawl out of the warm bed to go to work.

But in this world, he had developed a habit and rarely slept in, but he didn't feel uncomfortable on Monday morning. After all, he is very free now.

After Xianxian woke up, she immediately went to find her snacks. Last night, Zhang Suxin had promised her to eat now, so she didn't stop her anymore. She let the little guy finish the small bag of biscuits. After he was satisfied, he asked her to get up, get dressed and wash up.

After the little guy learned how to do these tasks, he started to do them all by himself. All Zhang Suxin needed to do was to help occasionally. It's slow, but the little guy insists on it, and Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin are happy to let Xianxian learn to take care of herself.

After she finished packing, Lu Anzhi went out and took her to the kindergarten on an electric bike.

After sending Xianxian away, life became simple and monotonous again. Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin continued to watch the remaining episodes, while Lu Anzhi continued to code.

He had been typing words all morning when he suddenly received a call from Gu Ruiyong. He answered the phone and asked, "What's wrong, Brother Gu?"

Gu Ruiyong said: "I have completed the casting, let me show it to you. What are you doing in Haidu these two days?"

Lu Anzhi said: "I have nothing to do. But Brother Gu, you don't need to make a special trip. Just send me the image photos of the male and female protagonists. I can only take a rough look based on my feelings. I don't know the details. .”

Gu Ruiyong said, "How about that? If I say it's for you to watch, I'll show it to you. I'll bring all the tapes of the audition and I'll show it to you when the time comes."

Lu Anzhi had no choice but to agree.

Gu Ruiyong added: "In addition, Lao Wen will also go, and we will take the opportunity to get together at that time."

Lu Anzhi laughed and said, "I know this. He had advertised on WeChat before, saying that he was coming to Haidu to participate in a music festival." The old man also used his topic to vindicate himself. In the name of promoting the music festival he was going to attend, there was no one left.

Gu Ruiyong complained: "That's right. People give you ads while giving you a voice. They really know how to gain popularity." He said it as if he didn't gain popularity. Lu Anzhi did not answer this question.

Gu Ruiyong added: "Speaking of which, that old guy is really getting more and more neglected. He hasn't even written a song for more than half a year. Others have no choice but to come to me to beg him to write songs. When we go to Haidu, you have to work with me to persuade him that we can do rock music, but we can’t abandon our main business just because of it.”

Not long after Gu Ruiyong hung up the phone, Wen Zhangping also called and mentioned that he would be arriving in Haidu at about the same time as Gu Ruiyong. So Lu Anzhi quoted Gu Ruiyong's words.

But Wen Zhangping dismissed it and said: "What kind of main job and side job? Why do I write songs? It's to make money! Now I can make money playing rock and roll, why do I still write songs? I feel so happy playing rock and roll, writing songs After racking my brains, I still have to lose my hair. Why? I don’t want to look like Lao Gu. His name is Gu Da Bald, and I don’t want to be called Wen Da Bald.”

Lu Anzhi said hurriedly: "Brother Wen, just tell me what you said, but don't say it out loud. Don't let me become the culprit of why you don't write songs. I'm afraid others will criticize me again." "

Wen Zhangping said: "The problem is that you are the culprit."

Lu Anzhi said: "Haha, forget it, Brother Wen. You want to take the blame randomly, but I don't want to take the blame casually. Writing songs depends on your own wishes, not on me. Do you like to write or not? , what does it have to do with one of my songs?”

Wen Zhangping laughed "haha" and said: "Okay, okay, I won't blame you anymore. Blame? Hehe. This is an interesting statement."

After saying this, Wen Zhangping asked again: "Would you like to come and play at this music festival in Haidu? Anyway, you are staying at home, which is close. When the time comes, we will go on stage together, and Watermelon Peel will accompany you. , what a joy. Let me tell you, this music festival is different from the last one you attended in Guangzhou Paradise. The organizer specially selected a large open space with four stages open at the same time. The atmosphere It’s so exciting to be able to do that.”

Lu Anzhi said: "We'll see when the time comes. Suxin is pregnant, so she can't go to such a noisy place. I have to see if I have time, and I'll talk about it when I have time."

Wen Zhangping was slightly surprised and said, "Congratulations."

Lu Anzhi thanked him.

Afterwards, he and Wen Zhangping made arrangements to meet again when Wen Zhangping and Gu Ruiyong came to Haidu, and Lu Anzhi hung up the phone.

Then at noon on Monday, the new first issue of the Science Fiction World electronic magazine was officially released, and the second part of "The Three-Body Problem", "Dark Forest", finally came out.

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