The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 388 Shocked, Lu Anzhi turned out to be the boss of Xinwei

The first day of operation of Xinfeng Chinese website was very smooth. More than half of the users who jumped from the Maple Tree website chose to retain it, and some found this website through search, which should be recommended by word of mouth. The data is stable and improving.

Based on this situation, on the second day after Xinfeng Chinese website was launched, WeChat promotion began on a large scale. In addition, Maple Tree and Xinwei also put a lot of traffic into other channels, and soon many netizens entered this website out of curiosity and stopped to browse this novel reading website.

Xinfeng Chinese Network ushered in a big explosion of data. Fortunately, Kukun was well prepared and avoided server congestion and other situations. The staff doing background data monitoring stared at the website for a day, and seeing the increase in data was even more satisfying than reading a cool article.

And that night, Xu Changqing turned on the computer at home and was shocked when he saw the data of "Fights Break the Sphere" that was more than ten times higher than yesterday. He stared blankly at the frightening number of collections and clicks on the book page, a little startled, and secretly thought to himself, Teacher Lu's name is really powerful.

He also looked at other novels. Although the data increases were dramatic, they were not as exaggerated as "Fights Breaking the Sphere".

He attributed all his achievements to Lu Anzhi's name, but he didn't know that Lu Anzhi's name was just an introduction. What really attracts readers to leave a message, leave a message in the comment area, and discuss it is the refreshing and refreshing text.

"Fighting Beyond the Sphere" became famous in one fell swoop, opening the door to a new world for many people, allowing people to understand that novels can be so enjoyable, completely mindless.

Many readers in the comment area said that this novel was really enjoyable, and at the same time criticized Lu Anzhi for writing tragedies on purpose before. He is a big bad guy, and the sow with the knife is honest and does not bully me. Of course, some readers protested, wondering how could Tangtang Lu Anzhi write such a nutritious work. Others said that Lu Anzhi probably felt that the novel was not nutritious, so he only provided creative ideas and found a person named "Xu Changqing" to ghostwrite it.

Xu Changqing also saw these comments, but did not take them seriously. He is determined now and only wants to make money. After reading the data of "Fights Breaking the Sphere", I took a deep breath, calmed myself down, reduced the size of the web page, opened the document, and continued to code and study according to the outline.

But it is Ku Ku who has a deeper understanding of the effect of "Fights Break the Sphere".

I have received a lot of manuscripts today. Xinfeng Chinese opened a special column for soliciting manuscripts on the Internet, and left information about her as the chief editor of the first editorial team in the column, so she received a lot of manuscripts today.

Yesterday was just like any other day, but starting from today, she received a lot of different manuscripts than before. These manuscripts basically only have the beginning, and many of these beginnings imitate "Fights Break the Sphere".

It seems that many people have noticed the unique characteristics of "Fights Break the Sphere".

So I thought in my heart. She is not opposed to this kind of imitation. Many people start writing novels by imitating step by step. As long as these imitations are not copied from the plot, but can learn the rhythm and ideas of "Fights Beyond the Sky" and have their own themes and stories, that's fine.

So even though I felt dizzy after reading the manuscript, it was still very enjoyable.

She has indeed realized that the direction of "Fights Break the Sphere" is the future of Xinfeng Chinese Network.

She told Lu Anzhi about this situation in Qiuqiu, and it took a long time for Lu Anzhi to reply to her.

She saw Boss B, whom she noted as Teacher Big B, saying in Qiuqiu: Well, the break-up trend is destined to rise in this world.


When I saw this word, it was quite interesting to think about it. A simple word describes the essence of the conflict at the beginning. Boss B is indeed the original work, and the description is quite accurate.

She said again in Qiuqiu: I have only passed one or two of these manuscripts about divorce. Others are very poor imitations, either of poor quality, or almost direct plagiarism, except for the character names, everything else is almost exactly the same.

Kuku: There are also several other manuscripts, which I think are also acceptable. Some of these manuscripts are a bit immature in writing, but the beginning is very good. I feel like I was inspired by "Fights Beyond the Sphere", and then I wrote out the story in my mind and imitated the style of "Fights Beyond the Sphere", and it felt so good.

Lu Anzhi: Yeah.

Kuku: Boss B, do you think this is the right way?

Lu Anzhi: Yes. In short, the articles on Xinfeng Chinese website should still be based on fun.

Kuku: Then Boss B, can you give me any advice?

Lu Anzhi: I’d better not give it to you. When Xu Changqing finishes writing "Fights Break the Sphere", if he wants, I can give him some other ideas. But other authors have other authors’ ideas, and I can’t let my own ideas influence too many people.

The era when online literature is mature is as good as the era when online literature is mature. Those works in which the routines have gradually become clearer and the genre has evolved, each has its own clear points and directions. However, the barbaric era of online writing is also as good as the barbaric era.

Lu Anzhi still remembers the proliferation of novels and ideas in that era, which opened his eyes. All kinds of interesting, weird, and trendy genres and novels all appeared in this era. The emergence of Xinfeng Chinese Network may usher in changes in the world's online literature. Entering the barbaric era, Lu Anzhi felt that it was better not to interfere too much. People's thoughts are always colorful and colorful, and it is best not to be imprisoned prematurely.

He got a head start through Xu Changqing, which was enough. Next, he can watch and see what works will appear in this world's barbaric era that will dazzle him.

He couldn't help but look forward to it, just like when he first came to this world. At that time, he also eagerly read many outstanding modern and contemporary works from this world.

Kuku: Okay.

Kuku replied, somewhat reluctantly, but there was nothing he could do.

In the next few days, the traffic of Xinfeng Chinese website continued to rise, and the data of "Fights Break the Sphere" exploded so much that it could be said that one pillar held up the sky.

These days have been a cycle. In just a few days, the website has been flooded with new works. These works with only 10,000 to 20,000 words include urban, martial arts, science fiction, fantasy, etc., but most of them are concentrated in urban and martial arts. Some are good in writing and some are poor in writing, but they all have one characteristic, which is one word. :Cool.

The new readers who flocked to Xinfeng Chinese website burst out with incomparable enthusiasm and dug out these refreshing works lying in the nooks and crannies, helping these works to rush to the list one after another.

The role played by the impact list and the real-time interaction in the comment area gave readers a sense of participation. Some readers began to reward, and some began to urge updates. There are also readers who denounced novels that were cut short after just 10,000 to 20,000 words, calling for "dead eunuchs."

With the popularity of Xinfeng Chinese website, the traffic of new users began to show a downward trend.

Huoke's team felt their eyelids twitch wildly when they saw this new website that suddenly appeared. They wanted to crawl along the network cable and tear the website's pages to pieces.

"Is this new Weibo specifically targeting us?"

"We can't defeat Weihua. They have all transformed, and he has created a new maple. Will he let people live?!"

"Oh shit!"

"Forcing people to death!"

"There are only two options now - either sell Hua Ke while there is still some popularity, or... learn from Xin Feng and let's transform..."

"I disagree……"

"I agree……"

The management of Huoke was in a huge quarrel over Xinfeng Chinese Network, and Xinwei, an Internet company that had only emerged in just one year, once again attracted the attention of the industry with this wave of operations of Xinfeng Chinese Network.

On this day, after sending Xianxian to kindergarten, Lu Anzhi went to Xinwei Company. This company was sponsored by Lu Anzhi alone, so he was the only one who came. He asked Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin if they wanted to come, but both women refused, saying that they would not join in the fun and just watch the show at home.

As for Lu Anzhi's departure to Xinwei Company, Li Huiming has already been making preparations and extended an invitation. Today, the big boss who had been hiding behind the scenes finally appeared, and everyone in the company was looking forward to it.

The office space of Xinwei Company is temporarily rented in an office building in Haidu Internet Park. This is an office building that was replaced after staff expansion this year. Their previous office location was an office building not far from Zhuyuan Community.

Now there can no longer accommodate so many employees, so Xinwei Company had to change to an office building. At that time, due to the server relocation, both WeChat and Xianxianjingting had to be suspended for a whole day, which made netizens extremely anxious.

Lu Anzhi drove to the entrance of the park established by the Haidu government and saw Li Huiming waiting with several company employees. Many people from other Internet companies in the park noticed the actions here, took the time to look at the door, and started talking about it:

"Who is here from Xinwei? Why are all the bosses running to the gate?"

"I don't know. I think they were waiting there early in the morning. They've been waiting for a long time. Are they from the government? People in Xinwei take it so seriously."

"Who knows? This company is really awesome. Weihua and Xianxianjingting have developed so much this year. What kind of Xinfeng Novel Network has been launched in the past two days? If any more projects get support from the government, then Don’t we have to take off?”

"People have already taken off."

In the midst of people's discussions, people from various Internet companies saw a lone car driving in through the glass window, and the senior officials of Xinwei Company came to greet it.

"Only one car?"

"This doesn't look like the government."

"Who is he? He is so impressive that even the boss of Xinwei Company went up to greet him in person?"

Speculations were heard one after another near the windows of various office buildings. People in some offices that were not very busy even put down their work and crowded to the windows to watch the excitement. Of course, many employees were reprimanded by their leaders and ran back to their workstations in despair.

Li Huiming and others guided the car to the parking space and stopped. A man got out of the car.

"only one person?"

"He's a man, quite young. He looks a bit handsome."

"Let me see, let me see."

"He's really handsome!"

Outside the office building, Lu Anzhi met the people in Li Huiming's team for the first time under Li Huiming's introduction. He shook hands with everyone one by one, and then walked into the office building surrounded by Li Huiming.

As he approached, some of the onlookers in the office building two floors below were suddenly stunned.

"I seem to remember who he is..."

"who is it?"

"Lu Anzhi! He appeared on last year's "Singer Set Sail"!"

"What the hell?!"


"No wonder……"

Everyone knows that Xinwei and Lu Anzhi have been working closely together, and all of Lu Anzhi’s music works are published on Xinwei’s Xianxianjingting. The only Internet media platform used by Lu Anzhi is Xinwei WeChat.

Therefore, after knowing that this young man was Lu Anzhi, people all thought, "No wonder". Some people praised and said, "So handsome", "I didn't expect Lu Anzhi to be so handsome", etc. They complained about why Lu Anzhi was so handsome and didn't debut. Such a waste of things.

But no one could have imagined that Lu Anzhi would have a higher status in Xinwei Company. Not even the ordinary employees of Xinwei Company knew about it.

Lu Anzhi didn't know that he was already being watched. He followed Li Huiming and others into the office building and got on the elevator. When he arrived at the floor, he saw the glass door of Xinwei Company that requires fingerprints to enter, as well as the company logo.

Li Huiming directly asked Lu Anzhi to record the access fingerprints. The employees in the company had already noticed Lu Anzhi who was surrounded by Li Huiming and others.

"Is it really Lu Anzhi?!"

"It's true, it appeared on "The Singer Sets Sail". Haven't you seen it?"

"I haven't looked at it. Who cares about looking at that..."

"It's really Lu Anzhi!"

"I knew that our company has cooperated so well with Lu Anzhi. If we are here, we will be able to meet Lu Anzhi sooner or later."

"He's really handsome."

The employees were talking quietly. When they saw Lu Anzhi entering the access control fingerprint at the door, they all thought that our company has a really good relationship with Lu Anzhi. When Lu Anzhi came in with Li Huiming and others, the employees were sitting at their workstations one by one, working in real or fake ways, but their eyes couldn't help but focus on Lu Anzhi.

When everyone came in, Li Huiming took Lu Anzhi to the most open area of ​​the large office on this floor and ordered people to summon everyone. Everyone realized that Li Huiming was going to introduce them to this legendary writer and composer.

When all the employees of Xinwei Company gathered in the big office, Li Huiming clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet. The big office quickly became quiet.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Huiming said: "I'll spare you a moment, and I'll introduce it to you - this is our big boss of Xinwei, Lu Anzhi. Everyone is welcome."

In an instant, the entire big office was in an uproar.

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