The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 399 Jiuzhou Electric Mobile Mobile Reading Business

Time has entered February so quietly. After the royalties are paid in January of the new year, Xu Changqing really no longer has to rely on guarantees to survive. Even if he only gets a quarter, he still earns a large sum of royalties.

This share is nothing to Lu Anzhi. The income he received in February was not only the share of the book "Fighting Breaking the Sphere", but also the share of the half-year ringtone settlement, the share of "The Three-Body Problem", the share of the music that Xian Xianjing listened to, and the share of all old songs.

This made his cash flow, which had been reduced due to investing in the company, replenished again, and even another round of investment would not be a problem.

But Xu Changqing is different.

When the royalties were distributed, Xu Changqing looked at the long series of numbers on his bank card and couldn't help but feel confused. He never imagined that he just wrote a book with Lu Anzhi's help, and his monthly income was almost the same as the previous year.

And he knows that this is just the beginning, and the development momentum of Xinfeng Chinese Network has not stopped yet. As long as Xinfeng Chinese website continues to develop like this, and he can maintain quality and speed, and finish writing the book "Fights Break the Sphere", he can still earn more.

He didn't have Lu Anzhi's phone number, but he still expressed his sincere gratitude to Lu Anzhi through painstaking efforts. Without Lu Anzhi, he could only live with Xu Ranran in a cramped hut and live a difficult life.

The improvement in life now is all because of his boss, Lu Anzhi.

Therefore, when the royalties came in, Xu Changqing realized that he could take writing novels at Xinfeng Chinese Network as his main job and resign from Sanwei Bookstore, but he did not do so.

Facing Lu Anzhi, he couldn't do anything. He could only repay Lu Anzhi by helping him look after the store. Therefore, he decided to wait until Lu Anzhi came next time, and also mentioned to Lu Anzhi that he would help to browse the bookstore for free, and he would also rent the room on the second floor. Otherwise, he would not feel sorry for simply living here.

But Xu Changqing didn't know that he thought that the development process of Xinfeng Chinese Network was just a small matter. Xinfeng Chinese Network will usher in greater opportunities, and his income will also grow to an extent that is difficult to estimate.

In February this year, after Jiuzhou Telecom settled the share of the ringtone to Lu Anzhi, it contacted Lu Anzhi and talked about two things.

The first thing is about the ring tones.

At that time, Lu An's wave of music occupied the top ten spots in the ranking of CRBT, which has become a major event. Even now, after CRBT has been developed for more than a year, people still talk about it with great interest.

Someone on WeChat took stock of the monthly ring tones rankings and mentioned Lu Anzhi’s songs. Those songs that have dominated the charts for a long time are still amazing, and some people are confused as to how they can dominate the charts with such quality.

All in all, Lu Anzhi's song seems to have represented an important period and the most prosperous period of electronic tones.

Now as people's novelty gradually wears off, the momentum of CRBT is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning. Although CRBT is still making money today, both traffic and income have declined somewhat.

After Lu Anzhi's songs dominated the charts for a long time, they are now lagging behind in the rankings, and his income has naturally declined. But this is not entirely due to the decline in rankings, but also due to the decline in the overall traffic of ring tones.

This is something Jiuzhou Electronics does not want to see.

Who would want to watch a chicken that lays golden eggs slowly lay them into gold-plated eggs?

Therefore, Jiuzhou Telecom is eager to change this status quo. They thought of Lu Anzhi. Because of Lu Anzhi's reputation as the King of Ring Tones, Jiuzhou Telecom has been paying attention to Lu Anzhi until he saw that Lu Anzhi is still very topical, and Lu Anzhi's songs are more famous than before when they were unknown. , and also more accepting.

Nowadays, there is even a saying on the Internet that the products produced by Lu An must be high-quality products.

This writer, lyricist, composer, and singer who basically does not appear in front of the camera, does almost no hype, and has no news, has an audience on the Internet that far exceeds that of ordinary celebrities, and the age range of these audiences is very large, ranging from young children There are audiences ranging from teenagers to young adults to middle-aged people, and even older audiences.

So Jiuzhou Electronics Mobile approached Lu Anzhi, hoping that Lu Anzhi would dominate the rankings with another wave of ring tones, and revive the popularity of ring tones with the quality of the songs and their high topicality. If it can really succeed, Jiuzhou Telecom will also provide corresponding advertising resource tilt. At the same time, Jiuzhou Electric Shift will make a larger profit concession, changing the profit sharing from 55% to 73%, directly giving Lu Anzhi 20% of the profit.

——Of course, the premise of all this is that Lu Anzhi’s series of new songs will be successful and can increase the traffic of CRBT again.

This is naturally no problem for Lu Anzhi. Anyway, he would make more money. If it didn't work out, he would just still get a 50-50 split.

Lu Anzhi is not sure whether he can revive the popularity of CRBT with a batch of songs. All he can do is to carefully select the songs and do his part well.

One of the advertising tilts of Jiuzhou Electric Mobile is that Jiuzhou Electric Mobile is preparing to create a 3G resource package service. In this 3G resource package, Lu Anzhi's new work will be fully promoted.

When talking about this matter, the person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom said a few words to Lu Anzhi, saying that this 3G resource package has not yet been named. Lu Anzhi is a great writer, so why not help him come up with a name.

Lu Anzhi said without hesitation that it would be better to call it "my territory".

The person in charge of Jiuzhou Electrical Transfer thought about it for a while and said that the name was a bit awkward.

Lu Anzhi said that it’s better to be cool. This kind of service activities are generally watched by young people. Older people don’t pay much attention to it. Only young people will like it if it’s cool and cool.

The person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom accepted the proposal and asked Lu Anzhi if he had any ideas to promote this 3G resource package service.

The abacus was so loud that Lu Anzhi heard it without saying anything, and immediately said: "Then I will release an advertising song."

The person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom was immediately overjoyed and said, "That's great! This will also be a publicity point at that time. I'm afraid this will be your first advertising song, Mr. Lu Anzhi, right?"

Lu Anzhi thought for a moment and said, "Yes. But I can't guarantee how effective the publicity will be."

The person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom said: "Mr. Lu, what guarantee do you want? There will definitely be no problem!"

He seemed to have more confidence in Lu Anzhi than Lu Anzhi himself.

Next, the person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom talked about the second thing - about the novel business cooperation with Xinfeng Chinese Network.

It had only been a month since Xinfeng Chinese website was launched, but Jiuzhou Dianshi had already seen the prospect of this new novel website. The person in charge of Jiuzhou Electric Mobile told Lu Anzhi that they believed that the novel serialization model and content model of Xinfeng Chinese website are very suitable for mobile reading. If this business can be launched in Jiuzhou Electric Mobile, it will definitely be a big revenue.

Therefore, Jiuzhou Telecom wants to achieve in-depth cooperation with Xinfeng Chinese Network. They had focused on "Fights Breaking the Sphere" and naturally noticed the names of Lu Anzhi and Xu Changqing in the author column. So when communicating with Lu Anzhi about the ring tones business, Jiuzhou Telecom wanted to contact Xinfeng Chinese Network through Lu Anzhi and reach cooperation with Xinfeng Chinese Network.

Then they heard an answer that shocked them: "Ah, just talk to me directly about this matter. I have shares in Xinfeng Chinese Network. After we have decided on the idea, I will tell Xinfeng again, How about you go talk in detail?"

This is not because Lu Anzhifei wants to intervene in the business of Xinfeng Chinese Network. It was just this move by Jiuzhou Telecom that reminded him of the grand era of mobile reading in his previous life. At that time, mobile reading brought a large number of readers, and novel authors who made a living from online writing ushered in the first wave of income peaks, with incomes of over 100 million not to mention.

In the previous life, "Fights Break the Sphere" also happened to catch up with this era, and its influence far exceeded the limit of its starting point. The author Tudou later took advantage of the opportunity to develop into a super boss in all-platform creation.

If we can promote cooperation with Jiuzhou Telecom, the development momentum of Xinfeng Chinese Network will surely reach a higher level. And if we want to maintain this momentum, Lu Anzhi needs to intervene to avoid Jiuzhou E-Mobile's improper strategy and let the mobile reading business be like the previous life, being overtaken by mobile reading platforms one after another, and eventually reduced to mud. .

So Lu Anzhi started talking with the people from Jiuzhou Telecom.

Jiuzhou Dianshi's idea is indeed to use the color ringing method, to open a Dianshi reading platform, take over the works of Xinfeng Chinese website, and let the works of Xinfeng Chinese website participate in the revenue sharing.

Lu Anzhi directly pointed out the disadvantages of this development model. If this develops, Jiuzhou Telecom will never have its own content library and can only make quick money. The lack of deep cultivation of novel content and lack of participation will make them lack the acumen and judgment of the prospects of this industry. Like CRBT, too much money has led to path dependence and development inertia, and may be eliminated by the times.

——You must know that the ringtone business is different from the novel business. The ring back tone business is directly grafted into Jiuzhou Telecom's mobile phone business, so it can be profitable no matter what. The novel is different. Once this business develops, it cannot be completely grafted into the mobile phone business. It is destined to be independent and easy to imitate. Nowadays, mobile phones are developing at a rapid pace, and mobile phone software is emerging one after another. Maybe one day one after another mobile phone novel software will appear, and mobile phones cannot keep up, and this business will be left behind.

Therefore, Lu Anzhi proposed that Jiuzhou Telecom take a stake in Xinfeng Chinese Network, cooperate with Xinfeng Company to develop and operate novel websites and businesses, and subsequently develop novel software for mobile phones. What he wanted to do was to tie Jiuzhou Telecom onto the Xinfeng Chinese Network ship. And this ship is not listed on the market, and he holds a large proportion of shares. Even if Jiuzhou Electrical Mobile comes in, he is not afraid of losing control of the ship.

The person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom thought for a while, and then did not rush to agree, saying that he would go back to discuss and report. But after the discussion and report, Jiuzhou Telecom agreed. Then Lu Anzhi recommended the person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom to Kuku, and also gave Kuku some cooperation details and suggestions.

Ku Ku was immediately stunned. She never expected that the newly launched Xinfeng Chinese website would usher in such a large wave of cooperation. If we can reach cooperation with Jiuzhou Telecom, then the development momentum of Xinfeng Chinese Network will really be better than mine. By then, I'm afraid everyone under the maple tree will be thrown far away.

Lu Anzhi also spoke to Li Huiming, reminding Kuku and Li Huiming that they must maintain their autonomy and decision-making power, and ensure that Jiuzhou EMC cannot interfere too much, so he handed over all these matters to Xinfeng Chinese Network Deal with it over there.

After he finished these things, he was ready to return to Xijing with Zhang Suxin, Song Xiaoqin, and Xianxian.

As the Spring Festival approaches, rehearsals at Xijing TV Station become more and more frequent, and various programs are constantly being adjusted to achieve the best results. Han Guangyuan held a breath in his stomach and vowed to compete with CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. Therefore, he was very concerned about this Spring Festival Gala and had very strict requirements.

Therefore, Song Xiaoqin had to rush to Xijing early and stay there for a while. During this period, her mother called her once a day to complain. She only said that I was busy with business and now is the peak of my career development. Could you please stop making trouble? Her mother was so angry that she hung up the phone.

When Lu Anzhi heard Song Xiaoqin say this, he felt that Song Xiaoqin seemed to have a beard growing under his nose, and his image overlapped with that of Brother Dao.

After arriving in Xijing, it was still Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin who came to pick him up. The old couple already knew that Song Xiaoqin was going to attend Xijing TV Station's Spring Festival Gala and would stay temporarily at Zhang Suxin's house, so they were not surprised by Song Xiaoqin's arrival.

On the contrary, they knew that when Zhang Suxin lived alone in Haidu for several years, Song Xiaoqin took great care of Zhang Suxin and was very enthusiastic about Song Xiaoqin, almost treating Song Xiaoqin as her own daughter.

Regarding this, Song Xiaoqin told Zhang Suxin privately: "Your parents are really nice, better than mine. At least they don't push for marriage."

Lu Anzhi heard from the side and ignored Song Xiaoqin's filial words.

As a result, when everyone was sitting in the living room chatting that night, Miao Suqin asked Song Xiaoqin: "Does Xiaoqin have a partner? What kind of person are you looking for? Is the one in Xijing good? Do you want me to introduce you to someone?"

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes and said, "Mom, you already asked me this last year."

Miao Suqin then gave up and said hurriedly: "Ah, really? Sorry, sorry, I forgot."

Later, Lu Anzhi received news from Jiuzhou Telecom and Kuku, saying that they had reached an agreement. Jiuzhou Telecom and Xinfeng Chinese Network had reached a cooperation to develop mobile reading business and jointly create novel software suitable for mobile reading.

Lu Anzhi wondered if Xu Changqing would be frightened by his income if this could really happen.

After the person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom said this, he urged Lu Anzhi: "Mr. Lu, don't forget the ringtone songs and the advertising jingles for my territory."

Lu Anzhi said hurriedly: "I'm getting ready, I'm getting ready."

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