The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1006 The Mantis Catches The Cicada And The Oriole Behind

"Mr. Xu, these two boxes are genetic medicines, and the quantities are the same. Which box do you want?"

Qin Lie looked at Xu Ying and asked.

Although he wanted to swallow all the two boxes of genetic medicine, he still had to count on Xu Ying to help him fight against the Xiao family. Naturally, he couldn't do that.

"Anything will do."

Xu Ying is the so-called Hui Dao.

"Then this box is for you."

Qin Lie said, took a box and handed it to Xu Ying, and Xu Ying gave it to his subordinates.

"Mr. Xu, you continue to search for Xiao Qian, and I'll go see my master."

After Qin Lie told Xu Ying, he was going to find Situ Xuan.

However, before he took a few steps, a very special voice sounded, Qin Lie took a closer look, and instantly felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

I saw a rocket shot straight towards him.

"Get down!"

Qin Lie roared and rushed towards Jiang Lei beside him.


The rocket exploded less than three meters away from Qin Lie. Even though Qin Lie's response was very fast, he was still thrown several meters away by the huge shock wave of the rocket.


Qin Lie's mind, who was lying on the ground, went blank. It took nearly two minutes before his ears could hear the sound.

"Young Master Qin, did you hear what I said? Let's go!"

Jiang Lei yelled at Qin Lie, his face was full of blood.

Qin Lie looked towards the front, only to realize that a group of guys in uniform black clothes appeared out of nowhere. These people have very strong firepower, and they are well-trained and cooperate with each other. The Longyan team has been completely suppressed by them. .

"Young Master Qin, you withdraw first, I will block them."

Jiang Lei said again.

"Get out together!"

Qin Lie knew very well that Jiang Lei would definitely die if he stayed behind, so he called him directly and evacuated to the edge of the pier together.

He swept left and right, originally wanted to discuss with Xu Ying how to defend against the enemy, but he did not see Xu Ying.

"Where's Xu Ying?"

Qin Lie looked at Jiang Lei and asked.

"When you were blown up just now, Xu Ying ran off with his subordinates in a speedboat."

Jiang Lei replied.

"I'm fuckin!"

Hearing this news, Qin Lie was also instantly furious.

He and Xu Ying are still allies at any rate, but this guy ran away when the situation was not good. This guy is really a dog.

But now the situation is critical, Qin Lie can't care about being angry anymore, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Li Tianlin.

"Tianlin, immediately bring your people to the pier to support me!"

Qin Lie commanded in a deep voice.

Li Tianlin was a trump card he deliberately concealed, just in case, just in case he could be his reinforcement right now.

At present, Li Tianlin is less than two kilometers away from the dock. After receiving Qin Lie's call, he rushed over with the rest of the elderly from the Longyan Squad.

Qin Lie didn't fight with the men in black in front of him, he just occupied the terrain and kept sitting and defending.

He knew very well that there was no chance of winning if he fought recklessly.

In less than five minutes, Li Tianlin brought someone to the pier.

After seeing the men in black who exchanged fire with Qin Lie and the others, Li Tianlin and the others quickly launched an attack without any orders.

Li Tianlin and the others are all equipped with the top individual equipment in the United States, and their rounds of firepower are not inferior to these men in black. Besides, each of them carries five grenades. The grenades kept being thrown out.

These men in black cooperated quite tacitly, but in the face of weapons of mass destruction such as grenades, and Qin Lie's two-sided attack, there were still huge casualties.

When the number of casualties reached one third, the men in black made a decisive decision and quickly got into the car and fled the scene.

"Don't chase after the poor!"

Li Tianlin just wanted to lead someone to hunt down the men in black, but Qin Lie immediately rushed up to stop him.

He didn't know the identity of the man in black. If he pursued rashly, if he was caught in an ambush by the other party, they would most likely be wiped out.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Li Tianlin stopped.

"Hurry up and save people!"

Qin Lie then ordered.

Hearing this, Li Tianlin quickly took out the first aid kit from the car and began to give simple treatment to the wounded.

"Has the casualties been counted?"

Qin Lie looked at Jiang Lei and asked.

"According to the statistics, this time we lost a total of four people, five people were slightly injured, two people were seriously injured, and one of the seriously injured people was blown off with two legs, and now there is only one breath left, and it is estimated that it cannot be saved. "

Jiang Lei said with a heavy face.

Hearing these words, Qin Lie's face instantly turned gloomy.

Although all the members he brought this time were newly recruited by Jiang Lei in the later period, these people were definitely elites. However, in the battle tonight, he lost so much at once, even Qin Lie felt distressed.

You know, even if they went to encircle and suppress the arctic fox last time, only two people died. This time the loss has doubled at once, and the loss can be said to be quite heavy.

"Find out a way to find out the identities of those people in black, no matter who they are, I must let them pay their debts with blood!"

Qin Lie ordered with a murderous look on his face.

Their actions tonight were very smooth originally. They not only annihilated most of the elites of the Xiao family, but also grabbed a very precious genetic medicine, but who would have thought that they would have done it for others in vain. Not to mention the wedding dress, the loss is still so great that Qin Lie regrets his actions tonight.

"That's right, Master!"

Qin Lie originally wanted to take the wounded to the hospital in person, but he suddenly remembered that he tried Situ Xuan and was still chasing Song Zhe.

He was ambushed on his side. He didn't know if the situation on Situ Xuan's side was the same. He had to chase after him to see.

After handing it over to Jiang Lei, Qin Lie led three members of the Longyan Squad and quickly chased in the direction of Situ Xuan's disappearance.

At this time, it is at the northernmost side of Jingang Wharf.

Seeing that he could not get rid of Situ Xuan's pursuit, Song Zhe could only stop.

"Old man, I didn't expect you to be dead!"

When he realized that it was his master who was chasing him, Song Zhe couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

You must know that his master has not been heard from for many years, and he always thought that his master was dead.

"Don't worry, I can't bear to die without clearing the door."

Situ Xuan looked at Song Zhedao with a cold expression.

Because of this traitor, over the years, he did not know how many physical and psychological double blows he has suffered. Today, he finally saw Song Zhe again. He must kill Song Zhe himself and let him know the price of betraying him!

"Hehe, old man, do you think you killed me?"

Song Zhe sneered with disdain on his face.

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