"Wang Wang Wang!"

At this time, Misty also screamed loudly, and then slipped into the woods without a trace.

"Damn, this dog runs really fast."

Qin Lie cursed and was about to call Ye Yuqing and the others when Ye Yuqing and the others had already run towards him.

"Brother Qin, is there an earthquake?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked with a flustered face.

"Well, it should be an earthquake, everyone quickly pack up those bacon and move to the higher ground with me!"

Qin Lie shouted immediately.

"Aren't we quite safe here, why are we moving?"

Yang Yourong asked inexplicably.

"Be safe. An earthquake can easily trigger a tsunami. If a tsunami hits, we will be in danger, so we must move quickly!"

Qin Lie quickly explained.

They don't have any high-rise buildings here. Even if there is an earthquake, there is no need to worry about being killed by a collapsed house, but the tsunami caused by the earthquake is definitely more terrifying than the earthquake itself. Come on, it's too late for them to run away.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Ye Yuqing and the others also realized the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly packed their bags.

Swords, herbs, old clothes and other necessities Qin Lie packed and took away, but Qin Lie didn't take the priceless red coral and the cash. He dug a deep pit and buried these things. go in.

After finishing everything, Qin Lie made a few more torches, and then took Ye Yuqing and the others to a high place in the forest.

By the time they reached the heights, it was dawn.

However, it was almost noon, and they didn't even see the shadow of the tsunami.

"Brother Qin, I think you have made a mistake. It doesn't look like a tsunami at all."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but question.

Right now, with the scorching sun and the clear sky, no one would associate such a day with a tsunami.

"Maybe yesterday's earthquake wasn't big, so it didn't cause a tsunami, but I was thinking of everyone's safety, so I let you move overnight. Don't blame me."

Qin Lie replied embarrassingly, he also thought that he might be nervous.

"You're doing it for our own good, of course we can't blame you."

Ye Yuqing was the first to speak.

Although they were busy working in vain, Qin Lie did this for everyone's good. After all, if there is a tsunami, it will be too late to run away.

"That's right, we'll never blame you."

Su Xiaoxiao quickly agreed.

Seeing that everyone else understood, Qin Lie took everyone back to their previous camp.

"You get the barbecue ready first, and I'll go to the beach to see it."

For some reason, Qin Lie still felt a little uneasy, so he decided to go to the beach to explore again.

"Brother Qin, I'll go with you!"

The quirky Su Xiaoxiao couldn't take it easy, and quickly caught up with Qin Lie.

After a while, the two came to the beach.

On the sea, the waves and waves rolled up the sediment on the bottom of the sea, making the sea water very turbid.

Qin Lie looked into the distance, and the sea conditions in the distance were also poor.

"Brother Qin, look at what kind of fish this is!"

Su Xiaoxiao's shout suddenly sounded in Qin Lie's ear.

Qin Lie turned his head and saw that Su Xiaoxiao ran to the rocky area on his right.

Qin Lie walked over and took a look, only to find out that it turned out to be an oarfish!

"Brother Qin, what kind of fish is this? It's so big, it looks like a sea monster."

Su Xiaoxiaoman asked curiously.

"This is an oarfish. It usually only lives in the deep sea area. Now it has floated to the sea. Obviously, a big earthquake has occurred somewhere in the deep sea. Let's go!"

Qin Lie didn't explain much, and called Su Xiaoxiao, who was confused, and hurried back to the camp.

"Pack up again, let's get out of the camp!"

Qin Lie ordered loudly.

"Why are you leaving again?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked blankly, knowing that they had just put the packed things away.

"I just went to the beach to take a look. Today's sea conditions are worse than before, and Xiaoxiao also found an oarfish on the beach, which means that a big earthquake occurred somewhere in the deep sea, and the intensity can definitely cause a tsunami!"

Qin Lie said with a solemn expression.

The oarfish only live in the deep sea. Usually, the dragon sees its head but not its tail. Only when a major earthquake occurs will they float to the surface, so this kind of fish is also called the earthquake fish.

Now there are dead oarfish on the seashore, which is enough to show that the earthquake intensity this morning should be very strong, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to shake the oarfish to the sea.

And deep-sea earthquakes can definitely cause tsunamis!

"Qin Lie, nearly ten hours have passed since the earthquake at 2:00 in the morning. If there is a tsunami, it will come sooner, but you can see now, we haven't even seen the shadow of the tsunami."

Lin Qiuzhu originally trusted Qin Lie very much, but now she couldn't help but ask her doubts.

"If the epicenter of the earthquake is very far away from us, it will take a long time for the tsunami to reach here. The tsunami caused by the huge earthquake that occurred in Chile that year took more than 20 hours to reach Japan, so it took more than ten hours to reach Japan. Not too long."

"And I always felt that something was wrong, and now I finally understand it, that is, we didn't even see a single animal on the way back, which is even more able to show that the tsunami is coming, and those animals have long been taken to the depths of the jungle. The high ground ran away."

Qin Lie explained again.

You must know that the perception of animals is often much stronger than that of humans, and now the extinction of birds and beasts is definitely a sign of an imminent tsunami!

And the guy with the hair has not come back since he ran away in the early morning yesterday, which also shows the problem.

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Lin Qiuzhu and the others responded.

With the attitude of preferring to believe it or not, everyone did not dare to waste any more time, and quickly packed all the luggage.

Ten minutes later, the group, led by Qin Lie, returned to the highland they had been to before.

Above the sky, the sun is still mercilessly scorching the earth, while on the ground, Qin Lie and others are anxiously waiting for the arrival of the tsunami.

Seeing that it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, the tsunami still hadn't come.

Now, even Qin Lie began to wonder if he had made a mistake.

However, just when his will was shaken and he was about to bring people back to the camp, there was a slight vibration on the ground, as if someone had inserted the vibrator into the ground, and even the small stones on the ground trembled.

Qin Lie was shocked and quickly climbed to the top of the tallest tree nearby.

Standing at the top of the tree, Qin Lie looked towards the sea in the distance.

Qin Lie was stunned when he saw the huge waves that hit the sky quickly.

He didn't expect that his prophecy would come true.

Tsunami, here we come!

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