"I'll send you the detailed information about Kapoor later. If there is nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Xing Feng said again.

"Okay, you pay attention to rest, and I will see you when I have time."

After saying this, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

After getting the detailed information, Qin Lie browsed for a while, and then he asked Ye Yuqing to call Capao and said that he agreed to cooperate with him.

After receiving the call, Kapuo quickly rushed to Ye Yuqing's company.

"President Qin, President Ye, this is a cooperation agreement that I have drawn up. You can take a look first, and I can change it if you are not satisfied."

Capo said, and handed the cooperation agreement he had drawn up in advance to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie did not read the agreement after receiving the agreement, but said with a smile: "Mr. Capo, I really hope to cooperate with the Locke family, but just now, a friend of mine called me to say that you are very special in the Locke family. Being ostracized makes me have to reconsider whether to continue working with you."

"Mr. Qin, I'm also a member of the Locke family. Your cooperation with me is actually a cooperation with the Locke family. It makes no difference."

Kapoor said hurriedly.

For him, it is very important to win the agency rights of all the products of Tai'an Pharmaceutical and Qingqingjiaren. Only in this way can he improve his status within the family.

If Qin Lie rejects him, it is estimated that the people in the family must have trouble with him again.

"Mr. Kapoor, we don't speak secretly, and I don't want to lie to you. In fact, another member of your Locke family came to me today and told me to sign a contract with him, and not let me sign a contract with you. ."

Qin Lie looked at Capuo and said.

In fact, what he said was completely made up, and the purpose was to take the initiative in his own hands during the next negotiation.

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Capuo's expression changed.

"Is it David who is looking for you?"

Kapoor asked quickly.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you this, but you can make it clear in your own mind."

Qin Lie replied ambiguous.

According to the information given by Xing Feng, the current head of the Rockefeller family is named Abraham, and the youngest son of Abram Han is David.

Capuo's father was an illegitimate son, but he wanted to compete with Abraham for the patriarch's seat before, but because of his shallow foundation, he eventually failed. It is also because of this that after Abraham took power, he deliberately suppressed the father and son.

If it wasn't for the fact that Kapuao has always been very obedient and capable of doing things, he would have been proposed to the Locke family long ago.

Even so, the relationship between David and Capo has always been very poor, and David usually finds Capo in trouble.

"It sure is him!"

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Capuo instantly confirmed his guess.

In Kapoor's view, David must have wanted to steal the opportunity to work exclusively with Qin Lie, and then embarrass himself within the family. He must not let David succeed.

"Mr. Qin, I came to find you first. You Huaxia pay attention to a first-come-first-served basis. Besides, you have promised to cooperate with me before. If you switch to cooperate with David now, wouldn't this matter spread out? Outsiders think you don't believe what you say, which will definitely have a big impact on your reputation."

Capo quickly persuaded.

"Mr. Capo, David is also a member of your Locke family, and he is also the son of your patriarch. I think it should be more secure to cooperate with him."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"No, no, David is a very insidious person. If you cooperate with him, you will likely be tricked by him. At that time, you will not be able to help him because of the support of the patriarch."

Kapoor said anxiously.

"Capo, if you say that to David, if you let him know, he must be against you again."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, I said these words to you as a friend. Please believe me, in the entire Locke family, only I can bring you the greatest benefits. Others just want to use you. It has to be thought through.”

Capo continued to fight.

He is very clear that compared with David, the son of the patriarch, he is actually not competitive, but until the last moment, he will never give up.

Seeing the anxiety on Kapuao's face, Qin Lie knew that his plan had been successful.

He deliberately remained silent for a moment, and then spoke again: "Kappo, there is a saying in China that people who are not of us will have different hearts. To be honest, I don't believe you Americans at all."

"But I read your information. I think you are a very honest and trustworthy person. I am willing to cooperate with you."

"Thank you, President Qin, I will prove with practical actions that your choice of me is a very correct choice!"

Kapoor said very excitedly.

Winning the exclusive agency rights of Qin Lie's products is very important for him to stabilize his position. On the contrary, if David takes away this cooperation, he will be marginalized.

"Don't worry, listen to what I have to say, I can cooperate with you, and I can help you become the next head of the Rockefeller family, but I have one condition, after you take power, no matter what happens, you can't against me"

Qin Lie said bluntly.

"Mr. Qin, I never thought of being the head of the Rockefeller family. As long as I can share the family's worries and solve problems, I will be very happy."

Kapoor said quickly.

He didn't know why Qin Lie suddenly said such words, but he was always cautious in order to avoid Qin Lie's own words, so he didn't show his intentions.

After all, he managed to gain the trust of his uncle. If Qin Lie stabs this out again, his situation in the Rockefeller family will only be more difficult.

"Okay Kapuo, I have no outsiders here, so you don't have to hide it."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

Capuo looks very low-key on the surface, and seems to be a tool person, doing whatever the family tells him to do.

But in fact, he is also very ambitious. His low-keyness these years is mainly for forbearance, and then he looks for an opportunity to regain the power of the family.

"Mr. Qin, I don't know what you are talking about. If you have nothing else to do, I think we should sign this contract first."

Capao has always been cautious, and he still didn't show his attitude until he figured out Qin Lie's real purpose.

Hearing Kapoor's words, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

To be honest, he really didn't expect Capuo to be so careful, but it was exactly what he wanted.

Because only this is the most terrifying, as long as he does his best to support Capo, he believes that this kid will definitely achieve something.

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