"You don't have to think about anything these days, take good care of your injuries, and when you are healed, I will help you to take revenge."

Xing Tian continued.

Although Qin Lie had no blood relationship with him, before his mother died, he had said that he would take care of Qin Lie as Qin brother.

This time Qin Lie was assassinated and almost died of Huang Quan, so don't be angry, even if he knew that this incident involved the Kong family, he was not afraid.

"Brother Tian, ​​you don't need to worry about revenge, I will find a way myself."

Qin Lie quickly declined.

He knew that Hades Island was very powerful, but there were many enemies on Hades Island, so let's not talk about those European and American chaebols. Just the two obstacles of the Skull and Bones Society and the Night Soul were enough to make Hades Island overwhelmed. Qin Lie naturally didn't want Xingtian to intervene. His grievances with the Kong family.

"You are my brother. My brother was almost killed. If I don't do anything, what kind of man am I?"

Xing Tian said in a cold voice.

"Brother Tian, ​​I appreciate your kindness, but I can really handle the matter between me and the Kong family by myself. If you intervene, it will be difficult to handle."

"But don't worry, if I really can't bear it, I will definitely ask you for help."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

Kong Wei has made it clear that he will only deal with himself. No matter what he does, the Kong family will not be able to use too much power, but if Yan Wangdao gets involved, things are likely to get out of hand.

At that time, it would not be a good thing for Qin Lie or Xing Tian.

"That's fine."

Xing Tian thought for a while, and finally agreed.

Anyway, Xing Feng will always be by Qin Lie's side to protect him. If Qin Lie encounters any trouble that cannot be solved, Xing Feng will definitely call him, and it will not be too late for him to get involved.

After the two chatted for a while, Xing Tian suddenly looked at Bai Xianglan and said, "Brother and sister, can you guys go out first? I want to chat with Qin Lie alone."

"it is good."

Bai Xianglan is not the kind of person who doesn't wink. Hearing Xing Tian said so, she took Chen Xiaoyu and the others out of the room first.

As for Situ Xuan, he didn't leave, he still sat in his chair and closed his eyes.

Xing Tian knew Situ Xuan's identity and did not urge him.

"Brother Tian, ​​just say what you want, my master is not an outsider."

Qin Lie was also very curious about what Xing Tian wanted to say to him, and he even avoided Bai Xianglan and the others.

"Qin Lie, have you heard of the zombie virus?"

Xing Tian looked at Qin Lie with a solemn expression.

"Zombie virus, isn't this something only in movies?"

Qin Lie laughed dumbly.

"Yes, this kind of thing really only existed in movies before, but according to the information I got, Night Soul secretly created a zombie virus not long ago."

"This virus is very powerful. After a person is infected, there will be an incubation period of three to five days. The infected person has almost no obvious symptoms during the incubation period, but once the incubation period is over, people will lose their minds and become an uncontrolled beast attacking others wantonly. people."

"Once the onset of disease exceeds a month, the infected person's brain will be irreversibly damaged, and even if cured, they will become a fool."

"And according to the news I got, Yehun has secretly sold this virus to an extremist organization called the Resurrection Society in the United States. The people of the Resurrection Society brought the virus to China yesterday."

"Once they spread the zombie virus, the entire China is expected to be devastated!"

Xing Tian said in a deep voice.

Qin Lie's face changed after hearing Xingtian's words.

"Is there an antidote to this zombie virus?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"There is an antidote, but the antidote is in Yehun's hands. I originally wanted to send someone to snatch it, but the two operations failed, and dozens of subordinates were lost. Now Yehun is more vigilant. It's almost impossible to forcibly grab the antidote from them."

Xingtian replied.

"This night soul is really damn, they are deliberately trying to destroy China!"

Qin Lie cursed with murderous expression.

Night Soul has always been a notorious organization, producing and selling drugs, organizing prostitution, trafficking in human beings, killing people, and so on. They can say that they do all kinds of evil.

But this organization was smart before and never provokes various countries, and it is precisely because of this that they can always survive in the dark.

But now, Yehun actually sold such an evil virus to the Resurrection Society, which is equivalent to indirectly destroying Huaxia. Huaxia executives will never turn a blind eye and tolerate their existence like before. .

"Yehun should want to get something from Huaxia, so they sold the zombie virus to the Resurrection Society. Once the resurrection will spread the virus, they can use the antidote to blackmail Huaxia, and then achieve their goal."

"You have a good relationship with the Tang family. I hope you can contact the Tang family in person and tell the Tang family about this matter as soon as possible. With the energy of the Tang family, Huaxia should make corresponding countermeasures soon."

"As long as they can catch the people of the Resurrection Society in advance, take away the zombie virus, or control the virus within, the night soul's conspiracy should be impossible to succeed."

Xing Tian continued.

"Tang Uncle should still be in the hospital, so I'll call him and let him come over."

Qin Lie said, and was about to call Tang Hongxiao with his mobile phone.

"You wait for me to leave and then tell Tang Hongxiao that we had a conflict with the Tang family on Yanwangdao before, and they all died. I don't want to see him for the time being. Don't tell him that I told you the news."

Xingtian hurriedly stopped Qin Lie.

"Okay, I see."

Qin Lie nodded.

Xing Tian said a few more words to Qin Lie, and then left quickly. It really came and went quickly.

Considering the seriousness of the matter, Qin Lie called Tang Hongxiao and Han Qi respectively.

Tang Lingxue's ward was not far from Qin Lie's ward, only a few steps away. After hearing Qin Lie say that he had something very important to look for, Tang Hongxiao walked over directly.

"Qin Lie, what's the matter with you?"

Tang Hongxiao asked curiously.

"Don Uncle, I just got the news..."

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and told Tang Hongxiao what Xingtian had just told him.

After listening to Qin Lie's words, Tang Hongxiao immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, he said goodbye directly to Qin Lie and left the hospital.

About twenty minutes later, Han Qi also arrived, and Qin Lie said the same thing again.

"Do you have exact information on the current members of the Resurrection Society?"

Han Qiman asked eagerly.

"No, the resurrection will be very secretive this time. I can't find out who they photographed here. I only know that they should be flying directly from New York to Longcheng."

Qin Lie replied immediately.

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