Lin Jian first checked the real super carbon fiber developed by Qin Lie and his team, and then briefly browsed the experimental data.

Although he is not a professional, this is enough to judge that Qin Lie did not lie to himself.

"Qin Lie, what is your company's current t1600-level super carbon fiber production capacity?"

Lin Jian asked directly.

"Let the chief technology officer of our company answer this for you."

Qin Lie didn't know the specific production capacity, so he could only call He Linfeng over, and then repeated Lin Jian's question.

"Now we have mastered the production process of t1600-level super carbon fiber, but there is still a lack of production lines. Just waiting for us to build the production line, this level of super carbon fiber can produce at least 50 tons a year."

He Linfeng quickly replied.

"Can you produce super carbon fiber at the m90 level?"

Lin Jian then asked.

"We can already mass-produce the m60 level, but the m90 is not yet. It can be produced, but the yield is too low, maybe less than 5%. The cost of super carbon fiber produced in this way is too high, even if it is produced by ordinary people. can not afford."

He Linfeng told the truth.

Carbon fiber is divided into t-grade and m-grade. The t-level pursues strength, and the m-level pursues toughness.

The super carbon fiber of the m90 level is now the top level, and the difficulty is much higher than that of the carbon fiber of the t1600 level. With their current technology, there is no way to achieve streamlined production, and even those foreign super carbon fiber giants are the same.

"Well, you give me an offer for an m90-level super carbon fiber, and I'll see if I can accept it."

Lin Jian hesitated for a while.

"If you really want it, I estimate at least $30,000 per kilogram of m90."

He Linfeng thought for a while.

The production of super carbon fiber at the m90 level is too difficult and the production process is complicated. If you want it, $30,000 per kilogram is the minimum.

Hearing this number, Qin Lie couldn't help but be surprised.

30,000 US dollars per kilogram, converted into Chinese coins, is equal to 190,000 Chinese coins.

You must know that according to the current market price, one kilogram of gold is only 400,000 yuan. The price of this carbon fiber is comparable to half the price of gold, which is really amazing.

"30,000 US dollars per kilogram is a reasonable price. I need a ton of m90. I wonder how long it will take you to produce it?"

The m90-level super carbon fiber is mainly used to make missiles, launch vehicles and stealth fighter jets. Before, Lin Jian tried to get people to buy them from abroad. The price is 50,000 US dollars per kilogram, and the price is almost comparable to gold.

However, because of the embargo regulations, even if they are willing to pay, it is very difficult to purchase, and they need to pass through layers of barriers.

But if the m90 can be bought in bulk from Qin Lie, even if the price is doubled, Lin Jian is willing.

After all, in this way, they can get rid of the fate of being stuck by foreigners forever, and they will never have to look at other people's faces and act in the future.

"The same sentence, as long as the production line is built first, and the yield rate is ignored, it will not take long to produce one ton."

"But the production of m90 requires the use of a top-level carbonization furnace, and this kind of thing has always been banned from selling to us in China, and you can't buy it if you want to buy it."

He Linfeng replied with a heavy expression.

"I'll figure this out."

Qin Lie replied without thinking.

It must be difficult for ordinary people to buy these things, but based on his relationship with Xingtian, as long as he speaks, Xingtian will definitely help.

And Yanwangdao has secret members all over the world. It is relatively easy to transport the machine to China without knowing it, just wait for the machine to be taken down, and then make some disguise.

"If you get two top carbonization furnaces and work 24 hours a day, you should be able to produce one ton a month."

He Linfeng continued.

"Okay, then give me one ton of m90, thirty tons of t1600, fifty tons of t1400, plus ten tons of m60. You can decide the price, as long as it's not too dark, I can accept it."

Lin Jian said very proudly.

In order to improve the domestic military technology, Lin Jian has purchased super carbon fiber from abroad before, and the money spent in these years is not 100 billion but tens of billion.

In order to save money from foreign capitalists, they have also been supporting the domestic super carbon fiber industry, especially the domestic leading Condor Group.

It is a pity that the Condor Group is a douchebag that cannot be helped. Until today, the top super carbon fiber they can produce is the t1400 level and the t60 level, and it has not been mass-produced since then.

This greatly restricts the development of domestic aerospace and various special equipment.

But today, Qin Lie's company has finally made a key breakthrough in this field, which is a great thing for the whole country.

That's why he just said the words just now, which is a disguised reward to Qin Lie's company.

Qin Lie was not too clear on the cost of super carbon fiber, so he handed this work to He Linfeng.

Because Lin Jian asked for a relatively large quantity, and this was their company's first business, He Linfeng gave a preferential price.

T1600 costs 5,000 yuan per kilogram, t1400 costs 2,000 yuan per kilogram, and m60 costs 7,000 yuan per kilogram.

In this way, the total value of the super carbon fiber purchased by Lin Jian is as high as 840 million.

It's definitely a big business.

Lin Jian was very refreshing. After He Linfeng gave the quotation, he didn't even bargain, so he let people put the full amount of 840 million into Qin Lie's company account.

"Qin Lie, today is only the first time we have cooperated. You can only deliver the goods to me within a year and guarantee the quality. In the future, you will be indispensable for orders."

Lin Jian patted Qin Lie on the shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, we will definitely guarantee the quality and quantity."

Qin Lie promised immediately.

With his current net worth, more than 800 million, he really doesn't take it too seriously. What he really likes is the cooperation with Shenzhou Weapons.

After all, Shenzhou Weapons is China's No. 1 Military Industry Group, and behind them is the country.

At present, he has become an important material supplier for Shenzhou Weapons. If something happens to his company in the future, Lin Jian will definitely not sit idly by. This used to be more important than making money.

After chatting with Qin Lie for a while, Lin Jian got up with Han Qi.

"Mr. Qin, do you know that we make at least 400 million in this single business, and this time we can say that we have made a profit."

After sending Lin Jian away, He Linfeng said to Qin Lie excitedly, it was like being beaten with blood.

"Calm down, it's only 400 million. When you earn 40 billion, 400 billion in the future, you can't just explode on the spot."

Qin Lie joked with a smile.

The profit margin of super carbon fiber is very high, but there are too many technical problems involved, so until now, there are no companies that are too powerful in China except Shenying Group.

However, with the success of He Linfeng, history is about to be rewritten!

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