Within three minutes of Qin Lie entering the basement, dark shadows surrounded Ye Yuqing's villa.

Then the leader made a gesture, and the black-clothed killers climbed up the wall and entered the house through the window.

These black-clothed killers are obviously well-trained. They work in groups of three, forming horns with each other. Once attacked, they can counterattack as soon as possible.

In the room, Situ Xuan and Chen Jinhu had already been ambushed everywhere.

When one of the black-clothed killers approached him, Chen Jinhu shot directly and shot him in the head.

"Bang bang bang!"

However, before he could fire the second shot, the other killers in black swept in his direction.

Thanks to Chen Jinhu's quick response, otherwise he would have been beaten into a hornet's nest on the spot.

Seeing that Qin Lie was rich, the black-clothed killer was obviously more vigilant.

In the darkness, Situ Xuan flashed and came directly to a black-clothed killer.


With a flash of sword light, the black-clothed killer was instantly decapitated!

Before the others could react, Situ Xuan disappeared into the darkness.

After a pause of less than two minutes, Situ Xuan shot again.

He was like a god of death. As long as he was staring at him, he would definitely die. The most important thing was that those black-clothed killers couldn't be hurt at all, and many people didn't even see Situ Xuan's shadow when they were dying.

Rao is Yehun's killers who are not afraid of death, but at this time, there is still a trace of fear in their hearts.

But they haven't caught Mu Bingyun to get what they want, so they can only bite the bullet and continue to search the villa.

In order to create more opportunities for Situ Xuan, Chen Jinhu and several others took the initiative to reveal their positions. Sure enough, a group of killers immediately launched a violent attack on them, directly suppressing Chen Jinhu and several others in the study, and they could not even get out. Come.

In the darkness, looking at the several killers blocking the door, Situ Xuan couldn't help showing a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

Situ Xuan whistled at these people, and then his figure appeared in front of them like a teleportation.

Several killers were instantly shocked, and just about to shoot, the knife in Situ Xuan's hand had pierced his heart.

In the face of top experts like Situ Xuan, these well-trained killers have also turned into vulnerable turkeys.

Seeing the death of the killer was heavy, but they did not gain anything. The leading killer was ruthless and directly asked someone to take out a C4 bomb.

He's going to blow up the entire villa and blow everything up!

However, before they could make a move, Situ Xuan had already rushed to the side of these people.

The knife light flickered, and all the living beings turned into corpses in the blink of an eye.

"It's really boring."

When the last killer was dealt with, Situ Xuan couldn't help shaking his head.

If it was a head-to-head confrontation, he would naturally be unable to defeat more than a dozen fully-armed killers by himself, but these people were short of electricity, which was equivalent to actively creating an excellent opportunity for Situ Xuan.

With the help of the cover of darkness, he is just like hanging up, killing these people is as easy as the palm of your hand!

Inside the basement.

Qin Lie had already finished dressing Mu Bingyun, but she was seriously injured and lost too much blood, so she had to get a blood transfusion as soon as possible, otherwise she might not survive the night.

Qin Lie didn't know the situation outside, he could only pray that the battle would end soon.

After a while, I remembered the sound of three long and one short percussion outside.

This was his and Situ Xuan's code. Hearing this voice, Qin Lie was relieved and quickly asked Ye Yuqing to open the entrance to the basement.

"Brother lie, all those killers have been eliminated by Elder Xuan."

Chen Jinhu said with a look of awe.

He used to be a master Situ Xuan, but until he saw him take action tonight, Chen Jinhu really realized how terrifying this seemingly harmless old man is!

If he wanted to kill himself, it would definitely be no harder than pinching an ant to death.

"Li Tianlin, leave the aftermath, Jin Hu, hurry up and drive Mu Bingyun to the hospital immediately."

Qin Lie ordered quickly.

The two responded and started to act.

Although Ye Yuqing and the others had all experienced survival on a deserted island, looking at the tragic corpses, their stomachs were still overturned.

Ye Yuqing was a little better, and Chen Xiaoyu vomited directly.

Qin Lie didn't let them stay in the room for a long time, and took them out the door directly.

So many people died tonight, this villa will definitely be uninhabitable in a short period of time. Fortunately, Qin Lie spent 200 million to buy a super villa in Longcheng before, and he directly asked Ye Yuqing and others to transfer to that villa. In the villa, he and Chen Jinhu took Mu Bingyun to the hospital.

Fuyang Street, garbage station.

After arriving here, Jiang Lei searched for a while, and only then did he find Seven Kills who had fallen into a coma in the garbage.

However, he didn't know Qisha, and in order to avoid mistakes, he even took a photo for Qin Lie.

After confirming that the person was not mistaken, Jiang Lei quickly sent Seven Kills to the hospital.

After several hours of surgery, both Mu Bingyun and Seven Kills were out of danger.

But because the two were seriously injured, it may take some time for them to wake up.

Qin Lie was very aware of Yehun's behavior, and he would never give up until his goal was achieved. Tonight, if they failed to kill Mu Bingyun, they would definitely make another move.

In order to protect the safety of the two, Qin Lie directly contacted Han Qi and asked him to dispatch dozens of special forces.

According to Qin Lie's idea, he wanted these special forces to hide in civilian clothes, so that once the people from Night Soul came over, they could be caught off guard.

However, Han Qi vetoed his strategy, and instead let the special forces blatantly stationed in various areas of the ward.

Because there are many ordinary people in the hospital, once they fight, it is likely to cause casualties to innocent people, which is definitely not what he wants to see.

Therefore, force deterrence is definitely better than hands-on.

Time flickered, and on the afternoon of the next day, Mu Bingyun, who was more seriously injured, woke up before Seven Kills.

"Water, get me some water to drink."

Mu Bingyun said in a weak voice.

Hearing this, Qin Lie hurriedly asked Chen Jinhu to get her a cup of cold white water, but he didn't let her drink more, only two sips.

"Bingyun, have you betrayed Yehun?"

After Mu Bingyun's complexion recovered a little, Qin Lie asked the question in her heart.

You must know that Mu Bingyun was Ye Hun's ace killer, but she was chased by Ye Hun instead. If it wasn't for her betrayal of the organization, this situation would never have happened.

"Yes, I betrayed Night Soul."

Mu Bingyun did not hide it, and admitted it very readily.


Qin Lie asked again.

Xing Feng had told him before that Mu Bingyun was cultivated by Yehun since childhood. He was not only proficient in various assassination techniques, but also proficient in various techniques. He was definitely an all-rounder. Said to be quite loyal, there are almost no betrayals.

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