Qin Lie's words overwhelmed the whole place.

Wen Bin's heart trembled and his liver trembled as he looked at Qin Lie, feeling somewhat empty for no apparent reason.

This kid has changed a lot after not seeing him for so many years!

This aura is really scary.

But Wen Bin did not forget that the purpose of this visit was to make Qin Lie embarrassed.

No matter how powerful Qin Lie is, he can't come here without doing anything, and just go back, it's too funny.

Hearing Qin Lie's response, he was also killed.

"How much you feel, how much you drink, mainly depends on your feelings for everyone, Qin Lie."

Liang Bo still said that on the side.

Still the same rhetoric, nothing new.

Qin Lie didn't want to answer them, and waved to Liang Mingming.

"Mingming, take out all the wine in the corner of the box."


Liang Mingming didn't know what Qin Lie's actions meant, but he just accepted Qin Lie's kindness, and he naturally stood on Qin Lie's side.


After reacting, Liang Mingming quickly went to the corner of the box, where there was a box of Maotai, all prepared for today's party.

There are a total of eight bottles in a box. I drank two bottles when I just drank, and there are six bottles left.

According to Qin Lie's instructions, Liang Mingming carried the whole box over.

"Where?" Liang Mingming asked.

Qin Lie didn't answer, grabbed the box, stood up from the chair, and slammed the box on the table.

Tear open the opening of the box, revealing the Maotai packaging inside, pointing to the packaging and saying to the two of them: "There are six bottles in total here, plus the one in your hand, there are seven bottles in total, there are only so many wines prepared at noon today, If you want to drink, I will accompany you to drink.

There are seven bottles in total. The two of you add up to three bottles, and I have four bottles alone. How about it, is this enough for my feelings for everyone? "

Qin Lie's words were sonorous and forceful, without a pause, as if he had planned to do this for a long time.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that Qin Lie's words are actually very scary.

Today's Maotai is not particularly expensive, but it is indeed a solid liquor.

The alcohol concentration of liquor is between 50% and 60%, and normal people drink three to forty taels.

People who can drink can probably drink between half a catty and a catty.

Anyone who can weigh more than a pound is an excellent drinker.

As Qin Lie said just now, there are seven bottles in total, three bottles on the opposite side, and four bottles for him.

That is to say, he has to make four bottles by himself, and this bottle is 500 ml, which is almost four pounds in total.

Four pounds, what concept, drink it, the gods are hard to save, it is estimated that it will be sent directly to the hospital for gastric lavage.

It's not that everyone doesn't know the power of wine. If you drink it as Qin Lie said, people will die.

Everyone listened and knew that it would not go on like this, and immediately persuaded them.

Liang Mingming didn't know that Qin Lie asked him to take this wine for this reason.

Quickly said: "Qin Lie, don't go up, how can you drink like this, if you drink like this, there will be no one, don't listen to Wen Bin and the two nonsense!"

Yang Xue also said: "Yeah Qin Lie, didn't you see it, the two of them were deliberately picking on you today, and you took it as they wished. Besides, what are you doing listening to them? "

"Yeah, how can someone drink like this, aren't they nervous?" Others also said.

Wen Bin and Liang Bo on the side were happy when they heard Qin Lie's answer.

His expression became lighter, and he looked around and said, "Hey, everyone, you have heard it all. Qin Lie said about this drink. He said that he would blow four bottles by himself, but we didn't force it. Don't blame me. !"

After saying this, he looked at Qin Lie again and gave a thumbs up: "Qin Lie, you are a real man, I will serve you."

Qin Lie was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him: "If you drink or not, you can talk, why is there so much nonsense?"

Wen Bin saw that Qin Lie was even more anxious than him, which made him arrogant?

But I thought to myself, this kid can't be SB, I didn't intend to force him that much, but as soon as he came up, he would have to drink four bottles, and he would die?

Wenbin appreciates this kind of sb. If you like to pretend, then let you pretend.

"Drink, of course. Qin Shao appreciates his face and drinks. If I don't drink, then I don't know how to flatter me?"

Wen Bin thought that although he and Liang Bo shared the three bottles equally, each with one and a half bottles, the amount of almost a pound and a half was scary, but compared with Qin Lie's, it was nothing compared to Qin Lie's.

He may collapse, but Qin Lie must be the one who collapses first.

As long as Qin Lie makes a fool of himself, today's goal will be achieved.

When you think about it, it's pretty cool.

With a big wave of his hand, he instructed Liang Bo to say, "You go first!"

Nonsense, there is no need for a horse boy, is it possible that you have to come first?

Liang Bo is also upright, anyway, there are benefits promised by Wen Bin, isn't it just a bottle of wine? He usually doesn't drink too much in the company, and this little wine can't help him.

With the order, Liang Bo came up first, picked up two cups, Qin Lie had one cup of his, filled both cups, and said, "Qin Shaochangliang, I'll toast you first."

But Qin Lie really didn't have the patience to play with them slowly. Instead of picking up the cup, he directly picked up a bottle from the box, unscrewed the cap and poured it into his mouth: "The cup is too slow, take the bottle."

This time, Liang Bo was really frightened.

"Take, take a bottle?"

I have heard that beer is blown from a bottle, but this liquor is really the first time. The key is that Qin Lie's indomitable energy is particularly scary, just like this is not a bottle of Maotai, but a bottle of mineral water.

That bottle of mineral water is directly dried, and normal people have to consider it.

To die or not is not a problem, the key is that there is no such thing.

Liang Bo was so frightened that he took a sip of water and looked back at Wen Bin: "Wen Bin, do you really drink?"

Wen Bin doesn't care about Liang Bo's 3721, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Of course you drink it, you can't and me, what are you afraid of?"

"Okay!" Liang Bo gritted his teeth. Damn, you can't lose your aura if you lose anything. Two people on horseback and one person drink one person.

Here Liang Bo made up his mind, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and fought Qin Lie very hard.

Pick up the wine bottle, open the lid, raise your head, and fill in the wine at one go.

"Young Master Qin, I did it, you can do whatever you want!"

That spirit, indomitable, swallowing mountains and rivers.

Qin Lie's side, seeing the stupid force taking the bait, smiled slightly, and said nothing, picked up the wine bottle and poured it down.

Didn't play tricks with him.

Of course, Qin Lie is even less likely to be stupid enough to actually go to a wine fight with Liang Bo.

What are you kidding me, even if I grew up in a wine vat, it's impossible to directly fill four bottles with a bottle, sb that's not it.

The reason why Qin Lie promised them to play like this, of course, was that he had already made second-hand preparations.

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