"Qin Lie, come on, get me."

"There are people in our class next door. I tell you, they all want me. Except for Wen Bin, many other men also want me. I'm in front of you now, don't you think it's exciting?"

"Don't look at Liang Mingming's honesty. In the past two years, he has often sent me WeChat and text messages. He also wants to get me. Everyone wants to have sex with me, but I'm not interested in them. Qin Lie, In fact, I like you, and I have always liked you."

"Come on, don't you want it so exciting at this time? Don't suppress yourself anymore, I want you!"

Yang Xue's pursuit became more and more fiery, and she had already started to bypass Qin Lie's clothes and touched the depths of her body.

At the flash of being held, Qin Lie's body trembled, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Squad leader, don't do this."

Qin Lie quickly refused.

"Qin Lie, you want me, I want to be your woman."

Yang Xue said again, the numb voice made Qin Lie's blood surge.

"I'm sorry, squad leader, I have a girlfriend."

Qin Lie is rough, but he has a bottom line.

After sobering up, Qin Lie knew that this was not the way to go, so he stretched out his hand and pushed Yang Xue out.

The strength has been restrained a lot, but his strength is still not something Yang Xue can resist.

Yang Xue was staggered back, and fell heavily on the toilet door. All her clothes were wrinkled, including her hip skirt, which was really torn.

However, she pounced on Qin Lie again.

Qin Lie was not polite this time. He pointed at her nose and said, "Yang Xue, do you not understand me? I said no!"

Qin Lie's sudden outburst made Yang Xue stunned there.

She was very scared, but she was more puzzled: how did her tried-and-true tricks not work on Qin Lie?

"Qin Lie, you, you really don't want me?" she said aggrieved.

Qin Lie shook his head: "It's not that I don't want it, it's that I never thought about it. Why do you think that you can definitely have sex with me like this? Why do you all think that using this socially common method will definitely work for me?"

Today's classmates reunion experienced Liang Mingming, Wen Bin, and Yang Xue, which made Qin Lie completely despair of this group of classmates, and the little emotional fantasy that he had been holding at the beginning was also disillusioned at this time.

Everyone, everyone who ate dinner today, as long as they step out of this hotel, they will never want to contact them again in this lifetime.

"Why do you always think what you are thinking, what am I thinking? Why do you have to use those so-called superficial experiences to define everyone you meet!?

With money, wine, and women, do you think that if a person succeeds, he will definitely not be able to resist the temptation of these three things?

Do you think that anyone standing in a high place comes from decay? "

Qin Lie was emotional, even more emotional than when he had just fought with Wen Bin.

He didn't know why, he just felt that he came to this alumni reunion today and was humiliated the whole time.

Even though everyone else was holding him and chatting, he still had such a strong feeling.

Yang Xue didn't understand what he said, but he just wanted to say it.

"You want me to help, you can, say seriously, what do you want and need, ask for my help, ok, for the sake of everyone being classmates, I will help you.

With my current ability, it's really not difficult to do you a favor!

You treat me as a friend, we talk about feelings and help out by the way.

But you don't talk, you don't compliment your words, and you don't leave your praises. All of you want to have a good relationship with me. When you need me in the future, you can talk to me, and none of them are sincere to me.

You just make me feel like a tool, like a beast!

Have you really been my existence, and have you seriously listened to anything I said?

Yang Xue, let me tell you, as far as your actions just now, there is no difference from the previous Wenbin.

When you understand what I said above, come to me again, maybe we can still have some intersection.

As for now, I'm sorry, I can clearly say that you are not worthy of me, and I don't need you either. "

After saying this, Qin Lie's emotions spilled out, and he released all the gloom in today's class meeting.

As he himself said, he was very unhappy participating in today's class reunion.

The whole process was as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Yang Xue just now was just the last straw that broke him. He had already decided to leave here, and he was too lazy to say goodbye to them. Except for promising Liang Mingming that he would do things, the rest would not be in contact with him in the future.

Such people, who come here admiringly when you are at your peak, will definitely leave when you are at a low point.

It is worth noting that such friends are not made, such feelings are worthless.

After saying everything, Qin Lie grabbed his clothes from Yang Xue's hand, gave Yang Xue a hateful look, then opened the toilet door and rushed out.

There was a loud bang on the door.

The door hit the door frame, and it hit Yang Xue's heart. For some reason, Yang Xue shivered with fright.

As Qin Lie said, she really didn't understand what Qin Lie just said, her focus has always been why Qin Lie didn't want to go to bed with her.

In her world, I sleep with you, you give me what I want, it becomes a fixed pattern.

He couldn't figure out why this model didn't work for Qin Lie.

However, Qin Lie's words just now gave her some ideas, and she shed tears silently.

I haven't seen him for a few years. Qin Lie's progress has exceeded everyone's imagination. Maybe, she will never be able to catch up with such a man in her life.

Going to the current Qin Lie with the idea of ​​​​then, no wonder Qin Lie is angry, they are no longer from the same world!

Maybe not as advanced as Qin Lie, but Yang Xue finally figured out the key point that she would not provoke Qin Lie in the future.

He also stood in front of the mirror in the toilet decadently, sorted his clothes in despair, touched up his makeup, and returned to the private room pretending to be calm.

In the private room, Qin Lie didn't know when to leave, and didn't even give her a chance to be embarrassed.


On Wenbin's side, since leaving the private room, his whole body hurts, and he has to lean against the wall when he walks.

The lungs have exploded, but there is nothing to do.

If it was before, someone would have found someone to cut Qin Lie into eight pieces.

But he also knew that the current Qin Lie, with his power in the sky, was no longer an existence he could provoke.

So I can only break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

Very unlucky to come home, if I had known this earlier, I should not have listened to Liang Bo's advice and what kind of wine he came to drink.

As a result, the place was not found, and he was beaten up.

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