"It's not quite like..." Qin Lie said the truth.

I have long known the name of the Shentu family. This family is like an emperor in the northwest, covering the sky with one hand and turning clouds and rain.

Although its influence is not as good as that of the top families, it is still an existence that ordinary forces dare not provoke.

It's not that Qin Lie hasn't been in contact with the sons of these aristocratic families, so Kong Yunze will not talk about it.

Xuanyuan Tianci, Xiao Xingyao and others, as sons of aristocratic families, no matter whether they do things in style or whether they are a city or a city, their skills are counted, and they are all dragons among people.

Even if he was on the opposite side of Xuanyuan Tianci, these things still had to be acknowledged.

And in the end, Kong Yunze actually died like a man.

With the comparison of these people, Qin Lie will say the words just now.

At first glance, Shentu is proud of the world, and there is no city.

The general style of doing things of the second-rate, and the people who follow him are basically the same rascals.

Assuming that what they said was true, and the person in front of him was Shentu Aoshi, then the son of this aristocratic family seemed to be a little out of place.

"Why not?" Shentu Aoshi asked jokingly, but he didn't take Qin Lie's words seriously.

But Qin Lie replied very rudely: "I thought the son of an aristocratic family was at least like a person, but judging from your appearance, it doesn't look like a person..."

This time, it made the people around him anxious.

"Fuck, what the hell are you talking about!"

"Boy, you are really tired of living!"

"Talking to the young master like this, are you courting death!"

The group of dog legs rolled up their sleeves and looked like they were going to beat Qin Lie for a while.

However, Shentu Aoshi was still the calmest one, reaching out to stop everyone, before it was time to start.

He picked the scar on his face and whispered: "Boy, I don't know if you have heard a sentence, don't judge a person because of his appearance, and don't label him because of one thing, or you will suffer later. It's only yourself."

Saying that, Shentu Aoshi looked at Qin Lie leisurely, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

It's just that Qin Lie is very calm. This is in his realm, and there is Situ Xuan's protection next to him. Even if this person is really Shentu Aoshi, he can't help himself.

"I'm sorry..." Qin Lie shrugged and said, "I don't see any tags on you."

"I'm sorry, I have other arrangements here in the afternoon. If there is nothing else, I will leave."

After saying this, Qin Lie is about to leave.

Because he saw the end of the road on the side, Situ Xuan drove over, getting closer and closer, and was already in front of him, so he didn't plan to stay.

He felt that there was no need to continue arguing about this matter.

Of course, Shentu Aoshi didn't plan to let him go so easily.

The two passed by, Shentu Aoshi turned around abruptly and put him on his shoulder, pressing down with the force of his hand, forcibly leaving him in place.

With just this hand, Qin Lie felt that this person's hand was unusual.

The strength in the hand is strong, the footsteps are steady, and the energy comes from the soles of the feet. He is definitely a first-class trainer.

To say that among the young people, the most skilled person Qin Lie has ever met, the first is Xuanyuan Tianci, and the second should be the Shentu Aoshi behind him.

Of course, because of such a short fight, he also concluded that this person is indeed the young master of the famous Shentu family.

Only a big family like the Shentu family has the resources to cultivate such powerful young people.

As for himself, he was an exception, he mainly had a master who was too strong.

However, this master is a bit of a coward at the moment.

Situ Xuan drove over, got close, stopped the car, rolled down the car window, put one hand on the car window, and asked him from a distance, "Boy, why are you fighting someone again? Are you? Don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't make trouble?"

Qin Lie was speechless, and retorted Situ Xuan: "Master, can you stop talking nonsense, what do you mean by making trouble, your apprentice is so good, can't it be someone else's trouble for me?"

Situ Xuancai didn't have time to pay attention to him, and asked casually, "How is it, do you need me to take action?"

"No need for now." Qin Lie replied, "You can rest for now. I'll come over after I'm done."

"Then give you five minutes, if you can't solve it, I will come again."

After speaking, Situ Xuan ignored it seriously, put on his sunglasses, swayed the chair in the driver's seat back, and slept on the chair by himself.

"Hey, this old man..." Qin Lie scolded, "If you don't care, don't care, it's getting more and more heartless."

But Situ Xuan didn't ignore it, the main reason was that there wasn't such a strong murderous aura at the scene. He also knew that this was a little trouble caused by Qin Lie.

Let him handle the small troubles himself. After following him for so long, it's time to see the results.

On Qin Lie's side, Shentu Aoshi grabbed his shoulders, and after finishing with Situ Xuan, he finally got serious.

"Master Shentu is trying to practice his hands?" he said.

"I heard that you are quite capable of fighting." Shentu Aoshi replied, "Since you don't even look down on the Shentu family, shouldn't you also let me see your capital?"

Although the two said they were still talking as usual, in fact the smell of gunpowder was already strong in their voices.

The corners of Qin Lie's mouth rose: "I'm afraid you won't be able to test this capital."

In a word, the battle is about to break out.

Qin Lie's shoulder moved, and the strong impact shook Shentu Aoshi's hand.

On Shentu Aoshi's side, the hand that was clinging to Qin Lie was slapped on the shoulder, as if he had been punched heavily, and his inner strength was forced. Shentu Aoshi also understood Qin Lie's capital, this person is indeed not ordinary.

But Shentu Aoshi didn't back down. In fact, Qin Lie became even more excited after he showed his basic fighting ability.

The Shentu family had no rivals in the northwest, and almost no one in the younger generation could compete with him.

Originally, when I went to Longcheng this time, I also planned to find those powerful family masters to learn from each other.

His goal was originally Xuanyuan Tianci, but at this moment Xuanyuan Tianci didn't meet him, instead he met such a strong passerby outside.

Sure enough, people from the Central Plains to the south gather, right? You can hit just about any one you come across.

Although he didn't know Qin Lie's name yet, Shentu Aoshi was extremely excited, and the bellicose blood in the northwest region suddenly rose.

Competitive, he had to decide the outcome with Qin Lie.

Feeling Qin Lie's level, Shentu Aoshi also became serious.

When Qin Lie shook his left hand, Shentu Aoshi immediately stretched out his right hand, grabbed Qin Lie's right shoulder, and said nothing to let him take a step forward.

The bottom of Qin Lie's feet was windy, and he suddenly kicked back, the soles of his feet kicked Shentu Aoshi's chest from bottom to top in a very strange posture.

In just one click, Shentu Aoshi was kicked out.

Teng Teng Teng took a few steps back and covered his chest, which was a little painful.

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