Qin Lie was also shocked after listening to Shentu Mingyue's words.

Just as Wang Congcong thought, hacking was not written into her resume, and these things were invisible on the bright side.

But she is proficient in such things, and she is really afraid that many things are in her skill library.

"Can you get a haircut?" Qin Lie suddenly asked a very unfortunate question.

The three hundred and sixty-degree turn made even Shentu Mingyue unresponsive: "Ah?"

Qin Lie: "I just want to see what else you can't do."

Shentu Mingyue smiled and said: "If you ask about a haircut, then I won't. After all, I won't waste time on a useless skill."

Let her pretend again.

It's just that after saying this, Shentu Mingyue didn't waste any more time with the two of them.

He stretched his hand forward, took the laptop from Wang Congcong's hand, turned his head and walked away, saying, "Wait, I'll tell you who installed the camera in ten minutes..."

He glanced at the word document in Wang Congcong's hand again, walked away with a look of contempt, and slapped his hair directly on Wang Congcong's face.

Watching Shentu Mingyue walk away, Wang Congcong didn't get angry, pointed at Shentu Mingyue's back from a distance, and looked at Qin Lie.

"Young Master Qin, this bitch, this bitch insults us!!"

Qin Lie patted Wang Congcong's shoulder and said with a smile, "Young Master Wang, please be more precise with your words, she is insulting you, not me..."

Wang Congcong was even more angry: "Do you understand those techniques? Didn't she insult you with her?"

Qin Lie: "I don't understand, but I didn't teach others."

Wang Congcong: "..."

After all, he couldn't beat Qin Lie, Wang Congcong was in a bad mood, and finally he could only give Qin Lie a middle finger.

International gestures, full of grief and anger.

As for Qin Lie, too lazy to pay attention to him, he found a place to sit down and basked in the sun on the grass to eat fruit.

Shentu Mingyue's mastery of hacking technology has made this matter a lot easier.

Qin Lie won't be angry because Shentu Mingyue knows too much. After all, no matter how much Shentu Mingyue knows, she is helping herself. Isn't everyone happy that the people who help her have the ability.

And sure enough, ten minutes later, Shentu Mingyue walked out of the locker room.

Holding the laptop he brought in, he walked to Qin Lie and Wang Congcong in a few steps.

Wang Congcong has learned to be good now, even if he sees Shentu Mingyue, he doesn't speak anymore.

Instead, Qin Lie stood up and asked about her situation: "How is it, has anyone found it?"

Shentu Mingyue nodded with a look of affirmation: "I have found it, in the editing room, you come with me..."

Putting down the computer, Shentu Mingyue walked into the workplace first, and asked Qin Lie and Wang Congcong to follow.

When Wang Congcong heard the news, he suddenly jumped up from his chair as if he had been beaten with blood, as if he was looking for that kid to settle accounts.

Qin Lie silently prayed to the boy here.

Because it is estimated that our Young Master Wang will transfer all the damage he just received on Shentu Mingyue to that kid.

Walking all the way to the office building, the three of them came to the editing room of the company after a while.

This is the special editing studio of the "I Am a Goddess" program group. All the competition videos of "I Am a Goddess" and the daily videos of the girls are edited in this studio.

It can also be said that all the videos that can be seen on video websites and the Internet have passed through the hands of these editors. Of course, they also have a lot of video materials of these girls.

The source of the crime came from here, and Qin Lie was not surprised at all.

The three walked to the door of the editing room. Shentu Mingyue stood there and pointed to a young man at a workstation from a distance. The young man was about twenty-two years old, and his face was quite immature. He should have just graduated.

It's just that in addition to his looks, this person also has "fine hair" that is about to be completely taken off, and the hairline is very backward, which has caused a huge blow to his appearance.

And when he was lying in the position, watching all the videos on the computer with a little myopia, how wretched it was.

It is said that the appearance is born from the heart, the expression of this kid, as well as the appearance, is the most perfect interpretation of this sentence.

Seeing this person, Qin Lie felt inexplicably: he is someone who can do things like peeping.

After finding this person, before Qin Lie could act, Wang Congcong walked over directly.

I don't want to make a big fuss, after all, it's not good for the reputation of the contestants.

Wang Congcong walked over, patted the young man on the shoulder, and whispered, "Come out with me."

The kid over there, who was lying on the table, was doing editing work seriously, but he probably couldn't resist the rows of beautiful legs, and was very devoted.

Looking back to see Wang Congcong, it took a long time to realize that it was him, and said in surprise, "Mr. Wang? What are you looking for me for?"

Wang Congcong had a bad temper. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him from the chair. He couldn't help but drag him out of the office.

While walking, I said to the other staff: "Don't worry everyone, I will talk to this Comrade Wang Xu about work, you continue to do your own..."

Everyone was very puzzled. After all, Wang Congcong was a rare visitor in their office, and he seldom came here.

When Wang Xu was arrested today, something must have happened.

But after all, the boss leads the team, how dare they speak, although they are very surprised, but they can't do anything other than guess.

After Wang Congcong and Qin Lie arrested the person, they went straight to another supervisor's office upstairs.

After Qin Lie expelled the supervisor with a casual sentence, the two of them took this kid into the office.

The kid was guilty of being a thief and was caught. His eyes kept wandering in his sockets, and he said as he turned, "Mr. Wang, President Qin, you, what's the matter with you two, why do you arrest me as a little editor?"

Wang Congcong locked the person this time, and he was rude.

He grabbed his hair, slammed him into the wall behind him, and asked sharply, "What are you doing, what do you say you are being arrested for? You are a little editor, and you have done a lot of work!"

Wang Xu was still pretending to be stupid, and said, "Mr. Wang, what's wrong with me, I didn't do anything, and I do my best work every day, and I didn't offend you!?"

"Honest work?" Wang Congcong was not polite at all, picked up the phone and smashed it directly on his head.

A mobile phone is of course a toy to Wang Congcong. If he likes to smash it, he will smash it, but if the phone is smashed, it will directly smash the boy's head.

The phone fell to the ground, and a video from the dressing room was playing on it.

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