The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1070 Behind The Scenes And Behind The Scenes

Looking back at Wang Congcong: "Look, it's solved this way, why do you have to look for evidence?"

With a look of contempt, Wang Congcong shook his head and said, "A reckless husband who only knows how to solve problems with violence."

"As long as there is a solution to the problem, it is a good solution."

It was a waste of time to go round and round this way, and that video was also harmful to Shentu Mingyue. Shentu Mingyue, a princess of Shentu's family, couldn't be so bored that she wronged an editor.

So when Shentu Mingyue locked Wang Xu, Qin Lie was 100% sure that he did it.

Violence is indeed not a good solution to the problem, but it is the most direct solution to the problem.

Of course, this was only done when Qin Lie was 100% sure.

Go back and continue to interrogate Wang Xu.

"You did this?"

Wang Xu now confesses: "I did it."

"What time?" Qin Lie asked.

"Last night, I just put the camera in, and this is the first video I made."

Wang Xu did not expect that Qin Lie and Wang Congcong would come to ask for trouble after this video was released one night.

"How many websites have you sold your videos to?" Qin Lie wanted to kill this matter completely in the cradle.

"Just one, just one..." Wang Xu said, "I just wanted to test the water to see if there would be any trouble. I didn't dare to sell it on a large scale. I also knew it was illegal."

It was more believable, so Qin Lie nodded and counted him passing the test.

If there was only one website, Wang Congcong had already deleted all the videos on that website, so there should be no future troubles.

Then there is only one question: "Who did you work with to do this?"

It's very simple, Wang Xu is a very cowardly and ordinary person. He is a low-key and color-minded company employee.

It stands to reason that such a person cannot have the courage to be lustful, and even if he sells it to a pornographic website, he is tentatively afraid of being discovered by the police, and it is impossible to have the courage to do such a thing.

And to enter the women's locker room, someone must respond to install a pinhole, at least to make the people in the women's locker room emptied - and the "I Am Goddess" program is recorded 24 hours a day, and many desperate players are practicing in the middle of the night. , To go into the women's locker room to install the camera, you need someone with power to help.

Therefore, above Wang Xu's head, there must be someone inside the company with more power.

This is what Qin Lie is catching.

Just after hearing this question, Wang Xu, who had been cooperative at first, hesitated.

He looked at Qin Lie and said tremblingly, "Mr. Qin, this, can I not answer this question?"

Obviously, he was afraid.

Qin Lie didn't talk nonsense, stood up, and the leather shoes on the soles of his feet stepped directly on his head, brewing the next wave of attacks.

At first, Qin Lie's ruthlessness still left a shadow in Wang Xu's heart.

Under the pressure of Qin Lie, Wang Xu finally confessed.

Everything is a cloud in front of the desire to survive, he hurriedly confessed to the person on the top: "Li Jiandong, Qin Shao, it's Li Jiandong, don't tell him it's me, I'm just an ordinary little employee, I mess with it. Can't afford him, can't offend you.

He asked me to do these things. He gave me two million and said that he wanted me to do it. I was greedy for a while, so I did it. President Qin, I'm sorry, I really knew I was wrong, please let it go. I, I will get out of the company now, and I will never come back, I beg you. "

"Li Jiandong?" Qin Lie didn't understand who he was, and looked back at Wang Congcong, "Who is this?"

Wang Congcong thought of this person after a little thought: "He is the deputy director of the program group, the second person in the program group. He was also an executive at Penguin Video before. I can see his resume, so I will recruit him. Damn it, I didn't expect that I would give him this opportunity, but he would repay Lao Tzu like this."

"Let's go!" Wang Congcong was so angry that he took the lead and rushed out of the office, all the way to Li Jiandong's office on the seventh floor.

In Li Jiandong's office on the seventh floor, Qin Lie and Wang Congcong found this person again.

Originally, this Li Jiandong also pretended to be sb like Wang Xu at first, but when Wang Congcong moved Wang Xu to him, and after another wave of "kind regards" from Qin Lie, he also admitted the whole thing. .

He said that he was greedy for profit, thinking that the show "I Am a Goddess" is so popular now, and he just has absolute power. In an instant, he was greedy for profit, so he wanted to make such a video to earn extra money.

What he said was basically the same as Wang Xu.

Qin Lie didn't have any more doubts. He abolished Li Jiandong's arm, and asked him to pay the company a compensation of 100 million yuan to the account on the spot, and then he gave up.

Li Jiandong was expelled and received compensation. Today, the clean-up of the thieves really came to an end.

Qin Lie deposed both Wang Xu and Li Jiandong, and it also gave them a long memory.

Of course, it wouldn't kill them, find the security guard to throw them out of the company.

Originally, Qin Lie thought that he had completely solved the matter by doing so, but in fact, this matter is far from over.


Li Jiandong almost endured the pain and crawled back into his car after being deposed by Qin Lie.

The hatred in his heart, he wished to swallow Qin Lie alive.

In the car, he slapped the steering wheel with his only healthy left hand, violently venting his emotions.

Gritting his teeth, he finally took out his phone and made a call.

After the call was connected, Li Jiandong said in a low voice: "Master Xiao, the matter on my side has been exposed, and the SB I was looking for actually took advantage of it and sold the video to Huangwang, and then it was directly captured by Qin Lie and Wang Congcong. Found."

On the other end of the phone, the voice was cold, but still calm: "Li Jiandong, you really don't have a long fucking memory, so how did you suffer when you were a penguin, don't you remember? I let you do the whole process yourself. , you are looking for help from outsiders, you really are more than me, I want to kill you with a knife!"

"Hey..." Li Jiandong sighed, "Who would have thought that every time I meet people like this, but Mr. Xiao, I didn't gain anything at all. When Qin Lie pressed me just now, I thought about it and wanted to sell it. The video was given to Huangwang, and it was not exposed to you. Qin Lie believed it, but in fact, there is still a video in my mobile phone."

"That's good." Hearing this, the voice over there softened a little, "Then you can come over now, as long as there is a video, it will be enough for Qin Lie to drink a pot... If the video is useful, your benefits are indispensable. …”

"Yes!" Li Jiandong nodded on the phone, started the car quickly, and drove out of the parking lot all the way to Xiao's house.

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