The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1073 It's Not The Right Time

"That's right!" Wang Congcong was beside Qin Lie, hugging Qin Lie's neck, and said in Qin Lie's ear, "This is the feeling that our brothers should have, if you have money, don't pretend? Wouldn't that be a waste? money?"

Qin Lie shook his head and didn't talk about this topic with Wang Congcong any more, his eyes searched around the dance studio.

He is looking for someone.

Seeing this, Wang Congcong immediately said, "Don't look for it, they have already gone out while you were comforting Yang Chaoyu..."

Qin Lie was surprised and looked at Wang Congcong: "Do you know who I'm looking for?"

"Who else is there other than Shentu Mingyue?" Wang Congcong shrugged, "You Qin Lie sees women. There are two reactions to whether you are interested or not. She has helped us so much. With your Qin Lie's character, it must be To say thank you, I don't know you yet?"

Qin Lie smiled and did not deny Wang Congcong's words that although this kid is a representative of the gangsters, he also has many merits.

Especially the way this kid looks at people is very vicious.

He didn't even realize that Wang Congcong knew about him to this extent.

"Then do you know where she went?" Qin Lie asked.

Wang Congcong spread his hands: "I don't have clairvoyance and ears, how can I know everything."

Qin Lie sighed, not wasting time on him.

Walking out of the dance studio and looking around in the training camp, I really want to find Shentu Mingyue.

After all, he had done himself such a big favor, and he left without saying goodbye after the matter was over, unlike his own etiquette.

As for Wang Congcong, this kid doesn't have such a good impression of Shentu Mingyue - the death stare of Xueba still haunts him.

He knew that he couldn't resist such a woman, so he left the dance studio and said goodbye to Qin Lie: "Then you go find this person, I won't go, I have an appointment with a beautiful woman to go swimming in the afternoon, so I will say goodbye first. "

"Yeah." Qin Lie knew that his life was rich, so he just nodded and let him go.

Before leaving, Wang Congcong reminded Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, as a brother, brother, I have a suggestion for you, Shentu Mingyue is not easy to deal with, if you are interested in her, brother wish you good luck, but one thing, don't Too much affection..."

After saying this, Wang Congcong didn't stop, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Wang Congcong walk away, Qin Lie also smiled slightly and did not listen to these words.

I didn't plan to soak Shentu Mingyue, be careful what she does.

But there is one thing that Wang Congcong is right, at least this woman's moral behavior is much higher than other women.

Shaking his head, he pulled his head out of his thoughts and continued to look for Shentu Mingyue.

After inquiring carefully, I realized that Shentu Mingyue had just left the training room and went to the back garden of the camp, as if someone had come looking for her.

Without thinking about it, I followed the garden path of the camp all the way to the back.

The entire training camp of "I Am a Goddess" was chosen to be particularly poetic. The surrounding flowers, plants, lakes and streams are very clean and beautiful.

What you see in front of you, any picture taken and placed on the desktop is a wallpaper.

In such a camp, even if you are in a bad mood, you can follow it.

I gave a thumbs up to the staff of the show team, and then continued to go deep.

In the back garden, Qin Lie saw Shentu Mingyue standing on the grass at a glance, and of course, at the same time, he saw the man beside Shentu Mingyue.

Coincidentally, the man Qin Lie also knew, Shentu Mingyue's big brother, Shentu Aoshi.

From a distance, Qin Lie saw that the two of them didn't seem to be getting along well. Girls like Shentu Mingyue showed impatience and seemed to be arguing with Shentu Aoshi.

Several times she wanted to leave, but Shentu Aoshi pulled her back.

But because they were too far away, Qin Lie couldn't hear the conversation between the two of them clearly.

Approaching, Qin Lie probably heard the conversation between the two.

"Okay, brother, it's impossible for me to go back. You go back and tell Dad that I'm going to be a star, I'm going to debut, and let him leave me alone."

Qin Lie listened, eyebrows moved, this plot is interesting.

The unruly princess ran away from home? Then participate in the show and become the top contemporary, go back to face his father, slap his face hard, and prove himself.

Or was forced to marry by his father and vowed not to marry, a wealthy princess did not want to be a slave to marriage, so she ran away from the marriage at the wedding scene, and encountered a talent scout on the road, and then embarked on the road of entertainment?

In a word, Qin Lie made up at least five or six versions of the plot in his mind.

But to be fair, none of the 18th-line screenwriters can make up such a plot.

The quarrel between the two intensified.

Shentu Aoshi grabbed Shentu Mingyue's hand and said: "Sister, I really don't understand you, the old man has arranged such a good position for you, as long as you go back, he will hand over 60% of the family's property to You take care of it, what are you dissatisfied with?"

"If you go back, my brother will have to fight you, are you still not happy?"

Shentu Mingyue: "I said long ago, I don't care about his property, I just want to live my own life, why do I have to follow his established arrangement as soon as I was born, this time I will never compromise!"

"Sister, I can tell you that this time the old man I came out gave me a death order, and I will drag you back. Don't force me to do it."

"Then you do it, just say it as if I'm afraid of you with your little kung fu."

The two quarreled more and more, barely noticing the approaching Qin Lie.

At a certain moment of quarrel, the two turned their faces at the same time, and finally saw Qin Lie standing not far away.

"President Qin?"

"Brother Qin?"

The brothers and sisters shouted at once, but they felt that something was wrong, and they asked the other side in unison: "Do you know Qin Lie?"

Shentu Aoshi: "Yesterday I drank wine and had a fight with Brother Qin. If you don't fight, you don't know each other. Of course I do."

Shentu Mingyue: "She is the boss of our show, of course I know her too!"

"Humph!" "Humph!"

The two of them were like children, shaking their heads after saying two sentences, ignoring the other side.

It made Qin Lie very embarrassed, as if the two of them had caused their quarrel by themselves.

Qin Lie twitched the corner of his mouth and pointed to the back. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time: "I don't think I came at the right time. Otherwise, should I go to the back and wait for a while?"

"No!" Shentu Mingyue interrupted Qin Lie, "Mr. Qin, did you come to see me?"

Qin Lie nodded: "Yes, you did me a big favor today and want to treat you to a meal."

"Let's go then." Shentu Mingyue agreed decisively, "I have nothing to say to this reckless man, there is time, go, go to the restaurant, I invite you."

After that, Shentu Mingyue grabbed Qin Lie's hand and walked out of the garden.

But Qin Lie hadn't reacted yet, Shentu Aoshi walked over from the other side, grabbed Qin Lie's other hand and said, "Brother Qin, I didn't know you were injured in the battle yesterday, you shot too hard, and you won't be able to win. I want you to eat too."

After speaking, he dragged Qin Lie and walked to another road.

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