"Go, be serious, don't let Pandan and the others see it."

Ye Yuqing pushed Qin Lie a little shyly. She was not as thick-skinned as Qin Lie, and she didn't dare to blatantly play with Qin Lie.

"You can see it when you see it, what are you afraid of?"

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

Although the white pandan has no perfume, it still has a faint fragrance, which is really fascinating.

If it wasn't for what Ye Yuqing said before that he didn't want to disclose the relationship between the two of them, he really wanted to bury himself in the gentle village and enjoy it.

"Don't make trouble, or I'll be angry."

Ye Yuqing's face froze, pretending to be serious.

"Okay, okay, sister Yuqing, what are you talking about?"

Qin Lie didn't tease Ye Yuqing any more, and resumed his seriousness.

The moon was hanging high, the night was quiet, and there was an occasional roar of insects and beasts from the depths of the forest. Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing sat around the bonfire and chatted.

Don't look at the difference of ten years between the two, but they have a lot of common topics and chat very speculatively, which makes Qin Lie feel that he has found a confidante, and the two gradually began to chat some intimate words.

At this time, it had been twenty minutes since Bai Panlan returned to the thatched hut.

If it was before that she basically fell asleep within five minutes of lying down, but this time she has been tossing and turning and has trouble falling asleep.

What makes Bai Xianglan even more difficult to explain is that as long as she closes her eyes, she can't help but see a shy picture of herself and Qin Lie together.

And the sense of picture was so real that it made her feel like she was experiencing it herself, and her legs were subconsciously clamped.

Fortunately, everyone else was asleep at this time, and no one noticed anything unusual about Bai Xianglan.

In desperation, Bai Xianglan can only use the most primitive hypnosis method - the sheep.

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep...

Seeing that she was about to count to nine hundred and ninety-nine, Bai Xianglan not only did not have any sleepiness, but became more energetic.

After pondering for a while, Bai Xianglan could only come out of the thatched hut, and then secretly ran to the beach to take a bath.

As the cool sea water washed his body, the feeling of dryness and heat in Bai Panlan's body gradually disappeared.

After the whole person completely returned to normal, Bai Xianglan returned to the thatched hut.

After tossing and turning for another half an hour, Bai Xianglan finally fell asleep.

However, as the saying goes, day and night have dreams, because before going to bed, Bai Xianglan has been thinking about men and women, and this night, when she was dreaming, she dreamed of Qin Lie again.

In the dream, Qin Lie became her boyfriend, the two had a candlelight dinner together, and then booked a couple's suite at the hotel.

That night, the two crossed the last layer of diaphragm and entered each other's bodies, and she was nourished by love for the first time.

After a gust of wind and rain, Bai Xianglan climbed to the top of bliss.

The unparalleled comfort made her subconsciously cry out, but the next second, like a deflated ball, her body suddenly slumped, and Bai Xianglan's eyes also opened.

At the same time, Lin Qiuzhu and others who were sleeping beside Bai Xianglan were also awakened by her cry.

"What's wrong with you, Xianglan? Why are you sweating so much on your head?"

Lin Qiuzhu looked at Bai Xianglan and asked with concern.


Bai Xianglan hesitated, not knowing how to explain it.

After all, what happened just now was so shameful that she dared not say it.

"Sister Xianglan, are you having a nightmare?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked.

"Well, yes, yes, I had a terrible nightmare just now."

Bai Xianglan quickly agreed.

"Oh, so that's the case, I thought something happened."

Hearing this, Lin Qiuzhu felt relieved.

"That's alright, I'll go to bed first, I'll have to keep watch later."

After Lin Qiuzhu yawned, he lay down and went to sleep.

Su Xiaoxiao and the others also didn't think much about it and lay down one by one.

Soon Bai Xianglan was left alone in the hut.

Only then did Bai Xianglan breathe a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Su Xiaoxiao accidentally helping her find an excuse to fool her, otherwise she really doesn't know how to explain it.

She swept around the hut again, and after making sure that Lin Qiuzhu and the others were sleeping, she touched her trousers.

At that moment, Bai Xianglan's face turned red again.

She didn't expect that she would become high because of a spring dream!

Fortunately, Lin Qiuzhu and the others didn't find out, otherwise she would be embarrassed in the future.

After waiting for a few more minutes, after confirming that everyone was asleep, Bai Xianglan quietly picked up a piece of underwear from the clothes next to her, and went to the beach again.

"Sister Yuqing is right? I'm not really thinking of spring, right?"

Looking at the wet pants, Bai Xianglan's pretty face instantly blushed and became hot.

"No, it's all Qin Lie's fault. If it wasn't for this bastard, I wouldn't be so embarrassed!"

Bai Xianglan scolded Qin Lie while washing her body.

In her opinion, if Qin Lie hadn't molested her and told her so many dirty words, she would never have such a dream.

After all, she is a pure and clean virgin, and she has never even kissed her mouth, let alone do that kind of thing.

But thinking of those scenes in the dream, especially the wonderful feeling that cannot be described in words, Bai Xianglan had an inexplicable expectation and longing in her heart.

"It's so comfortable to dream, if it's with Qin Lie in reality, wouldn't it really make people fly into the sky?"

Bai Xianglan couldn't help but murmured softly, and a trace of fantasy appeared in her mind again.

"Bah, bah, Bai Xianglan, you're so shameless, you'll be thinking about these nonsense things."

Bai Xianglan patted her face, and quickly put out all those unhealthy thoughts.

She didn't want to turn herself into a kinky slut.

After washing her body, Bai Xianglan blew the sea breeze on the beach for a while, and returned to the camp when she was completely free of distractions.

It may be because of the special experience of the body just now, or it may be because she is really tired, and Bai Panlan fell asleep after a while.

As for Ye Yuqing and Qin Lie by the bonfire, because their chat was too speculative, they didn't notice Bai Xianglan's abnormal behavior at all, and even forgot the passage of time.

By the time Qin Lie responded, it was already two thirty in the morning.

Normally, he should have called Lin Qiuzhu and the others to change shifts right away.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie simply chatted with Ye Yuqing until three o'clock, so that they would be on duty for two shifts.

Although the two had been chatting for hours, Qin Lie felt that he still had a lot to say because he met his confidant.

But considering that there are still a lot of things to do during the day, Qin Lie still went to wake up Lin Qiuzhu and Yang Yourong to replace the two of them, and then went back to the hut to sleep.


The next morning, Qin Lie woke up with urine.

Just as he was about to open the gate to let in some water, he suddenly saw Bai Xianglan not far away looking at him with a resentful expression, and that expression was almost the same as that of an unsatisfied resentful woman.

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