While Qin Lie was leaving, the wolf-hunting mercenaries had already begun to stand by.

From the beginning of the scattered defensive sentry formation, they assembled and formed an offensive formation.

They may have already received Kong Wei's order, and when Qin Lie went out, they started to attack.

The foot Qin Lie stepped out of the gate was the horn of the whole battle.

Situ Xuan heard Kong Wei's whole plan in the abandoned building before, so he also knew that the moment Qin Lie stepped out, the battle began.

He had instructed someone outside earlier that as long as Qin Lie arrived at the door, he must concentrate ten thousand times, concentrate on suppressing the fire at the door, and protect Qin Lie from retreating.

Therefore, at this time, all the members of the Longyan team held their breath and stood by at any time, waiting for that moment to come.

Qin Lie wasn't stupid here, he clearly felt the murderous aura behind him, and it was even possible that the moment he walked out of the gate, the bullets of seven or eight snipers rushed into his head.

No matter how strong it is, it is stronger than bullets.

Both sides held their breaths, and the air in the entire dispatch center was condensed to freezing point.

It's just that Qin Lie kept a hand and walked forward while looking at the side and rear with the corner of his eyes.

Just as he was about to reach the door, he suddenly turned sideways, flew, and rolled on the ground, before rushing outside the wall.

It was also at that time that more than a dozen bullets from behind chased Qin Lie's body and hit him on the floor he just passed.

The battle is imminent!

All of a sudden, Ruyang Port, which was very quiet at first, suddenly boiled over into the sky.

In front of it is the harbor, and across a bay is the bustling night city of Longcheng.

But here, in Ruyang Port, guns are fired and grenades are flying, as if returning to the war years.

"Call me!" Jiang Lei ordered, all the brothers of Longyan Squad used the car as a cover and kept shooting at the mercenaries inside the fence.

According to Situ Xuan's arrangement at the beginning, they concentrated all their superior forces at the door. Seeing Qin Lie running out of the door, Jiang Lei gave an order, and the firepower opened up, and the fierce firepower suddenly overwhelmed the people inside.

In the first round of attacks, at least five or six opponents were killed.

They had to find oil drums inside, use containers as bunkers, and hide.

After a round of attacks, Qin Lie was safe, and immediately called Jiang Lei, Chen Jinhu, Li Tianlin and other core members of the Longyan team to discuss.

Jiang Lei first asked Qin Lie's meaning: "brother lie, are we going or fighting? I think the opposite is a professional mercenary. If we are tough, we may lose a little."

Qin Lie promised Kong Wei in the inside before, and today he will be with him forever, and naturally he has no plans to retire.

The word escape does not exist in Qin Lie's dictionary either.

But I also have concerns, and I have to consider the advice of my brother: "The mercenary group inside is called Hunting Wolf. It is said that it ranks very high in the mercenary world. Have you heard of it?"

Jiang Lei and Chen Jinhu, including Xing Feng, frowned slightly when they heard the name.

Jiang Lei said, "Wolf hunting, are you sure you are hunting wolf?"

Qin Lie nodded.

Jiang Lei continued: "If it's a wolf hunt, it's a little tricky. This mercenary group has a good reputation internationally. There are many people, and the recruitment requirements are also very high. The most basic requirement is that there must be various countries. Enlistment experience in the official army, so they can basically count as a professional regular army.”

"Their most glorious record is that they competed for an oil mine in the Middle East and the US military stationed in Iraq. In the end, their 300 people won the opposite 700 people, and their strength should not be underestimated."

Qin Lie listened when Jiang Lei was talking, and when he heard that the wolf hunter could actually play against the regular army, he already knew the strength of this mercenary group.

This time, Kong Wei spent his entire blood in order to kill himself.

Regardless of the rest, Qin Lie just wants to know one thing: "Then what chance do you have for our team to play the wolf hunter?"

"Sixty percent!" Jiang Lei told the truth.

"If we want to attack, it will cost a lot of money, and the death of the brothers will definitely not be avoided."

After all, the other side is not an ordinary person, and it is impossible to say that they will kill them by cutting melons and vegetables like abusing vegetables.

Qin Lie, of course, knew this, and if he attacked hard, even if he could win, it would definitely be a tragic victory.

Qin Lie has invested a lot of money and energy in the Longyan team. It is impossible for him to be allin in this matter like Kong Wei.

You can fight against his gentleman, but tactics are still necessary.

"This won't work," Qin Lie said. "I want to win this victory at the least price. Do you have any other suggestions?"

"What is your goal?" Jiang Lei asked.

Qin Lie said, "Take off Kong Wei's head!"

Jiang Lei: "As far as I know, Kong Wei is still hiding in the abandoned building inside, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded.

"Then since we want to kill him, we just need to launch a beheading operation. Special operations will always be the least expensive way to fight..."

"We can do this." Jiang Lei quickly arranged, "On the frontal battlefield, we can still invest a large area of ​​troops, using the body, the wall and the surrounding high-rise buildings as bunkers, the brothers at the entrance of the wall pretend to charge, and the main body of the front body The suppression of firepower, the coverage of snipers in the distance, and the three-level attack made them think that we really want to break through from the front."

"Of course, all frontal attacks are feints. No matter how serious we attack, we won't really go in."

"At this time, we will send a team, not many people, between seven and ten, must be the elite of our elites, bypass the wall, and reach the back door of the dispatch center. I have explored it before. The wall of this dispatch center is only Besides this gate, there is a back door. Our team broke through the back door all the way, found the abandoned building, penetrated again, and touched Kong Wei with the smallest movement. As long as we can see Kong Wei in our line of sight, we can kill it with one strike. Life."

Qin Lie nodded silently after hearing this, and agreed with the plan.

This is the most classic set of special operations tactics, and the decapitation plan is used many times on the battlefield.

But the difficulty is that the person involved in the action must be the sharp knife among the sharp knives, and the average combat power must be much higher than the opponent.

Now the problem is here.

Jiang Lei said: "We need a very powerful individual to lead the team. In the process of breaking through the team, we will definitely experience many times of fighting with less, and we must win."

"If it's against other teams, I can do it." Jiang Lei said, "But for wolf hunting, I'm almost there."

Chen Jinhu and Xingfeng nodded in agreement.

At this time, everyone thought of a person for the first time. They all agreed, and they all focused their attention on Situ Xuan who was on the side.

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