Therefore, the search for traces of these Central Asians cannot stop for a moment.

In addition to the power of the Shentu family, Qin Lie looked for Fan Chang, and even Han Qi, along with the Tang family's Murong family, who just wanted to get rid of this hidden danger as soon as possible.

It's only been two days and still no news.

This made Qin Lie begin to suspect that after the group of people blew up their car that day, they had already fled Longcheng in a hurry...

Otherwise, how could he have made such a big move and couldn't find any clues about this group of people?

Feeling very tired, Qin Lie could only strengthen his security force while continuing to look for it.

On this day, Qin Lie sat in the office, turned on the computer, and prepared to ask Han Qi to check the recent entry and exit records of Longcheng Customs.

Although those people are probably smuggled over and cannot be found officially, isn't it all these little details that can be done now?

While he was looking at the entry and exit documents carefully, Wang Congcong suddenly called.

Picking it up casually, Qin Lie responded: "Hey, Cong brother, if you have something to say, hang up if you have nothing to do. I don't have time for bullshitting. I've been busy these two days."

Wang Congcong smiled and replied, "You are so busy now that I don't even bother to listen to my brother's phone calls, right? Let me ask you, did you find another female star for the show?"

"Ah?" Qin Lie was very puzzled, "What female star?"

"You don't know?" Wang Congcong said, "Didn't you find the special thing? There were sixty-five left, and you had to fill it with sixty-six. The people from Huayu Entertainment sent them over. I want you to see it in person."

Qin Lie kept searching in his mind, as if he finally remembered something.

Sixty-five turned into sixty-six. Isn't this the bet he made with Shentu Domineering?

Shentu Domineering wanted to send someone over to participate in "I Am a Goddess", threatening to take the champion away from Shentu Mingyue's hands, and then to boost his domineering style.

Counting your fingers, three days have just arrived.

I slapped my head violently, there have been so many things in the past two days, I almost forgot about it.

"Oh." Qin Lie responded to Wang Congcong and said, "It was indeed me who took over, but it was just a bet between me and a family boss. What's the matter? Have you arrived? Can't you do the handover? Just look for it in the show. Just put her in a gimmick, do you need me?"

"You are talking nonsense." Wang Congcong said angrily, "If I can do it, I'll give you a call."

"The boss of Renhuayu Entertainment said that you took over this matter, and you must go to see people in person. It's not worth it for me to go. Everyone has arrived at Longcheng Airport. If you don't go, they won't leave. Huayu Entertainment sent five contestants to our show this time, four of which are still in the top 60, if you don’t go, the boss said that the remaining four contestants will be withdrawn, what do you think you will do?”

"Fuck, so hung up?" Qin Lie didn't even think that Shentu's overbearing arrangement would be so hard-core.

Is it possible that the top pyramid company of Huayu Entertainment is also owned by the Shentu family?

"Hey, he's such a dick. You can't do anything about him. You can clean up the basket you stabbed yourself. I don't care anyway. You kid, hurry up and go to the airport."

Wang Congcong hung up the phone after saying this.

Qin Lie was still hesitating whether to go to the airport to pick up the plane. After a while, Shentu Domineering's call also reached his mobile phone.

Shentu Domineering said on the other end of the phone: "Qin Lie, since you have accepted my bet, you must do it well. I am putting people in your program group now, are you afraid if you don't pick it up? ?"

Qin Lie gave in at that time: "Okay, okay, can I pick it up? I'm not afraid of her, I'm afraid of you..."

However, when a player arrived, he insisted on making such a big noise, and the phone came one after another like an Imperius, and Qin Lie couldn't stand it.

In order to earn the 2 billion Shentu overbearing after winning the bet, Qin Lie gave up the search at the customs, turned off the computer, went out all the way, asked Situ Xuan to drive, and the two rushed all the way to Longcheng Airport.

Along the way, Qin Lie was still thinking about who had such a grand style that he had to pick him up by himself.

Qin Lie also thought that if Shentu Ba Dao wanted to win a new player into the championship in two months, he must be a little famous star.

It is impossible to be completely unknown, and the level is even higher.

In the entertainment industry, you can hype a traffic star in the short term, but in fact, it ultimately comes down to talent. After all, your own rules are so hard-core, and you can't do it if you don't have the skills.

After all the calculations, there are not many little stars who meet this condition in the entire internal entertainment.

Anyway, on the way to Longcheng Airport, Qin Lie had already thought about many possibilities.

It was not until the airport that the answer was officially revealed.

Starting from the side road of the airport, Qin Lie has seen a lot of support light signs all the way, not only him, but other fans waiting in long queues. It can be said that if the traffic police were not assisting the law and order, this road would be Qin Lie couldn't drive at all.

And on the lights of these people, Qin Lie found the name of the female player he wanted to pick up: Feng Momo.

Seeing these three words, Qin Lie suddenly realized.

And the first reaction in his heart was: Shentu is domineering and a bit yin.

Feng Momo, who debuted on live broadcast, was once the first sister of Douyu, but later entered the entertainment industry and was signed by Huayu Entertainment. He developed many difficulties in the entertainment industry and has never grown to the top.

She can sing first-class, but her height is flawed, her dancing is not good, and her personality is average, but she has one of the most outstanding characteristics, that is, the number of people who like her is more than double the number of people who hate her.

There are too many black spots about Feng Momo on the Internet. What is the height of 1.4 meters? Live naked and live? The singing depends on the sound card. In fact, there are always other people singing behind her. .

What is the most outrageous rumor? They say that Feng Momo is a man, and the evidence of the argument is that he has no breasts.

Qin Lie is really, the world is huge, the network is wonderful, only you can't think of it, and you can't guess without the network.

On the keyboards one by one, all specials are talents.

And this also highlights a huge advantage of Feng Momo on the side, that is, the volume of topics is huge.

It's a walking whistleblower.

This topic can be positive or negative, but you have to admit that there are many topics about her, even if you scold her, you can scold her very vigorously.

And such topical players are the best ones to operate.

That's why Qin Lie said that Shentu's domineering hand is a bit shady!

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