Qin Lie stayed in Shentu Aoshi's villa for three hours.

During this period, all the plans and details of the operation were reviewed, and it was not until the two people felt that there were no loopholes in the matter before deciding to start the implementation.

Before leaving Shentu Aoshi's villa, Qin Lie sincerely thanked Shentu Aoshi once: "Brother Shentu, if this can happen, I Qin Lie and you will be friends in the future, no matter what your father thinks of me, at least I am your friend. , thank you for your dedication, Qin Lie will keep all these kindnesses in my heart."

"Hi..." Shentu Aoshi waved his hand and said, "Don't be so hypocritical all of a sudden, I, Shentu Aoshi, only cooperate with people who are pleasing to the eye. I will help you, and I feel at ease. Also, I thought the two of us were already friends. "It really hurts my heart that you still have to wait for this to be over."

Qin Lie shrugged: "I'm sorry, I apologize to you, I'll set up a table for you after the matter is over, and invite you to drink..."

"That's not necessary." Shentu Aoshi smiled and said, "You only need to ask Senior Xuan to show me two moves and teach me a few sets of boxing techniques..."

Qin Lie also smiled and raised his eyebrows: "I can only say my best about this matter, and whether or not I agree depends on the old man's meaning."

After saying this, Qin Lie thought that he still had work to do, so he didn't stop here.

All the way out of the villa and into the car, Qin Lie did not drive home, but went to the next stop this afternoon - the Kyushu Bureau.

In the top office of the Kyushu Bureau, Qin Lie met with Han Qi and told him everything about the past few days.

Han Qi was shocked at the time, and asked loudly, "Are you sure? Are you sure that the car explosion was done by people in the Middle East? Didn't you say that your car spontaneously ignited??"

On the night of the explosion, Han Qi brought people from the Kyushu Bureau to investigate.

But at that time Qin Lie didn't think about letting the official people intervene in this matter, so he fooled it with a gag.

It's normal for Han Qi to ask now.

Qin Lie spread his hands: "Han Ju, you are not a three-year-old child anymore. How can my car cost 10 million to say that it will spontaneously ignite. You can believe it if I am lying there?"

Han Qi said angrily: "Of course I know you're talking nonsense, but who knows what medicine you sell in the gourd, maybe you will do something in private, of course I will follow you and close one eye! "

This made Qin Lie feel a little embarrassed: "It turns out that the Han Bureau has already taken care of the younger brother in private."

"Go away!" Han Qi continued to scold, "It's fortunate that you came here and said it this time, otherwise this matter will have a great impact, and those people will have no bottom line to start. If they don't find it out as soon as possible, maybe they will come again next time. What a big move, China, as the country with the fewest terrorist acts in fact, can't stand such pressure from public opinion."

"I know." Qin Lie said, "So why don't I come here to find you?"

"Do you have a plan?" Han Qi asked.

Qin Lie nodded: "Yes..."

In the next half an hour, Qin Lie was in Han Qi's office again, and told Han Qi the plan that was negotiated with Shentu Aoshi in the afternoon.

Because of this, they need Han Qi's help.

After listening to Qin Lie's plan, Han Qi couldn't help showing a worried look.

After all, unlike Qin Lie, he is the director of the Kyushu Bureau. He is a public official, and he needs to be responsible for the social impact of this matter.

"Are you sure there is no risk in doing this?" Han Qi asked.

Qin Lie said: "There is definitely a risk, but now our best way is indeed this, when the time comes, let the brothers who will be responsible for the escort tomorrow protect their safety, don't be hard with them, and let them go when the time is right. That's it, the rest is up to our performance."

Even though he already knew Qin Lie's action plan, Han Qi lowered his head and thought for a long time.

In the end, he nodded and said, "That's okay, I'll help you with this matter, but once you find something wrong, my people will immediately stop the operation and take full responsibility for this operation. You can't interfere any more. ."

"Yes..." Qin Lie agreed without hesitation.

In his eyes, this plan should also be guaranteed.

The two agreed and stood up and shook hands. It was a decision to cooperate. Qin Lie also left the Kyushu Bureau at this time.

Today's arrangements are almost done, and the rest depends on Han Qi's operations.

Qin Lie went home that night, bought vegetables and cooked a table of good dishes in person. After having a happy dinner with Ye Yuqing, Bai Xianglan and Chen Xiaoyu, he sat in front of the TV and watched it. .

Several girls were very surprised, and thought that Qin Lie rarely used the Internet, so why did he pay more attention to current affairs today.

Kong Lianxing watched him keep flipping through the TV channels, and said jokingly, "Master Qin, are you looking for the scandal between you and that female star?"

Qin Lie didn't even know what Kong Lianxing was talking about, so he responded casually, "What the hell, what gossip are you reading?"

"Gossip news is gossip news." Kong Lianxing said, "But the trail is not necessarily the trail, and now the whole Internet is going crazy, Weibo, WeChat, Dayuwang, all of them are saying that you and Feng Momo have a relationship. What about the legs..."

"Huh?" Qin Lie was dumbfounded when he heard the news. He didn't read the news in front of the TV to watch this, which was a bit unexpected.

"What the hell?" Qin Lie was very surprised, stood up from the sofa and walked towards Kong Lianxing, "Show me."

Kong Lianxing was obedient, Qin Lie saw that she casually entered a Qin Lie on her mobile phone, and quickly found relevant hot searches on Weibo.

Then the content that came out was all the news of picking up Feng Momo in the morning.

What "The founder of "I Am Goddess" personally picked up the contestants", what "Qin Lie and Feng Momo, the founders of "I Am Goddess", have an ambiguous expression", what "Mythology Entertainment boss fights for singer Feng Momo" and so on. .

Anyway, those titles are as crazy as they are. Some people even cut together the pictures of Qin Lie picking up Feng Momo from the airport, and they cut out Sister Liu out of the shadow frame, resulting in a pair of two. The scene of people walking together and chatting happily, the expression seems to be really like falling in love.

Anyway, everything is paving the way for their scandal.

Good guy, spending so little time with each other during the day has caused such a big response on the Internet in a short period of time.

Qin Lie can be considered to have seen the power of these self-media with his own eyes, and he has also seen something out of nothing in the true sense.

I have to say that the current media is a cow.

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