The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1116 The Fish Died And The Net Broke

Sandys scolded angrily: "I knew it, I knew there was a trap in today's action! Damn, I shouldn't listen to your words and go to the hands of the Huaxia police to rob people!"

Murray was very pierced when he heard this.

Now he also knows he was wrong, and he feels like he made a huge mistake for his cleverness that cost the entire team a lot.

Now how to do?

The police have all gone downstairs, and they have been unable to fly.

But Sandys has done a lot of terrible things in Hamas for so many years. He is a top five role in Hamas. He is definitely a ruthless person.

Now surrounded by Huaxia police, can he sit still?

Seeing that he can't run away, even if he dies, he has to find a few backers.

Sandys's eyes were stern, and his fierce fangs were exposed. He made a decisive decision and ordered everyone: "Go, go upstairs!"

According to the information given by Tam just now, the Huaxia people are still evacuating people down, indicating that they have only evacuated the floors below their feet, and the floors above have not been evacuated.

This time, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and no one should think about it.

Bringing people up, Sandys has a total of more than a dozen people, magnificent, and has completely given up his life.

When a group of outlaws give up their lives, they are invincible.

Soon, when they reached the entrance of the stairs, they encountered people from the Kyushu Bureau who were evacuating the crowd and brought the crowd down. This time there were more teams, even a dozen.

Sandys showed his violent fangs, waved his hand, and did not give the other side a chance to speak and react.

More than a dozen people on their side, a dozen guns, and hundreds of bullets shot out within two seconds.

The agent of the Kyushu Bureau was shot into a sieve before he even had time to draw his gun.

And those innocent residents have become the ghosts of these extremists.

After killing the dozen or so people, Sandys stepped on their corpses and continued to walk up. When passing by, he saw people who were still breathing, and as a professional habit, he shot them in the head.

Everyone stepped over the corpse and went upstairs.

Their goal is very simple, if they can't escape, then do it with them.

There are so many hostages in the whole building, enough for these Chinese police officers to drink a pot.

If it doesn't work, then in the end, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and the whole building will be bombed!

Sandys now has that mindset.

In the distance, in a mahjong parlor, Han Qi sat at the operational headquarters and observed everything that happened in the apartment building.

When his subordinate exposed the information, he immediately ordered the special forces to attack.

But the other party is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the response is faster than expected.

When the gunshots rang out over there, he knew the situation was bad.

Ask about the situation on the floor at the first time: "An Zuxiang reports the situation upstairs, how is the evacuation of the masses, and how many colleagues are upstairs?"

The other end of the walkie-talkie quickly reported: "Report to the Korean Bureau, 80% of the floors are now evacuated, and only the residents on the highest floor have not been evacuated."

"Numbers!" Han Qi didn't want to pay attention to percentages. Percentages didn't make sense here.

An Zuxiang paused for a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "Eighty-seven people!"

Hearing this, Han Qi frowned and became more aware of the seriousness of the situation.

The only thing to blame is that there are too many people in this apartment building. There are more than 20 rooms on one floor, and even if only the last floor is left, the number of hostages is still a very scary number.

"For our people, there are five brothers at the top, or organize them to fight the terrorists?"

After listening, Han Qi shook his head: "Don't take the initiative to attack, there are hostages on the scene, it is not cost-effective to fight with them, the risk is too great, tell the colleagues above, the main thing is to protect the safety of the hostages, stay at home as much as possible and don't go out, the risk is too great When the time comes, choose to fight with them recklessly.”


An Zuxiang received an order and quickly disappeared from the walkie-talkie channel. He should have gone to transmit the order.

This is the best option that can be made in the current situation.


And one wave has not settled, and another wave has arisen.

While Han Qi was organizing the attack, an explosion suddenly came from the distant floor.

The explosion was so powerful that it shook Han Qidu, who was two streets away, to a staggering, like an earthquake.

Terrorists are indeed terrorists. They do things without any bottom line, and their methods are much more ruthless than other criminals.

"Report the situation, what's going on?" Han Qi picked up the walkie-talkie and asked again.

Immediately, a staff member replied: "The Korean Bureau, the people over there blew up all the stairs from the fourth floor to the fifth floor. They made the top floor into an island, and it seems that they are going to fight against us."

Han Qi slammed his fist on the wall, furious.

These terrorists do not leave any way out, and threaten the safety of Huaxia on the land of Huaxia, and I actually underestimated them before.

When these people really do something, it is really cruel.

As soon as the stairs exploded, the road to the top floor was broken again.

Now to attack the fortress, you must airborne or climb up from other walls, which exponentially increases the difficulty of the entire attack.

Coupled with the hostages at the top of their hands, this rescue operation can be called hell level.

Han Qi was a little annoyed, annoyed why he didn't evacuate the residents on the floor as soon as possible.

Now the siege has turned into a rescue. To be honest, he, the commander, has a certain responsibility.

What to do, what to do now?

Han Qi's mind turned frantically, thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded on the walkie-talkie in Han Qi's action dialogue channel.

The walkie-talkie was placed on the table, and suddenly Qin Lie's voice came in.

Qin Lie said over the walkie-talkie: "Korean Bureau, it seems that you need my help very much."

"Qin Lie?" Han Qi was surprised when he heard him speak, "How did you get in?"

"This is the team's channel this morning. I guess you still use this, so I squeezed in."

"I don't have time to talk to you right now." Han Qi said, "I'll talk about it later."

"Are you sure you want to talk later?" Qin Lie said on the other end of the walkie-talkie, "If you know where I am now, I believe you will listen to me."

"Where are you?" Han Qi was aroused by Qin Lie's tone of curiosity.

"Look at the top floor of the apartment building with your binoculars."


Han Qi's heart skipped a beat, he quickly picked up the binoculars, and looked towards the apartment building where the incident occurred.

The fifth floor of an apartment building is the highest floor—that's the highest floor for people to live in.

At the height of the fifth floor, there is also a platform, which is the platform at the top. Some residents have cultivated a little soil and made a small garden on it.

And in this garden, Han Qi saw Qin Lie and the group of people around him.

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