However, Sandys is the team leader of Hamas's operation in China this time. In fact, he has a high status within Hamas and is of great significance to the world peacekeeping forces.

But Qin Lie didn't know him. For Qin Lie, he was no different from other terrorists.

These bombed cars in Malawi, and even chased Longcheng to trouble themselves.

Qin Lie didn't want to leave a living hole at all.

In order to avenge Chen Jinhu, or to protect Ye Yuqing, Bai Xianglan, and the others, this person must die!

Without thinking about it, Qin Lie raised the pistol and dunked it with one shot.

The bullet flew fast, swooshing into Sandys's brain, and his brain blossomed in an instant, ending his life.

However, when this person was dying, he had a wicked smile on his face, as if his goal had been achieved.

Qin Lie saw that the situation was not right, and quickly rushed to Sandys's side.

As a result, a search in Sandys' hands immediately found a high-powered bomb that had been activated.

The bomb started, and the timer above counted down only 30 seconds, and now it's only 25 seconds before it explodes!

Qin Lie's face changed, and he was instantly shocked!

These dog things are so cruel, they are so cruel to themselves.

Thirty seconds is enough time for them to run out of the explosion range?

Qin Lie didn't know, the only thing he knew was that this thing had to be dealt with, and if this building was not dealt with, the safety of the hostages would not be guaranteed.

"Bomb! Bomb!" Qin Lie shouted wildly, rushing out with the bomb while shouting, "Get out of the way for Lao Tzu! It's going to explode!"

Twenty seconds is obviously not enough to defuse a bomb. Now the only way is to send the bomb to an open place to detonate.

Twenty seconds is not enough for others, but for him, there is still room for manipulation!

Carrying the bomb and rushing out, Qin Lie dashed all the way out from the long corridor, and his whole body almost turned into a lightning bolt.

From left to right, he pulled through the entire corridor, the fifty-meter-long corridor, and ran over in less than five seconds.

He quickly went up from the stairs to the top platform, and there were many members of the Longyan team on it.

When everyone saw him running up with something, it was very strange, and they wanted to ask, but they were all waved away by him: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, stay away from me!"

After telling everyone, Qin Lie was standing in the center of the roof platform. At this time, the countdown on the bomb still had ten seconds!

Ten, nine, eight...

Second by second, Qin Lie counted down with this countdown.

Finally, there were three seconds left on the timer, and when it was about two seconds, he grabbed the bomb and used all his strength to throw it into the sky.

This behavior, which is almost gambling on fate, makes others stunned.

Qin Lie is counting the explosion time in seconds. He wants to throw the bomb in the top space to explode at the moment when the bomb explodes.

What is this operation?

It's just a life game.

The Longyan Squad, including the Kyushu Bureau, are all people who have come out of the line of life and death, but they have never done such an operation.

Any small error, if that timer is inaccurate, or the bomb lead can't get out of balance.

Qin Lie is the end of his life.

However, he was the only one who really dared to do this, but he didn't want to. He only had 30 seconds. Could it be possible to throw this thing into the crowd?


All of a sudden, the bomb flew into the sky, and that small black spot became the focus of the entire battlefield.

Three, two, one...

At the end of the countdown, Qin Lie's strength was very strong, and within the remaining two seconds, he almost threw the bomb into the height of 30 meters, with inhuman strength.

And at the moment when the bomb reached the headspace, it exploded!


The fire bloomed, the picture was very spectacular, the energy spread, and the fire that exploded became the fireworks to celebrate this difficult battle.

After doing all this, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief, sweating profusely, and sat down on the ground.

What the hell, you thought he wasn't panicking, but in fact he was panicking too.

Fortunately, with strength and luck, this unconventional operation allowed him to complete it, and it also showed everyone's faces.

Han Qi, including the other agents of the Kyushu Bureau, and the special forces downstairs, were all relieved to see the bomb explode in the sky.

Today's battle is finally over.

The process is thrilling, and the ending is perfect.

It is very rare for a group of desperadoes from the Middle East to control their losses to this level, and in the whole thing, including the previous lead snake out of the hole, Qin Lie is the number one hero.

"Go..." Han Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally gave the order to his assistant, "Take someone up, it's time to clean up the mess, stop by and call Qin Lie downstairs, I have something to tell him."



On Qin Lie's side, after disposing of the bomb, he seemed to have walked through the gate of hell, but it was finally over, and he couldn't restrain his inner ecstasy.

Lying on the top ceiling as if collapsed, opening a large letter, watching the wreckage of the bomb explode, I have never felt that the explosion of the bomb was so beautiful.

The others also came up from the floor below and were relieved to see Qin Lie succeed.

It's just that they were not very satisfied with Qin Lie's final decision, especially Chen Jinhu, who was angry.

His feelings for Qin Lie are too deep.

Stepping forward, Chen Jinhu said loudly with a straight face, "brother lie, are you dying?"

"Do you know how dangerous it is for you to do this?"

"As long as there is a little error in that bomb, how should we face it now, and how will we explain it to my sister-in-law when we look back?"

Qin Lie looked back and saw Chen Jinhu, like a resentful woman, and said with a hilarious smile: "Okay, Jinhu, be happy, we just experienced a war, and we won again."

"I'm not talking to you about whether to fight or not!" Chen Jinhu said seriously, "I'm discussing your behavior, how can you be so desperate? All the brothers are here, if you have an accident, you will take us where to put?"

To be honest, Qin Lie was quite moved in the face of Chen Jinhu's anger.

At least the group considered him a brother.

Seeing that he was really angry, Qin Lie got up from the ground, walked over to Chen Jinhu, and said to Chen Jinhu like he was coaxing a child: "Okay, Jinhu, brother, I know I was wrong, this time I was really reckless, let's go. Never again..."

"What can you do if you throw the bomb in the corridor?!" Chen Jinhu said, "The power of this bomb does not mean that it can blow up the entire building, and there is no one in the corridor, you..."

"I was wrong!" Seeing that Chen Jinhu was still going to say, Qin Lie quickly interrupted him, "I was wrong Jinhu, I was really wrong, don't say it, this time you just think I want to pretend in front of everyone. If you can't force it, next time brother will definitely think twice before doing it..."

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