"It doesn't need surveillance." Han Qi said sincerely, "Brayz arrived in Huaxia, and we naturally have our eyes on him. I know exactly what he did in Huaxia and where he went.

He made two trips to you in two weeks during this time, don't tell me you were just drinking tea, seriously, this is very important, if you know the information, you better tell me. "

"Um..." Qin Lie pondered for a while after listening.

Finally made a decision.

Between Blaze and Han Qi, he still chooses to help Han Qi. The main reason is that Han Qi really helped him a lot in this black incident, and he is still hiding it, which is not interesting.

So let me know what I know.

"I don't know much, and it's all what Blaze said to me. The authenticity needs to be investigated."

"I went to Las Vegas before and had a fight with a genetic warrior from Skull and Bones, I won, but I got some injuries, and then Blaze came to me and said they were right Genetic engineering to do research, and to be at the forefront of the world, that warrior they modified."

"He also promised me that if I joined the Skull and Bones Society, he would help me to transform my genes and make me invincible in the world, but I felt that their purpose was not pure, so I didn't agree."

"As far as I know, they do have similar genetic modification technology, but I don't know if it can be made into medicine for dissemination. Moreover, as far as I know, their technology is not stable, and they want to create a super Soldiers come at a very high price, and I don’t know about medicine.”

If it is true as what Han Qi said, the Skull and Bones Society has already begun to turn genetic modification technology into medicine, this is a very big technological breakthrough.

When the time comes to mass-produce super fighters, if they want to make some noise, no country will be able to bear it.

After listening to Qin Lie's answer, Han Qi nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I know." Han Qi continued, "If Blaise comes to you next time, you can find a way to help me talk, this is very important."

Qin Lie was also very interested in this matter, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it, just..."

When it came to this, Qin Lie paused, waiting for Han Qi's response.

"Just what?" Han Qi asked.

Qin Lie then told Han Qi his purpose: "Can you think of a way to move some of that genetic medicine out and bring it to me? I also have my own biological laboratory. I'll see if I can study something."

"This is a secret." Han Qi wanted to refuse.

But Qin Lie told him: "Don't you want me to explore Breez's tone, although it is confidential, but we are also considered a transaction, if the research results come out, I will inform you as soon as possible, resource sharing ."

"Hi..." Han Qi took a deep breath and seemed to be thinking accordingly.

After thinking for a while, he finally agreed to Qin Lie.

He knew Qin Lie's character, and he would never do something if it wasn't good for him.

"Okay, I'll send someone to send you one tomorrow, but you can't tell anyone else this information, nor can you tell anyone else about the technology."

This is no problem for Qin Lie.

After the negotiation, today's things will end here.

The Kyushu Bureau closed the team and Qin Lie took people home.

In the afternoon, news reports about today were broadcast on TV, half true and half false.

The news said that the application soldiers of the special forces fought hard and killed all the terrorists in the apartment building. The enthusiastic citizen "Mr. Qin" took the lead, and finally threw the bomb into the air and exploded, protecting the security of the apartment building.

Hide Qin Lie and the Kyushu Bureau.

In any case, the impact can be minimized to a minimum.

However, because of this, the panic of the residents of Longcheng was officially lifted, and the mysterious and heroic "Mr. Qin" suddenly became the focus of everyone's heated discussions.

Xu Ying saw the news in his office, when Heilang was there.

To be honest, he was very unhappy, and this matter did not develop according to his ideas.

He originally thought that this group of desperadoes could help him achieve his goal and send Qin Lie to hell, but in the end, a group of people were completely wiped out at the foothold.

The movement didn't make too much noise, and there were only fourteen casualties when the news was broadcast.

To know that he extradited these people in, the total number is more than 30.

This two-for-one show really showed his face.

Known as outlaws, terrorists who ignore the laws of the world still encountered Waterloo in China.

At the level of these people, it doesn't seem to be enough.

Is this Qin Lie so hard to kill?

If he had known that the final situation was like this, he might as well let the black wolf do it himself.

But then again, if he did it himself, Qin Lie would find him, and he might even be killed by Qin Lie himself.

Every time he thinks of this, Xu Ying is full of resentment.

Once upon a time, he, Xu Ying, was also an all-powerful figure.

To deal with a junior Qin Lie, he had to be careful, walking on thin ice, he was almost fed up.

The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and finally Xu Ying sighed heavily and ordered the black wolf.

"Heilang, you go and ask Yehun if they want to deal with Qin Lie. Last time they were made so bad by Qin Lie, they kept saying that they would kill Qin Lie, and I didn't see them coming again.

You go and find out what they say, and when they will come, if they don't come, I really have to do it myself. "

"Yes..." The black wolf took his life, and was about to leave the office to make a phone call.

But when he was leaving, Xu Ying instructed him and said in a low voice, "Be a little more polite."

Although you can do things, you still need to protect your life. When dealing with Yehun's people, you should be even more careful than Qin Lie.

"I know." Black Wolf nodded and agreed.

"By the way..." Xu Ying remembered another thing, "How about the people you have been preparing for, are all the people you contacted in Huaxia?"

"A lot of people have come." Heilang told the truth, "But the core masters are still in other countries. If they are all gathered, I'm afraid it will take two or three weeks."

"Hey, forget it..." Xu Ying's mind was a mess now, as if nothing was going his way.

I'm too lazy to care anymore, let's just do it for now, waved his hand, and let the black wolf go out.

Neither the Xiao family nor Qin Lie could let go, but neither Ye Hun nor Xuanyuan Tianci could offend either.

Dealing with the four forces, Xu Ying was so tired!

He swore that when the Xiao family boy and Qin Lie died, he would definitely celebrate.

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