Saving her once was because she could speak Chinese, which is more friendly, and secondly, it was because of the kindness in my heart.

As for the feeling of many, absolutely not.

Leaving all the way, and Situ Xuan disappeared on the dark streets of Innsbruck.

Tifa, looking at Qin Lie's back from a distance, thought a lot, and felt a little reluctant. She didn't even know his name, and finally sighed heavily and left in the opposite direction.

Qin Lie went back to the hotel, because of the delay of Tifa's affairs, it was almost 8 o'clock in the evening when he arrived.

The others also got up one after another, but according to the time difference, it was three o'clock in the morning in China, and they were still very sleepy.

However, in order to avoid the jet lag, Qin Lie forcibly called them up and went to the restaurant to eat together.

At this time, the Chinese chef that Wilson paid for had already prepared all the dishes that should be prepared.

Limited by the ingredients and seasonings, most of the dishes are home-cooked dishes that are common in China.

Similar to kung pao chicken, boiled cabbage, braised beef and these things.

Chen Jinhu and the brothers of Longyan Squad were extremely surprised when they saw these dishes.

The main reason is that the food I ate after arriving here at noon was too unpalatable. I was so excited that I was almost in tears when I saw the standard Chinese food.

"Brother Lie is awesome, he actually got Chinese cuisine!"

"Oh, this is the dish. What are you eating at noon? It's also local specialties. I'm really not used to it."

"I sometimes feel sad for Westerners, who eat those things all day, and they can eat it."

"Comfortable, I'm going to cook ten bowls of rice for him tonight!"

Everyone is really in a good mood, and it is natural to have a different feeling to be able to eat authentic hometown dishes in distant Europe.

Qin Lie sat down with Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu, and also picked up chopsticks and ate.

Take the first sip, don't say it, this tastes pretty good.

The saltiness and taste all meet Qin Lie's requirements. Although it is not as good as the successor of traditional cuisine, it is absolutely easy to open an ordinary restaurant with this craftsmanship.

Qin Lie originally thought it was because he was too unaccustomed to what he ate at noon, so he lowered his request.

However, seeing that other brothers, including Ye Yuqing, who has always been very demanding in eating, think it is good, then this is a really good job.

Qin Lie thought about it, called Wilson in through the door, and ordered him to bring the Chinese who was in charge of cooking tonight to eat together.

He mainly wanted to see who was the person who could make such a good Chinese dish.

Ten minutes later, Wilson brought them from the kitchen, Qin Lie saw them, and they were just an ordinary couple.

Around the age of forty, the man is a little bald.

Two very simple people, and when they saw Qin Lie, their attitude was also very respectful.

They stood beside Qin Lie, bent over and asked Qin Lie, "Mr. Qin, I heard that you are looking for us."

Qin Lie is not so big, so he quickly asked Wilson to bring two more chairs in and let them sit down: "Don't be so polite, you two, everyone is from China, it's fate to meet you in this place, all of us like you very much Don't make the dishes from President Qin, just call me Xiao Qin."

"Oh... that's not dare." The man said, "Mr. Qin spends 100,000 euros for a meal, and he must be a successful person in China. Where can our husband and wife dare to cross the border and scream, it's still President Qin."

Qin Lie was too lazy to correct, so he chatted with the two.

Through chatting, Qin Lie learned that the two were named Zhang Shanggui and Chen Cuixia. They were husband and wife. They also opened a small restaurant in Modu about ten years ago. They are professional chefs.

Later, I heard someone say that Chinese food is very popular in foreign countries, and ordinary chefs can earn 30,000 to 50,000 yuan per month.

The two couldn't resist the temptation, smashed the pot and sold the iron, and sold the restaurant to Europe to start a business. The reality turned out to be much crueler than imagined. Those with high salaries were all related people who were covered by Chinese gangs.

Chinese people who don't matter like them come here, and only have the fate of being excluded.

Later, I couldn't get along in big cities like Munich, so I transferred to Innsbruck. At least the rent here is cheaper.

Zhang Shanggui is still helping others in a western restaurant, and his salary is barely enough to make ends meet.

Today, I heard that there was a distinguished guest who paid 100,000 euros for Chinese food, so he ran over quickly.

Even if it's not making money, even if it's just cooking a Chinese meal, they feel very happy.

After listening to this, Qin Lie said with emotion: "So, it is said that the moon in foreign countries is more round, but the steamed buns in my hometown are actually more fragrant. Why do you have to support it here?"

"Hey... I'm thinking..." Zhang Shanggui said, "If we could go back, we would have gone back long ago. First, we can't save face when we go back with nothing, and second, we still have a lot of debts that we haven't dealt with, so we can't leave. "

"Debt?" Qin Lie asked casually, "How much debt do you have?"

"It's almost half a million euros now..." Zhang Shanggui said.

"Huh?" Qin Lie immediately noticed something was wrong and asked, "How much is your monthly salary?"

"Two thousand euros." Zhang Shanggui said.

"How much is your rent a month?"

"Three hundred, we live relatively poorly..."

"That's not right." Qin Lie said honestly, "Without the rent, how much can you owe 500,000 yuan a month?"

Half a million euros is really not a big deal for Qin Lie now.

But people are hierarchical, Qin Lie has a company, has a lot of income, and it is okay to borrow tens of billions of dollars.

But he started from scratch and climbed up from ordinary people step by step. He knows very well what a debt of 500,000 euros means to a family with an income of only 2,000 euros a month.

The point is that ordinary people in Zhang Shanggui's family can't owe so much money.

"Hey..." Zhang Shanggui sighed, his tone full of helplessness, "Mr. Qin, you don't know, this Innsbruck looks bright on the outside, but it's extremely rotten behind the scenes.

We have been ruled by gangsters here for a long time, gangs and officials colluded, and the reasons for this may not be exhausted day and night.

We can only blame us for being stupid in the beginning. We had to come to these places, and now we know how good China is. "

"Don't talk about President Qin, let me have two drinks with you." Zhang Shanggui sighed, but suddenly put away his thoughts, as if he didn't dare to discuss more on this topic, "The one hundred thousand euros you gave this time really helped us relax. Take a deep breath when I thank you."

After speaking, Zhang Shanggui picked up the wine glass and poured a full glass of wine over it.

Although Qin Lie had a question mark in his mind, seeing that Zhang Shanggui had nothing to say, he gave up.

Nodding, closing the glass, and drank it: "I will ask Wilson to transfer another 400,000 yuan to your account later. We are going to stay here for a while recently, and the problem of eating and drinking will be left to the two of you."

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