The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1138 Do You Think I Will Believe It?

"Whoareyou?" Hans and Jon carried people and kept asking the names of the members of the Dragon Flame squad opposite.

Zhang Yu understood, but couldn't speak...

"iam...iam..." Zhang Yu said a few words, but he couldn't take it anymore, and scolded loudly, "Damn, it's just beating someone, so much nonsense, let's go together!"

In order not to appear to be illiterate, Zhang Yu gave orders directly to his brothers.

And the ordinary members of the Longyan Squad, no matter how weak their combat power is, they will always have no problem dealing with the two bastards Hans and Jon.

The four of them rushed up together, jumped in the air, and then jumped down, hitting Hans's head with a fist.

That scene was exactly the same as when Qin Lie dealt with them yesterday.

The whole process is called a rolling.

In the alley, there were screams like killing pigs.


It looked like ten minutes past eleven, Qin Lie was still lying on the bed looking at his mobile phone. At this time, Chen Jinhu quickly knocked on the door and said, "Brother Lie, can you come out for a while, Miss Tang was almost caught by this guy just now. Street gangsters took it away."


Qin Lie listened, got up abruptly, and his heart skipped a beat.

What he is most afraid of now is hearing the news.

He went out without hesitation and asked Chen Jinhu, "Ling Xue was arrested? What's the situation?"

"Don't worry." Chen Jinhu said, "Miss Tang just went out to buy something, and was suddenly stunned by the bastards rushing out of the street, but the brothers of Longyan Squad kept watching, and they were stopped by the brothers before they started. Come on, now Miss Tang has been sent back to her room, it's safe..."

Hearing this, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had foresight. When he came out, he organized the people from the Longyan team to help watch a few girls. He originally thought that the small city of Innsbruck should not be so troublesome, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

What happened to Albeno during the day is still vivid in my mind, but now that Tang Lingxue has an accident again, Qin Lie's anger is almost unbearable.

He asked Chen Jinhu coldly, "Where are the people?"

Chen Jinhu: "Now they are locked in my room. The four team members who caught them are now helping to take care of them. Come with me."

After that, Chen Jinhu led the way, and the two quickly rushed to Chen Jinhu's room.

Outside Chen Jinhu's room, guarding two team members, the door was closed, and he didn't know what was going on inside.

After pushing the door open, Qin Lie discovered that two men were tied to the ground with five flowers, and they were beaten badly.

The scalp is bleeding, the nose is blue and the face is swollen, and there are many scars on the body.

The clothes had been ripped off, and Chen Jinhu deliberately hadn't turned on the air conditioner in the room. The temperature was so cold that the two people shivered, huddled against the wall and didn't dare to move.

After seeing the two people, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing. These two people were actually the two thugs who ran away by himself yesterday.

It seems that these two people are deliberately doing their own thing.

As for Hans and Jon, when they saw Qin Lie, nine out of ten were scared to death.

That's it, it's over, the four Huaxia people who caught them were actually Qin Lie's subordinates.

It's gone now, I originally expected those Huaxia people to have nothing to do with Qin Lie.

All illusions came to nothing when seeing Qin Lie.

Where there are no preventive measures, they have already taken preventive measures, but they have not discovered it.

Looking at Qin Lie, Hans and Jon let out a groan after another.

Their mouths were not blocked, and they were begging Qin Lie for mercy: "Sir, we were wrong, sir, I'm sorry, we are stupid, we shouldn't touch your people."

To be honest, Qin Lie didn't pay any attention to them begging for mercy or not.

Just these rubbish bastards, he has no qualifications to take it seriously.

"Haha..." Qin Lie sneered, "What did you say to me last night when you left? I hope that when we meet again next time, I will be as arrogant as yesterday. What, what else do you want to say today?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin!" The two of them cried bitterly, their saliva almost bursting out, "I'm sorry, we were wrong, we really didn't know you were such a big person, if we knew your identity, we would never dare against you!"

Qin Lie was too lazy to listen to them, and continued to say to himself: "Then do you know who I am today? Why do you still touch my people?"

"This..." Hans and Jon were asked, unable to find the right words to deal with for a while.

In the end, all I can do is say sorry.

Qin Lie ran out of patience and asked the last question: "Are you from the Da Rong gang? Did the grandson of Albeno tell you something?"


This question stopped Hans Jon.

No, why is there something about Mr. Albeno here?

The two of them looked confused: "Mr. Qin, we don't understand what you said at all. Although we are members of the Darong Gang, we are completely marginal characters. We have never even met Mr. Albeno. How do you tell us, if you think about it seriously, we have nothing to do with the Darong Gang!"


Qin Lie ignored them, slapped them in the face with two slaps, made two snapping noises, and continued indifferently: "I warn you, tell the people behind, I can spare your life, otherwise, tomorrow In the morning, your bodies are floating on the Yin River..."

Following Qin Lie's idea.

I had a confrontation with Albeno at the ski resort during the day. Albeno was unhappy and asked someone to come and take revenge. It happened that Hans and Jon had a conflict with him yesterday and knew themselves, so I asked them to do this. Thing, this is Qin Lie's logic line.

He felt that a coward like Hans Jon would not dare to take the initiative to provoke him.

After listening to Qin Lie's warning, Hans and Jon panicked.

What is this, what do they not know!

"Mr. Qin, what are you talking about, we don't understand, we don't have anyone behind it, and we really don't know Mr. Albeno. Today's matter is that we are interested in making money and want to get some benefits from you. Stupid, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Albeno and the Dae Rong Gang."

Hans and Jon are not stupid either, they both know that Qin Lie might not be so angry if he just wanted to make money.

But if it is to help the Darong Gang, the aftermath of their war at that level can scrape them to pieces, so it is better to keep a clear line with the Darong Gang for the time being.

"You think I'll believe it?" Qin Lie looked at the two coldly.

The two were almost helpless. Believe it or not, they really didn't get any instructions from Albeno.

Listening to Qin Lie's meaning, do you want them to admit it forcibly?

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