Qin Lie looked at her with a smile: "don't stand there, you will always be my princess."



In a word, Tang Lingxue and Ye Yuqing were both nauseated at the same time.

Tang Lingxue said, "My God, I didn't expect you to be Qin Lie like this."

"If you tell me such sweet words, I'm not sure if I will like you."

Ye Yuqing also said: "In public, Mr. Qin, you should pay attention to the influence."

"You're not ashamed, we're all ashamed."

"Cut..." Qin Lie waved his hands and didn't bother to pay attention to them. Anyway, now that Chen Xiaoyu is pregnant, making her happy is the first priority. He doesn't want his future sons and daughters to frown as soon as they come out.

No matter what other people think, Chen Xiaoyu is very happy anyway.

She smiled brightly, hehe smiled and said, "Yes, I knew I was like a princess."

Qin Lie continued: "Yes, yes, you are the princess, and I am your prince charming."

"There's no such thing as Prince Charming with a big bag and a small bag and a kettle like you." Chen Xiaoyu said, "I'm the princess, you are, leprosy..."

Chen Xiaoyu originally wanted to say that the toad is here, but suddenly felt that the word toad was too cruel, and changed his words: "You can count as seven dwarfs..."

It was just a joke, Qin Lie didn't get angry, and continued to respond with a smile: "There are seven of those seven dwarfs. You need seven people to serve you by yourself. Your appetite is really big."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Ye Yuqing and Tang Lingxue really couldn't stand their flirting.

I don't know what other people's personalities are. Anyway, the two of them are a mature woman and a rebellious little sister who really can't stand this.

Hearing goosebumps.

It's not that I'm jealous, but I can't stand it anyway. Thinking of this, the two of them decided to go shopping by themselves.

But at this moment, the two of them were about to walk, when a person suddenly came down from the revolving staircase.

Immediately afterwards, the tourists in the castle all applauded.

Qin Lie was taking photos of Chen Xiaoyu with the camera, but after hearing the comments from the people around him, he picked up the camera and looked up the stairs.

And just, his camera lens just recorded this beautiful scene.

At this time, a girl in a royal court dress was slowly walking down the stairs.

Her skirt was fluffy, and the long tail of her skirt was dragged on the steps covered with red carpet.

Wearing a princess crown on her head, the gems on it are colorful, and she wears a blue crystal necklace on her chest. The sapphire on the necklace is about the size of a thumb.

With white silk gloves on his hands, he gently held the stairs.

The makeup is lightly applied, and the facial features are exquisite, especially the upturned nose bridge and blue gem-like eyes, which fully interpret the beauty of Westerners.

She has a noble temperament, with a frown and a smile, as if a fifteenth-century princess had come to the scene.

Combined with the explanations of the staff of the surrounding attractions, Qin Lie realized that this was just an actor they invited to show the tourists the daily life of the Feicanaan family in the castle at that time.

Not only the princess, but also the king, and so on and so forth will all appear together in the back.

But Qin Lie was most impressed by the first princess who came out.

And when he saw that beautiful scene, the camera in his hand couldn't help pressing the shutter to record that beautiful moment.

Moreover, what impressed Qin Lie was not only because the actor who played the princess was beautiful enough, but also because he knew this actor.

This girl was actually the local girl named Tifa who was rescued on the street the night before.

Hey, that's a bit of a coincidence.

She was actually a staff member of this Habsburg family castle.

Qin Lie thought she was beautiful when she was saving people. Now that she has put on makeup and used these props, Qin Lie even has an illusion that she really seems to be the princess of this place.

For a while, it seemed a little ecstatic.

After they came out, they walked a short circle on the high platform above, and then went down to the bottom to have a simple interaction with the tourists. They stayed for about 20 minutes before leaving the castle lobby.

All the way until they were far away, Qin Lie's eyes still stayed on Tifa.

At this time, Tang Lingxue's hand swayed several times in front of his eyes, and complained: "Brother Qin, don't look at it, everyone has gone away, you talk about you, your saliva is almost drooling, you are useless. Like it."

Qin Lie rolled her eyes at Tang Lingxue: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm appreciating art and learning about Western European medieval clothing culture, you know shit."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Tang Lingxue stuttered, "You're still learning about medieval clothing culture. Your eyes are staring at other people's princesses the whole time, and you're about to put your eyeballs on them, aren't you guilty?"

"The princess is beautiful." Qin Lie didn't care at all.

Tang Lingxue took this very seriously: "That's right, the actor of the scenic spot was well found. I almost thought she was the princess in this castle. In comparison, the king and queen and prince are a little less aura."

"Yeah." Qin Lie also nodded, "And I know this woman, so of course I'll pay more attention."

"Hey," Tang Lingxue said, "Mr. Qin, you have a wide network of connections. You have a hidden lover in the faraway Innsbruck. The little girl admires it very much."

"Nonsense..." Qin Lie said, "I just rescued her from two gangsters the night before yesterday, and there was a relationship.

Did you forget what I told you this morning? ? The two gangsters who wanted to kidnap you yesterday started out because they wanted to force her, and after I took the shot, I targeted you. "

"It turned out to be her." Tang Lingxue finally reacted.

"Yes." Qin Lie shrugged, "otherwise, how do you think I know her?"

But I also sighed in my heart: "Brother Qin, you said that such a small Innsbruck, a city with such a beautiful scenery, why is it so chaotic, it would be a pity if that beautiful girl was spoiled by gangsters just now... …”

"Yeah, that's why I did it." Qin Lie said.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this." Seeing that the conversation was a little far away, Qin Lie brought the topic back, "How about it, I just finished taking pictures of Xiaoyu, do you want to take some pictures too."

"That's not necessary." Unexpectedly, Tang Lingxue refused decisively, and complained along the way, "As far as your photography skills are concerned, I can take better pictures with my feet than you, so I'll take a selfie."

Qin Lie is not happy, you can complain about me, but you can't complain about my craftsmanship: "I'll tell you about it now, come here, I'll show you the pictures I took when the princess came down, it's absolutely wallpaper level of."

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