If you force her to leave, she is likely to lose her job tomorrow.

And this job, for people of her class, is very important.

Qin Lie has been in contact with the bottom of the society, he himself was a bottom-level before, and he understands Tifa's current situation very well.

If she forcibly takes her away, her future life will only be more troubled.

Qin Lie understood this, so he thought of another way.

Soon, he walked back to Tifa and asked Tifa, "Miss Tifa, what character is that person on the opposite side."

Tifa replied: "She is our props supervisor, and we receive our costumes, jewelry, and all kinds of outfits from him."

That's just a little character who manages clothes.

After hearing this, Qin Lie also had a bottom line.

Continue to ask: "Then what did you just do, he wants to embarrass you?"

"I..." Tifa said aggrieved, "I got off work today, and returned my costume and props to him as before, but he grabbed the necklace I was wearing and said I broke it, but, but When I returned it to him, it was all good, I didn't break it..."

"Haha..." The old man listened and said sneeringly, "What do you mean, I deliberately broke the necklace in order to frame you?"

Tifa didn't dare to answer, because she didn't dare to offend the person in front of her, but she really thought so in her heart.

Because this supervisor Bob is not the first time he wants to do something to her.

Bob is particularly lecherous. It is said that he has a lot of pornographic videos stored on the computer at home. He goes to the brothel at least three times a week to find different women, including many other working girls in the castle who have been weixieed by him.

But because of his high status, no one dared to speak out.

Tifa is already lucky, because there is still the prestige of the Habsburg family behind him.

Only recently was Bob targeted.

Today, he deliberately broke the necklace, just to find a reason to do it.

Bob said to her just now: "As long as you sleep with me, I don't want you to pay for this necklace."

He literally wrote his thoughts on his face.

After listening to what Tifa said, Qin Lie almost understood it.

He has seen a lot of this kind of thing in the country, and he has a solution right away in his heart.

He quickly picked up the phone and called Chen Jinhu.

"Golden Tiger, I encountered something in the scenic spot. Now you help me go to the nearest bank to get five million euros in cash... I am..."

Qin Lie walked outside the house and looked at the house number: "I'm in the prop storage warehouse in the scenic spot. Yes, you can take the money and send it directly."

"By the way, tell Xing Feng by the way, and ask him to help find the top manager of this scenic spot, and let him 'invite' the manager of the scenic spot no matter what method he uses."

These are two hard conditions, and Qin Lie asked Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng to do it respectively.

After finishing the call, Qin Lie was not in a hurry, so he found a chair in their prop storage warehouse and sat down.

Put the chair in the center of the warehouse, crossed Erlang's legs, and waited for Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng to arrive.

This action of his directly stunned Bob.

When I started to call Chen Jinhu in Chinese, he didn't understand a word.

Looking back now, Qin Lie actually sat down on his site. What do you mean, he wasted on himself?

Is this kid too bold?

But Bob is not so patient, he has to find a way to send Qin Lie away.

Without thinking any more, Bob walked to Qin Lie a few steps, pointed at Qin Lie's nose and said loudly: "Hey, Huaxia people, how many times do I have to tell you, this is the work area, get out of here immediately Go out, if you mess around again, I'll call the security!"

But Qin Lie didn't care about this threat at all. He had heard this kind of threat countless times in China.

Don't call the security guard, it's useless for you to call your ancestors here.

He made up his mind to take care of this, and then to make Bob look good.

With a slight smile, Qin Lie raised his head and looked at him like he was looking at SB, but he didn't speak, and continued to wait with Erlang's legs crossed.

Bob couldn't take it anymore, pointed at Qin Lie and said loudly: "Very good, Huaxia people, you have the seeds, you wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, Bob walked aside, picked up the walkie-talkie on the table, and said a few words to the other side of the walkie-talkie. He did call the security guard.

However, as soon as the walkie-talkie was put on, the security did not come, but Chen Jinhu did.

According to Qin Lie's instructions, Chen Jinhu brought two large boxes, walked past Bob in a grand manner, and walked to Qin Lie's side.

Beside Qin Lie, he put the box down one by one, and then told Qin Lie, "Brother Lie, the five million you ordered me to take are all in the box. What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry." Qin Lie continued to smile to himself, "You can find a place to sit and watch the show first."

"Oh..." Although Chen Jinhu didn't know what Qin Lie was doing, it must be fun to see Qin Lie's expression.

Not too lazy to ask any further, I found a stool in the warehouse, sat next to Qin Lie, sat down a little bit back, and also picked up an Erlang leg and sat down.

The two of them sat in a row, and even the movements were exactly the same.

This image is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting.

Bob felt like he was being treated as air.

These two people are under his nose, doing whatever they want, completely pretending that he doesn't exist.

It's just that he saw that Chen Jinhu is strong and has a mechanical hand, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke him. He could only lose his temper at the security guard on the walkie-talkie: "John, John, where are you guys, why haven't you come over yet!"

However, Bob's savior John was late.

Following Chen Jinhu's front and back feet, Xing Feng also came.

Not only Xing Feng came, but also a forty-year-old middle-aged man, Aaron, the manager of the scenic spot and the scenic spot supervisor.

Aaron was grabbed by the back of his neck and pushed all the way, in a very embarrassed state.

"Mr Aaron!"

Bob's eyes widened when he saw Aaron, wondering what was going on.

But he was very respectful. He walked up all the way, nodded and asked, "Mr. Aaron, why are you here?"

Aaron is also the top manager of the scenic spot. Usually in the scenic spot, all the staff have to say hello to Mr. Aaron when they see him. Looking at the entire Feicanaan Castle, he is the number one person.

As a result, he was caught by a Chinese man grabbing his neck involuntarily, struggling like a salted fish.

Under the eyes of so many staff members, his face was lost.

Facing Bob's questioning, he said angrily: "You ask me why I am here, I don't even know!"

"But Huaxia people!" He seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned his head to point at Xing Feng, and said in a warning tone, "Just wait for the court's summons!"

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