"So that's what you're asking. In fact, the reason is very simple, because a family like me has had someone teach us about sex since we were young, whether it's surgery in the room or having a child, we must have sex before the age of eighteen. Learn. In this way, as long as the family needs it, I can marry other families for the benefit of the family at any time."

Aoi Sakurako said without concealment.

This kind of thing is commonplace in a family like theirs, and it is not a secret at all.

"I see."

After listening to Sakurako Aoi's explanation, Qin Lie's doubts were resolved.

He said how Aoi Sakurako is so good at technical skills, and feelings have been learned since childhood.

As expected of the islanders, it is open in this regard.

"By the way, aren't you a nobleman, and you still need to marry another family?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

"What happened to the nobility? Even the royal family has to marry other powerful families to stabilize their status, not to mention our nobles. And I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, many girls from big families like us are basically destined to be born. become the object of marriage."

Aoi Sakurako looked at Qin Lie and said very calmly.

She knew very well that marriage was her own destiny. If it wasn't for this air crash, she would have married a brother from another family who had no feelings at all.

"It seems that living in a big family is not necessarily a good thing."

Qin Lie couldn't help sighing.

Ordinary people like them don't have to worry about marriage at all, they are basically free love.

But on the other hand, if a poor boy like him wants to get married now, he must at least have a house, a car and savings. Otherwise, other girls will not ignore you at all, or Qin Lie will not be twenty-six years old. A single dog.

"Anyway, everything has two sides. If I had to choose, I would still choose to be born in the nobility, so that at least I can live without food and clothing, and I don't have to rush around for life every day."

Aoi Sakurako said sincerely and directly.

Although she was born in a big family, many things are beyond her control, but most of the time, she is the envy of others, and in terms of living conditions, she is much happier than most people.

"You're right."

Qin Lie nodded, he still agreed with Sakurako Aoi's point of view.

If he had a choice, he would rather be a rich second-generation rich, sensual and sensual, than an orphan abandoned by his parents.

Those days are simply unbearable.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go back quickly."

Qin Lie didn't think about those unrealistic things, and returned to the camp with Sakurako Aoi.

"Sister Yuqing, Brother Qin is back!"

With sharp eyes, Su Xiaoxiao spotted Qin Lie who had returned for the first time.

Glancing at Qin Lie who was intact, Ye Yuqing, who was still discussing what to do with everyone, was suddenly relieved.

"Qin Lie, where have you been in the early morning? Do you know how worried we are?"

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie and said angrily.

She didn't see Qin Lie when she woke up in the morning, but she was worried, for fear that something would happen to Qin Lie.

"I'm sorry, but Yingzi found a hare just now, so I went with her to chase the hare, but I didn't catch it after a long time."

Qin Lie casually made up a reason and replied.

"Forget it this time, remember to tell us when you go out in the future to save us from worrying."

Ye Yuqing warned.

Now Qin Lie is the backbone of their team. If Qin Lie had an accident, these women wouldn't even think about surviving on this deserted island.


Qin Lie nodded in response.

"Okay, come over and have breakfast."

Ye Yuqing beckoned and said nothing more.

"Sakurako, are you uncomfortable? Why do I feel that you are walking a little weirdly?"

Suddenly, Su Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just fell and my thigh still hurts a bit."

Aoi Sakurako quickly found a reason to perfunctory.

"You must be careful when you go to the woods in the future, and try not to get hurt. After all, there isn't even a hospital in this broken place."

Su Xiaoxiao reminded kindly.

"Well, I'll be careful."

Aoi Sakurako replied softly, and in order to avoid leaking, she quickly found an open space and sat down.

It's just that she didn't notice that Chen Xiaoyu, who was not far away, had been staring at her.

After a while, Chen Xiaoyu turned her attention to Qin Lie again.

The next second, she seemed to have discovered something, and an intriguing smile appeared on her face.

But Chen Xiaoyu didn't say anything and continued to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, the drinking water was exhausted. As the only man here, Qin Lie took the initiative to take the task of fetching water.

"Brother Qin, I'll go fetch water with you."

Without waiting for Qin Lie to choose a candidate, Chen Xiaoyu had already stood up and volunteered.

"Okay, take all those bottles and stuff."

Qin Lie naturally had no opinion.

Next, the two headed to the woods together.

However, within ten minutes of leaving the camp, Chen Xiaoyu suddenly stopped Qin Lie.

"Brother Qin, how much peach blossom debt are you trying to provoke?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked Qin Lie with a playful look on her face.

"What do you mean by that?"

Qin Lie froze for a moment and asked.

"Okay, stop pretending, I already know about you and Yingzi. I really didn't expect you to take Yingzi down so quickly. You are really a lover."

Chen Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"What, are you following us?"

Qin Lie asked with a dark face, he really didn't expect Chen Xiaoyu to know about him and Aoi Sakurako.

"I don't have time to follow you."

Chen Xiaoyu pouted and said.

"Then how did you know?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"Of course, it's from the way Yingzi walks. Don't forget, I'm also a woman. Yingzi can deceive Xiaoxiao, but that innocent little girl can't deceive me."

Chen Xiaoyu said proudly.

Although Sakurako Aoi was deliberately covering it up just now, she couldn't hide it from Chen Xiaoyu's eyes. She just realized what was going on just by thinking about it.

"It's a shame you didn't become a detective."

Qin Lie couldn't help sighing.

No one else knew about his relationship with Ye Yuqing, but Chen Xiaoyu made it clear that he had just had a relationship with Aoi Yingko, but Chen Xiaoyu saw it out again. This woman's observation skills are really meticulous. Even he had to say admiration.

"Hey, we're not interested in being a detective, nor do we have the skills. It's better to be a commoner honestly."

Chen Xiaoyu smiled, approached Qin Lie again, and asked slyly, "Brother Qin, do you feel comfortable with Yingzi or with me?"

"What's the matter, can you stop asking such a vulgar question?"

Qin Lie looked at Chen Xiaoyu with a black face.

He found that since he had a skin-to-skin relationship with him, Chen Xiaoyu became more and more reckless when speaking, especially when no one else was present, he dared to ask any questions, which even his old driver had to give up.

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