The next day, early in the morning...

Although spring has officially entered the northern hemisphere, Innsbruck is still very cold at the foot of the remote Alps.

The hot air coming out of his mouth quickly condensed into water in the air, and it hit a foggy piece in front of him.

As long as people stay outside for half an hour, they will quickly freeze their hands and feet.

On Xiangyu Avenue, the Yager Auto Repair Factory did not open the door today, and the surrounding roads also seemed extraordinarily deserted.

The wall at the entrance was broken, it was a huge gap that Qin Lie drove the car into the day before yesterday.

The people from the Darong Gang are already looking for professional craftsmen to repair it, but it is still early today, and the craftsmen have not come yet.

In the distance, Jiang Lei was breathing heat into his hands, trying his best to keep his hands from freezing, because later, in the Yager Auto Repair Factory, there will be a battle waiting for them.

They didn't dare to neglect at all.

Beside him, thirty members of the Longyan Squad stood side by side behind Jiang Lei, all armed with submachine guns, grenades, astigmatism bombs, smoke bombs and other equipment.

They were all crouching behind a private house a block away from the Yager Auto Repair Factory, ready to take action at any time.

According to yesterday's plan, they had the largest group and were responsible for breaking through the frontal battlefield.

They are now waiting for Qin Lie's order.

At 7:50 in the morning, there was still no one on the surrounding roads. The Xiangyu Avenue, which should have been lively, seemed to be blocked, and the atmosphere was very strange.

To the east of the Accord Auto Repair Factory, Chen Jinhu led the team to crouch here, and he also discovered this phenomenon.

In the walkie-talkie, Chen Jinhu said to Qin Lie: "Brother Lie, something seems wrong. No one around here can see it. Hurry up and the people from the Darong Gang deliberately don't separate here. Did they guess our action?"

Qin Lie's side seemed very relaxed, he said: "The crow's side will definitely guess that we are going to act, but they certainly can't guess how we are going to act, everything will be done as planned yesterday.

It's also a good thing for us to separate this side. They don't bother to have other things to interfere. What they are fighting for is the hard power of both sides. What, Jinhu, are you still afraid? "

"Hi!" Chen Jinhu said, "I have nothing to fear. You have arranged everything. With you, I can rest assured. It's just a little crow, and it can't be your opponent."

"Haha..." Qin Lie smiled casually, "Let's talk about these words after we finish things today. It may not be as simple as I thought, so be prepared for a hard fight!"


After Chen Jinhu responded, the walkie-talkie fell silent again.

It was seven fifty-nine, one minute before the action began.

Qin Lie asked the teams in each direction to confirm that they were all ready.

At eight o'clock, Qin Lie gave an order, and the whole team started!

The situation is imminent!

On Jiang Lei's side, every soldier in the Longyan Squad waited for a long time. After hearing Qin Lie's order, he waved his hand and charged forward quickly.

A group of more than 30 people crossed Xiangyu Avenue and went straight to the front of the Yager Auto Repair Factory.

The big gap on the front, because there is no brick and stone, just a piece of canvas to cover, Jiang Lei cut a large hole with a few knives, and everyone filed through the hole. Inside the Accord Auto Repair Factory, they originally wanted to suppress the first wave of shocks.

As a result, after they rushed in, looking around, there was no one on the first floor of the entire garage.

Those people seem to have disappeared, and I don't know where they went.

Including the players who rushed in from the back, front, back, left, right, up, and down, there were team members with clear division of labor to observe, and they said the same.

"Twelve o'clock is safe."

"Safety at three o'clock."

"Safety at six."

"Safety at nine o'clock."

All four directions are safe, people?

Jiang Lei brought everyone into a group and did not dare to spread out. He also found something strange, and immediately reported to Qin Lie on the walkie-talkie: "Brother Lie, there is no one on the whole first floor. It feels like we are empty."

"Pushing empty?" Qin Lie shook his head and said, "It is impossible to pummel. I asked you to bring everything you have prepared."

"I brought it all!" Jiang Lei said.

"Ok!" Qin Lie said, "Just wait, they must have compiled a net for us today, your people will leave in a group, don't scatter, and report at any time if there is any situation!"


Jiang Lei was talking to Qin Lie, but at this time, a team member suddenly shouted: "Brother Lei, someone is on the head, on the second floor!"

The layout of the Yager Auto Repair Factory is a total of two floors.

The ground floor is the auto repair floor of the entire building, above which is the management.

The management did not have the same area as the first floor, but made four corridors in four directions, and the entire second floor became a "back" character.

Therefore, the corridor on the second floor can completely cover the central area of ​​the first floor.

At this time, people suddenly appeared on the second floor and in the four corridors.

The ones from the east came out at first, and then soon, the people from the west came out, and people's heads came out quickly from the corridors in the remaining two directions.

They held guns, pointed downstairs, and started shooting frantically.


Chu Chu Chu!

Bang bang bang!

Without warning, the sound of fierce gunfire cut through the quiet morning, and the battle was about to break out.

In the far north, in the corridor near the back door, the crow looked calmly at everything below.

The corners of his mouth rose, with a sneer, he knew that Qin Lie would definitely do something in these two days.

Since last night, he has led people to crouch in the corridors on all sides.

He also guessed that the gap Qin Lie hit with the truck before would definitely become a breakthrough, so he simply didn't put anyone on the first floor.

As long as Qin Lie's people dare to rush in, the people from all sides will shoot at the same time, and they will definitely be regarded as turtles in the urn, and they will shoot randomly!

Sure enough, Qin Lie's people were caught.

"Is this trying to break our defense directly? Is it too naive?" Crow slandered, "This emerging force from China doesn't seem to be as powerful as it is rumored."

In the middle of the battlefield, all the surrounding team members began to report points.

"At twelve o'clock, there is someone in the corridor on the second floor!"

"It's the same at three o'clock!"


Everyone reported, knowing that these people were all squatting on the second floor waiting for them to come in.

There are many people in each corridor, at least forty people in each direction, and there are already more than 100 people in this area alone.

The firepower is very fierce, and it is full of firepower almost as soon as it shows up, and the target is Jiang Lei's squad in the center!

In the crow's expectation, as long as someone gets into his trap, he will surely die.

In five seconds, at most five seconds, he will turn all the people below into corpses!

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