Today Xiao Xingyao came to eat, but it has nothing to do with the Xiao family.

He had come for dinner with his old comrades in Thor's special forces.

He served in the special forces for many years, these people are his henchmen.

During this period of time, he stayed in Longcheng and rarely returned to the troops. It happened that the brothers came to see him on vacation, and he took them to dinner.

I didn't expect to meet Qin Lie's mouse shit here.

Xiao Xingyao now regards Qin Lie as a thorn in the flesh, and can't wait to get rid of it.

He suffered a severe blow to Qin Lie's self-esteem after he fell into the hands of Qin Lie several times.

He has been looking for an opportunity to get the place back, and he swore that he would defeat Qin Lie himself, and even kill him, in front of everyone on a very big occasion! Get back all the self-esteem he lost.

Every time he thinks of this, Xiao Xingyao becomes more emotional, even if he sees Qin Lie, his teeth itch with hatred, and his fists clenched.

At this time, standing beside him, the Thor Special Forces, his lieutenant, Liang Bo, also saw his strangeness.

Liang Bo was also a member of the Thor Special Forces and followed Xiao Xingyao for eight years.

It can be said that when he entered the army, it was Xiao Xingyao who cultivated it. The kindness of knowing and meeting is as heavy as a mountain, and they performed tasks outside, living and dying together, and their feelings can be said to be incomparable.

Seeing Xiao Xingyao staring at Qin Lie with so much emotion, Liang Bo hurriedly asked, "Brother Yao, what's the matter? What is the relationship between that person and you?"

"Qin Lie." Xiao Xingyao didn't introduce too much, just said these two words.

Liang Bo, of course, had already heard about Xiao Xingyao's experience in Longcheng. He murmured and asked, "Is that the kid who defeated you in front of many people?"

"That's not my defeat!" Xiao Xingyao said sharply, "I was just negligent for a while, and I was a little careless about this kid, so he found a chance!"

"Yes!" Liang Bo said, "Of course your level brothers know that, of course it is impossible to be defeated by such a hairy boy. I mean, is this the boy who made you lose face in front of everyone?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Xingyao nodded angrily.

Liang Bo immediately tried to ask: "Then the brothers are all here, help you get this thing back today?"

Almost all the core members of the Raytheon special forces who came to eat today are top-notch in the entire Chinese military in terms of combat effectiveness.

All of them are masters, plus the soldiers are full of vigor, Liang Bo has this idea right away.

The brothers were bullied, of course these people must be the first to top it!

"No need!" Xiao Xingyao quickly rejected this statement, "Forget it, this is a personal grievance between me and him, and it has nothing to do with Thor, you help me, and I will be held accountable when I look back, it is not worth taking. ."

"Today is a party for our brothers, don't be upset by this mouse shit, go back to eat!"

Xiao Xingyao didn't agree with Liang Bo's statement, and he really didn't want to ruin a good dinner because of Qin Lie.

In addition, he lost to Qin Lie last time, and he has lingering fears. During this time, he has been stepping up his martial arts training. This matter should be done after he has enough confidence!

Thinking so, he waved his hand, and he also greeted Liang Bo and went back.

However, Xiao Xingyao had no intention, but Liang Bo had a heart.

He has followed Xiao Xingyao for the past eight years, and has always regarded Xiao Xingyao as an idol in his heart. Now Xiao Xingyao is actually afraid of facing a kid, this is really not the Xiao Xingyao he knows with a higher heart than the sky.

Although Xiao Xingyao said that he didn't have to go to Qin Lie today, he felt a throbbing in his heart, and he wanted to help Xiao Xingyao out of his breath.

So after returning to the garden, while drinking with Xiao Xingyao and his brothers, Liang Bo called the rest of the Thor Special Forces aside, and told the other brothers his thoughts.

All the people present today were brought out by Xiao Xingyao, so they naturally passed Liang Bo's proposal unanimously.

Therefore, after three rounds of drinking, in addition to Xiao Xingyao, Liang Bo asked a few brothers to accompany Xiao Xingyao to drink, but he took seven or eight people around to the garden where Qin Lie was.

On Qin Lie's side, today's atmosphere is really good, many brothers are all their own, and everyone is open to drink and chat.

Qin Lie gave Chen Jinhu a bonus of 2 million to all the players present, as a reward for their work in Innsbruck.

Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei as a hero, Qin Lie sent an extra 2 million yuan. Even Li Tianlin, who was still far away in Europe to help participate in the eradication of the Flower of Sin, had a video call with everyone. Of course, Qin Lie also gave his share of the bonus. Hit him!

A bold operation, let the brothers call the local tyrants!

A wave of golden flattery arrived on the battlefield in an instant.

Then everyone became emotional. Wang Congcong was so excited that he even sang a song in public. When he sang I want to fly higher, he almost lost himself.

All in all, everyone surrounded Qin Lie, and the atmosphere of today's party was very high.

However, after three rounds of drinking, Wang Congcong became addicted to singing and singing, and after three days and three nights, the gate of the garden, which originally belonged to only one table of them, was kicked open by someone outside.

There was a loud "dong" sound, and the door frame was almost kicked down by the man.

Everyone's eyes shifted sideways.

Immediately afterwards, they watched Du Liang Bo and the members of the Thor Special Forces rushed straight into the garden.

Then, Liang Bo quickly walked to Qin Lie and looked at him condescendingly.

"You are Qin Lie?"

Qin Lie frowned, to be honest, very uncomfortable.

He didn't like that the good atmosphere of his party was broken, and he didn't know the person who suddenly appeared.

So there is no face to give Liang Bo hungry: "I am Qin Lie, what are you?"

"Liang Bo." Liang Bo introduced himself and said, "Deputy Captain of Thor's Special Forces, so you should understand who I am?"

Of course, Qin Lie already knew his identity when Liang Bo mentioned that he was the vice-captain of Thor's special forces.

In Qin Lie's understanding, there will be no second person other than Xiao Xingyao who can be linked with Thor Special.

So he also guessed Liang Bo's intention, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Who am I, it turned out to be just a younger brother of Xiao Xingyao, what's the matter, now Xiao Xingyao was beaten so he didn't dare to show his head, and he became a tortoise with a shrunken head. Trouble, only dare to call his little brother over?"

Liang Bo had heard from Xiao Xingyao that Qin Lie was crazy, but he didn't expect it to be so crazy.

He ignored Xiao Xingyao at all, and even dared to say that he was a tortoise.

Liang Bo was instantly furious and threatened Qin Lie.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

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