"I just said to insert eyeliner, but I didn't say to interfere." Guan Hai said, "So you should understand."

"I don't understand." Qin Lie said, "Then you will have eyeliner from now on, you will know as soon as I do things, if you see me uncomfortable, get some Kyushu Bureau agents to stop me, I'm not exposing everything. Did you give it to you?"

In any case, Qin Lie is not the kind of person who likes to show his cards to others.

It's a very uncomfortable feeling to take off your clothes and show them in public.

Guan Hai sat opposite, holding a teacup, lightly blowing away the mist above.

He saw that Qin Lie was already a little impetuous, but he suddenly laughed to himself.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Lie asked him directly.

Guan Hai did not give him a clear answer, but said: "Qin Lie, I have read your information, you are calm, you know how to strategize, you know how to maximize your resources, you are affectionate and righteous, and you have your own set of skills. work style."

"These are all prerequisites for becoming a big man." Guan Hai paused and said, "But do you know what the gap is between you and the real big man, like the head of the Xuanyuan family, the head of the Xiao family, and the real big man? ?"

Qin Lie didn't answer directly, because he knew that Guan Hai's next sentence would definitely come up by himself.

"Pattern..." As expected, Guan Hai said it directly.

"The difference between you and them is just these two words."

"Just like my eldest brother, Xuanyuan Hao." Guan Hai did not shy away from the fact that he was a member of the Xuanyuan family, directly taking Xuanyuan Hao as an example, "He will never calculate temporary gains and losses, nor will he consider this matter. Whether it made him comfortable or uncomfortable at the time, he always looked at it in the highest light."

Guan Hai brought the topic back to armed matters.

"Do you think that only your armed forces have eyeliners?"

"Do you think we are deliberately targeting you?"

"The Xiao family army, the Xuanyuan family's private armament, and the private arms owned by the major families, which one does not have Mr. Hua's eyeliner?"

"Mr. Hua's move is not control, but mastery!"

"He will not interfere with your actions, but you need to know that as long as he knows that what you do will not threaten Huaxia and will not cause harm to the authorities, he will not care about you!"

"On the contrary, you should not see this as a restraint, but an opportunity!"

"Before the rise of the real superpower, before the rise of the Xuanyuan family, the Xiao family, the Kong family, etc., all had the same feature, that is, they got the attention of the authorities, whether it was the Xuanyuan family Xiao family or the foreign Rothschild, Ka Pei wait, that's all."

"If my eldest brother came to look at this matter, he would never feel that this matter was being controlled and restrained, but that his strength was strong enough to attract the attention of the authorities."

"This is actually a symbol of the rise of its own strength."

"My eldest brother's decision to make this matter, he won't even have any resistance, and even welcomes Hua Xiasheng to come over. After all, with your current strength and obedience, you can climb higher, you really can't see it Are we intentionally cultivating you?"

After Qin Lie heard this, he understood a little, but not a little.

With his current state, he does still feel uncomfortable with his eyeliner being inserted.

But listening to Guan Hai's explanation, this move of the Kyushu Bureau is indeed a move that will only be made after its own strength has a certain influence.

From this angle, there is a positive side.

Maybe, as Guan Hai said, I haven't gotten older, the pattern is not that big, and I don't see as far as those old things.

But he doesn't force it. After all, experience is something that can't be forced. All he can do now is to be himself.

Fortunately, he is relatively able to listen to advice, and can see whose words are useful to him and whose words are not.

Guan Hai's words were very pertinent, his attitude was clear, and he said a lot of things that could not be said.

Although it has a little educational tone, it is really for my own good.

Qin Lie thought about it, and benefited a lot from Guan Hai's words, and finally didn't care about it.

In the end he asked only one question: "Are you sure you basically won't interfere in what I do?"

"Haha..." Guan Hai laughed, "As long as you don't use your people to bomb the headquarters, we won't bother to care about you. Do you think you can have any impact on the Chinese authorities?"

"Yes!" Qin Lie laughed at himself, and Guan Hai's last words gave him a reassurance.

In the end, he fully agreed: "Okay, then I will do as you said."

"Very sensible." Guan Hai nodded and was also very satisfied with Qin Lie's performance.

The pattern is something that can only be cultivated slowly after growing up. At least, the current Qin Lie has done a good job in all aspects.

After everything was said, the emotions of the two returned to normal, and the communication between the two became easier.

After such a short period of contact, Qin Lie found that Guan Hai was indeed not a simple person.

Completely different from his greasy appearance on the surface, his thinking is meticulous, his logic is clear, and he knows many operating rules that outsiders don't know, giving Qin Lie the feeling that the city is like a sea. In the meantime, he can also become a powerful figure in the leader of the Kyushu Bureau.

His chengfu was several realms higher than Han Qi's.

Such people are actually the kind of people Qin Lie wants to get close to the most.

Get in touch with such people, and before you know it, you can be influenced by them and learn a lot.

However, Qin Lie was still a little surprised. After the story was finished, he asked Guan Haidao: "According to my information, in addition to helping Mr. Hua, Director Guan is also a core member of the Xuanyuan family, right?"

"That's right." Guan Hai said, "Mr. Xuanyuanhao is my eldest brother, he has a kindness to me, and even my life was given by him. From my hair to my toes, I belong to the Xuanyuan family. Is there anything strange about that?"

"No..." Qin Lie said, "I just feel that I don't have such a good relationship with the Xuanyuan family, and even have a conflict with Xuanyuan Tianci. As a member of the Xuanyuan family, you are so open to talking to me. It can be regarded as Dundun's teaching, and I am very curious."

Unexpectedly, after Guan Hai heard what Qin Lie said, his eyes were relieved.

He smiled and said, "It's strange to say that, before I saw you, I just wanted to tell you about this, just to inform you, and I didn't want to talk to you so much.

But when I saw you later, I felt inexplicably cordial, as if I had seen you somewhere before, so I couldn't help but say a few more words. "

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