Putting down the phone, Qin Lie turned on the phone as Wang Congcong said, and searched for the keyword "Feng Momo".

As a result, I don't know if I don't search it, and I'm startled by a search.

The search engine he used at that time just typed the word "Feng", and a lot of information recommendations about Feng Momo popped up later.

What "Feng Momo works hard", "Feng Momo is getting more and more beautiful", "Feng Momo turned out to be the most powerful female artist" and so on...

However, as long as these fuzzy search engines are given money to the technology company, they will be able to publish all the information, which means that Feng Momo's search priority will be raised.

In Qin Lie's view, Shentu was overbearing and they must have done such a thing.

Because he changed several search engines, the results are all like this.

Of course, this is just a normal operation.

After clicking on these news information, Qin Lie knew how popular Feng Momo was now.

The entertainment section of various lists is the first in the hot search, the topic of Weibo is the first, the keyword of the penguin is the first, and so on...

All self-media, official media, and even CCTV media can see Feng Momo's figure.

Shentu Domineering invited a large number of sailors to interfere with public opinion, and wrote overwhelming articles to exaggerate Feng Momo's information. Anyway, they did it all by using the heat that capital could hype.

Although Qin Lie doesn't quite understand how it works, he also knows that Shentu Tyrant has invested a lot of human and financial resources in this matter.

In order to get Shentu Mingyue back to him, it seems that he also took great pains.

What's the scariest thing?

The most terrifying thing is that this public relations team turned all the remarks about Feng Momo on the Internet into positive energy.

Qin Lie opened the news and turned to the comment area. There was harmony. The black fans who were on the opposite side had disappeared.

What are the comments in the comment area, "Who can not love such a beautiful and hard-working girl?"

Qin Lie was stunned when he saw it.

What about those blacks? What about those network keyboard warriors who are going to spray the whole family at every turn? Not a single one is missing.

It turns out that Feng Momo's popularity is not low, but there are more black fans than real fans.

No matter how many people like him, there must be twice as many people who hate her.

This has caused her real popularity to never rise.

But the great thing about the current PR team is that they seem to have erased all the black spots about Feng Momo, so that all those fans who had been blacking her all the time became real fans.

After turning into a fan, her flow strength suddenly showed its power.

So last night's performance, with its strong topic and positive image, finally surpassed Shentu Mingyue, who has always dominated the list.

In just two weeks, the public relations team hired by Shentu Domineering has completed such a large workload.

Of course Qin Lie is not clear about the specific process, but the situation is already such a situation.

After paying attention to the situation, Qin Lie called Wang Congcong again.

The first sentence is: "Fuck, this team is really good. They changed the direction of public opinion in such a short period of time. I can't find anyone who is black Feng Momo on the Internet. It's a bit of a mess. what!"

"Look..." Wang Congcong said, "This is called capital operation. I estimate that they have hired no less than one million sailors in the past few days. Even if everyone gives ten yuan, this is an investment of tens of millions. , If you write a good whitewashing article, you can directly get a few hundred dollars, even black fans are willing to do it, people are willing to spend money to promote people."

Wang Congcong is a professional in this field, and he is not someone who has never hired a sailor.

According to his experience, to be able to have such a large influence in such a short period of time, the number of naval forces must have this scale.

According to Wang Congcong's understanding, Shentu's domineering turned black fans into real fans with money, which is ruthless!

I don't know about other people, anyway, Wang Congcong can't play it himself.

Qin Lie listened, and asked Wang Congcong sincerely: "That Cong Cong, do you have any other way now, they have launched such a fierce offensive, do we have a good response strategy?"

Qin Lie is indeed a novice in the entertainment industry. Fortunately, Wang Congcong is here, and Wang Congcong can give him a lot of good advice.

Wang Congcong replied on the other end of the phone: "If this is the case, we can only point to Maimang, and the public opinion is against the public opinion. We have to find a way to suppress the popularity of Feng Momo's public opinion."

"How to press?" Qin Lie asked.

"Do you want to win?" Wang Congcong asked back.

"That's no nonsense." Qin Lie said, "If I didn't want to win, I wouldn't spend so much time here talking to you about it. I'm not asking you for help."

"Then do you trust me?" Wang Congcong asked again.

Qin Lie replied: "Of course I absolutely trust you in this matter."

"Ok!" Qin Lie clearly heard Wang Congcong snap his fingers on the other end of the phone, and said decisively, "If you trust me, give me five million, and I'll help you save the situation."

Qin Lie was even more domineering and said bluntly, "I'll give you 10 million. If you don't have it, ask me for it again. You will be solely responsible for this matter."

"ojbk!" Wang Congcong was not hypocritical, and even showed a hint of excitement, "Since Young Master Qin trusts me so much, then I will define it and do my best to complete the task. , I have to let them know who is the real master of hype!"

After saying this, Wang Congcong hung up the phone directly.

Qin Lie also transferred 10 million to his account as agreed.

Later, Wang Congcong started to take action on this matter.

In Qin Lie's cognition, he did not much to help Wang Congcong, that is, that afternoon, together with Wang Congcong, he asked Feng Momo to come out and have a meal alone.

The content of the conversation at the dinner table is basically related to the draft, and there is no sensitive topic at all.

Qin Lie knew that Wang Congcong wanted to use this method to open a public opinion hole, but he didn't know how to do it.

He just watched Wang Congcong's operations quietly on the Internet.

Soon, the next day, photos of them inviting Feng Momo to dinner appeared on the Internet.

The accompanying information is also very positive.

The title reads: "Feng Momo's hard work has finally paid off. He was summoned privately by the promoters of the two major programs, and it seems that the signing of the contract has been finalized."

Of course, this is just one of them.

Same picture, with other captions.

For example: "Feng Momo's popularity continues to heat up, and it has attracted the attention of the promoters of the show."

"God rewards diligence, keep the flowers and see the moon!"

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