To be honest, at eleven o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie was really panicked.

He was afraid that Han Qi, a reckless man, regardless of the 3721, with hatred for the Skull and Bones Society, the people who organized the Kyushu Bureau rushed in with enthusiasm.

In the end, it turned out that it was all arranged by Blaze, who was strangled by Infernal Affairs and then by Blaze's gunmen.

At around eleven o'clock, he and Blaze were drinking while calculating in his mind a hundred ways to capture Blaze.

If the identity is exposed, come to catch the thief first to catch the king, so that he can save his life.

Anyway, Qin Lie himself was walking back and forth between the two identities at that time, and he was very divided.

But at eleven o'clock, Qin Lie's heart sank as he felt that there was no movement outside.

He was very surprised. He thought that Han Qi didn't even rush in in the face of such a reckless person from the Skeleton Society. It seemed that there was a turning point.

A little relieved, but still a little worried.

However, as time progressed, it was twelve o'clock and one o'clock in the morning, and Qin Lie was completely relieved.

It wasn't even until the early hours of the morning, so Han Qi, who was here today, probably wouldn't do it.

He didn't know how Han Qi discovered these problems, but as long as he didn't do anything, he would be safe.

At two or three o'clock in the morning, Qin Lie was lying on the sofa like a salted fish and said to Blaze, "Blaze, so what's the point of your game? I, Qin Lie, join you Skull and Bones with the greatest sincerity, you skeletons. When something goes wrong, you suspect me the first time, what about the trust you promised? You really broke my heart by doing this."

"Didn't you prophesy that someone would come to take over your base, what about people?"

Blaze still said calmly: "Dear Qin Lie, my good brother, I have said it all, we have never doubted your loyalty, we do this just to test, this is for you and me, for the skeleton will be fine.

There is no accident today, which means that you have no problem. Isn't this result happy for us, and I am also very satisfied! "

"Humph!" Qin Lie snorted coldly, "I hope this is the last time. If there is another time, I don't guarantee that I won't turn my face."

"Of course." Blaze nodded and assured, "We also know that this method can't be used too much. This will definitely be the last time for you, I promise."

Then there was no more talk.

It wasn't until six o'clock in the morning that the matter seemed to be finally over.

At six o'clock, Blaze put down his burden as if he had finished a major task, let out a heavy sigh, stood up from the sofa on his knees, and put on a smile again.

Walking to Qin Lie's side, he kept Qin Lie's shoulders: "Hahaha, Qin Lie, my brother, congratulations on passing our test this time, I know, how could our Qin Lie brothers be traitors? !"

Qin Lie himself knew that this level was over.

However, he still pretended to be very angry, and looked at Blaze coldly: "Can I go now?"

"Of course." Blaze nodded. "You are a member of Skull and Bones. This is the site of Skull and Bones. You can go wherever you want."

"I emphasize again." Qin Lie said, "I don't like the feeling of being doubted very much. I hope this test is the only and last time, otherwise, I will definitely turn my face."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lie stopped staying and walked out of the basement with Jiang Lei and others.

Instead, it was Blaze who reminded him: "Qin Lie, you passed our final test and are now an internal member. Don't you have any other questions to ask?"

Qin Lie was right after thinking about it.

This time, they have already been trapped in, and they have passed the so-called last level, and their identity has also improved within them, so they can't just leave without a little information.

So he stopped again, turned around, and asked Blaze, "Brayze, have you been watching me all this time, and even trying to control me with drugs?"

What happened last night obviously made Blaze trust Qin Lie more.

So Blaze also admitted what he had done before: "Yes, including before, we have been observing you, to see if you have the ability to be the spokesperson of the Skull and Bones Society in China. As for drug control, this matter has to be I need to apologize to you."

"The task of observing you is handed over to me. I want to be lazy, so I want to use biological agents to control you when you are injured, so that I will become very convenient. This is my private stupid idea. , has nothing to do with the above arrangement, of course, obviously, this matter has no effect on you, and I am here to apologize to you."

Things are on the bright side. He also took revenge on Blaze about drug control, and Qin Lie didn't bother to pursue it.

Continue to ask: "Will this incident be the final test for me? I passed the test last night, can I completely gain your trust?"

"Naturally!" Blaze nodded again firmly, "We are very eager to develop within China, so we need a powerful spokesperson like you. This is definitely the final test for you."

"Within two weeks, at most two weeks." Blaze added, "My boss, the core figure of Skull and Bones, Mr. Caesar, will come to China to see you in person and inform you of all the strategies of Skull and Bones in China. Arrangement, and you are the implementer of this arrangement."

"Including the establishment of the biological experimental base." Blaze said, "According to the information I got, they will also hand over the full responsibility to you. That's right, the real experimental base has not yet been established, and the establishment work requires you to do it. Moderator, congratulations Qin Lie, you have almost reached the core level of the core technology of Skull and Bones."

Qin Lie is not stupid, he heard what Blaze said was true.

After all, I can see that yesterday's events have indeed made great progress in their trust in their hearts.

Just a little comfort in my heart.

"It's better." He nodded and said, "Otherwise, I'll be really angry if I keep doubting me for no reason."

Blaze smiled and opened his arms again: "Congratulations Qin Lie, now we are going to really become brothers."

"Ha ha!"

Qin Lie laughed, and he didn't touch Blaze at all.

A finger on Blaze's shoulder was a response.

Whispered: "Let's discuss the topic of brother after Mr. Caesar arrives, let's go..."

After saying this, Qin Lie didn't stop and got all the information he wanted. Although it was thrilling, he had no regrets and left quickly with everyone.

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