Qin Lie was a little shocked, and felt that this matter was really not easy.

It's not that he has never touched Shentu Aoshi's skills. At that time, he was in a tie with Shentu Aoshi when he was injured. Although he was injured, it was enough to show that Shentu Aoshi's skills were not mediocre.

It was not easy for him to be injured in the fight, let alone when there were so many Shentu family bodyguards protecting him.

The combat effectiveness of the opponent this time is really not bad!

Leading the people to the back of Shentu Aoshi, Qin Lie first directly instructed his subordinates to spread out, no matter the three sevens or twenty-one, to hold back the momentum.

Then he asked in Shentu Aoshi's ear: "Brother Shentu, what is going on here, how did you get involved with someone?"

Shentu Aoshi turned back, saw Qin Lie, and thanked him first.

"Here, the dog opposite." Then he raised his chin to a young man in a black suit in the crowd of people opposite, "It's that dog, if it weren't for this scumbag, I would also I don't know him in general."

After a brief briefing, Qin Lie found out.

Originally, this matter was not between Shentu Aoshi and the young man.

Originally, Shentu Aoshi and other friends came to the Ziyang Hotel for dinner tonight. During the meal, some of the men in black suits might be lustful, and they teased their girlfriends in front of Shentu Aoshi's friends.

The specific content is just "your girlfriend has big breasts" and "your girlfriend looks very energetic".

Neither did it.

But they are all in the Longcheng circle, and some of the people who can eat at the Ziyang Hotel have no background.

Shentu Aoshi's two friends saw their girlfriend being molested like this, of course they were upset, they grabbed the people over there to ask for an explanation.

Everyone's temper was very rushing, and the smell of gunpowder went up.

In the process, I don't know who moved the hand first. Anyway, two friends of Shentu Aoshi later broke one of their hands, and this incident spread to Shentu Aoshi's ears.

What is the temper of Shentu Aoshi?

At the beginning, for a person who only had one relationship, Qin Lie could fight with the temperament.

The brother who eats with me is bullied, can this be tolerated?

Immediately, he led someone into the other party's private room, and in the private room he met the man in the black suit who was standing opposite.

In Shentu Aoshi's description, Shentu Aoshi didn't do anything directly at first. It was the mouth of the young man on the opposite side that was too cheap, which caused the matter not only to not be resolved, but also to a higher conflict.

The people over there, even if they knew that Shentu Aoshi was the young master of the Shentu family, didn't take it seriously, and even hung up the Shentu family and scolded them many times before the conflict broke out completely.

Once he started, Shentu Aoshi was surprised to find that the person on the opposite side was indeed unusual.

The combat power members of his subordinates are almost the same as the bodyguards around Shentu Aoshi, and there is even a master among them. Even if Shentu Aoshi played against him, he could not take advantage.

The situation was stalemate, and Shentu Aoshicai called Qin Lie to ask Qin Lie to come over.

It's pushed to the present situation.

After sorting out things, Qin Lie had a bottom line.

It's not a big deal, to put it bluntly, it's just a language conflict between young people with strong blood.

But what is surprising is that the young man in the black suit opposite, who is unknown, has such a deep background.

Qin Lie looked at the young man many times, and indeed he had never seen it before.

But his subordinates can actually compete with Shentu Aoshi's personal guard team, and they are not afraid of Shentu's family, one of the eight great families, which is a bit interesting.

Looking at the person over there, Qin Lie asked, "What role is that kid?"

Shentu Aoshi was in a fit of anger at this time, and said recklessly: "You don't care what role he is, you and I join forces, even if it is the King of Heaven, I will beat him first."

Still standing next to him, the information given by the two friends of Shentu Aoshi.

They said, "Master Qin, this person is called Tang Ruiming, and his family is in the jewelry business!"

"Yes, his father's family fortune is tens of billions, and he is considered a second- and third-tier rich man in Longcheng..."

That's not right!

Tens of billions of dollars, in a super-large city like Longcheng, where every inch of land is so precious, there is no need to talk about a super family, even if it is a rich man on the bright side, he can't do it.

With this little background, he dares to challenge Shentu Aoshi, has he never died?

But the words that followed immediately made Qin Lie stunned.

They continued: "However, the Tang family has always been attached to the Xuanyuan family. Tang Ruiming's father's current achievements are all supported by the Xuanyuan family."

"And it seems that he has known Xuanyuan Tianci since he was a child, and the relationship is not bad. With Xuanyuan Tianci's help, he dares to be so arrogant!"

"Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to fight against Young Master Shentu."

Oh, hearing this, Qin Lie nodded suddenly.

This makes sense.

Just saying why he can be so arrogant, it turns out that there is a Xuanyuan Tianci behind him.

There are always some cats and dogs in this world, thinking that they have a boss on their head, they start to turn their feet in the sky and can't find the position.

Besides, Xuanyuan Tianci was still the number one young man in China, so he really had to take off in place.

But if this is the only case, then this Tang Ruiming is just a product of the dog's power, the fox and the tiger's power.

Knowing this information, Qin Lie's heart is more confident.

Looking at Tang Ruiming from a distance, Tang Ruiming also saw him early.

But before Qin Lie could speak, Tang Ruiming actually spoke first.

The corners of his mouth were raised, his right mouth was opened to the base of his ear, his chin was facing Qin Lie, as if he was talking with his nose: "Yo, I thought that Young Master Shentu could call a big man to come over, but it turned out to be just Qin Lie. Lie, oh my go, isn't that even worse than you?"

In one sentence, both Qin Lie and Shentu Aoshi were scolded.

Shentu Aoshi took a deep breath, and his eyes showed murderous intent: "Dead dog, you better not be caught by Lao Tzu today, or Lao Tzu will destroy you here today!"

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Tang Ruiming stunned and exaggerated, "I'm so scared, come and kill me, come on, why, can't you get through? It turns out that you can't beat it, hahaha, you guys are special You can't beat it, and you're arrogant, hahaha..."

Tang Ruiming laughed, as if he had seen the funniest joke in the world.

Shentu Aoshi clenched his fists, squinted his eyes, and was angry with Tang Ruiming.

He whispered in Qin Lie's ear: "Brother Qin, you heard it too, as long as this person doesn't have such a cheap mouth, I don't have to do anything to him, but in today's situation, I have to abolish him. No."

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