As the elevator door opened, in addition to Xuanyuan Tianci, there were also many people under his subordinates standing in the elevator, all of whom were the subordinates of the company who came to his dinner this time.

Today, a game company under Xuanyuan Tianci just launched a new game and achieved good results, so he took the lead and booked several tables at the Ziyang Hotel, ready to reward his subordinates.

Tang Ruiming was also one of the heroes of this incident, so he handed it over to Tang Ruiming.

Originally, it was a happy event. Everyone happily had a meal, discussed merits and deeds, and enjoyed the wine, so that we could spend this evening happily.

As a result, Xuanyuan Tianci himself came a little late, and Tang Ruiming in the hotel actually got into a fight with someone else.

And I heard that the situation was very tragic, and the members of their Xuanyuan family were actually pressed on the ground and rubbed by others.

Hearing this news, Xuanyuan Tianci was still in the company to deal with matters, so he had to speed up to the scene.

As soon as I arrived at the scene, I found out that the troublemaker was none other than Qin Lie.

The fire in Xuanyuan Tianci's heart was very strong, and he was extremely angry.

Several times, several times, Qin Lie didn't give himself face at all in front of outsiders.

The first few times it was just because of other people's affairs, and because he was afraid of the old man beside Qin Lie, Xuanyuan Tianci let him go several times, but this time, Qin Lie actually rode directly on his head!

A slut who doesn't know the rules, a rubbish who relies on women's superiors, a bedbug who can do whatever he wants with a little power!

Xuanyuan Tianci's patience with Qin Lie was really approaching the limit.

He felt he had to give Qin Lie some color to see!

What does Xuanyuan Tianci think of Qin Lie?

He felt that Qin Lie was a nouveau riche, a muddy who had just been pushed to the wall!

Compared with the Xuanyuan family, the Xuanyuan family is a noble, a real king in the sky.

A scum, you can be arrogant in your own world, we are also happy to watch you perform, just watch a show, but if you really want to challenge the nobles, then I'm sorry, this needs to let you know what is real The background is.

The same goes for the others. Tang Ruiming heard the people around him calling out to the young master Tianci, and immediately saw Xuanyuan Tianci walking out of the elevator.

Although he had been beaten badly by Qin Lie, both noses kept bleeding and his mouth was smashed, he still laughed arrogantly at this time.

He had a big mouth, blood all over his face, and a terrifying smile on his face: "Hahahaha, hahahaha, Qin Lie, you're done, damn your mother, you're done, God-sent young master is here, you're done!"

"Damn rubbish!" Tang Ruiming yelled, "I called you arrogant, hahaha, you can be arrogant in front of me, I'll see how arrogant you are in front of the god-sent young master, aren't you the god-sent young master who is not afraid, then you wait Wait, wait for the wrath of the king, wait to see how ants like you are crushed into scum in front of Young Master Mi."

"I tell you, you are finished, you are completely finished today, even if God comes, he can't save you, you know, even if God comes, he can't save you!"

Qin Lie listened and knew Xuanyuan Tianci was coming, but he really didn't want to listen to Tang Ruiming's nonsense. He raised his hand and punched Tang Ruiming in the mouth again, causing him to lose at least three teeth.

And the thugs of the Xuanyuan family who had just been bullied by Qin Lie and the Longyan team, all straightened their backs at this time and greeted them one after another.

Xuanyuan Tianci's presence was their most confidence.

Just how arrogant Qin Lie was just now, at this time, he had to return him little by little.

It's time to slap the face.

Everyone felt that Qin Lie would definitely not be Xuanyuan Tianci's opponent.

Xuanyuan Tianci has arrived, and the dust has settled.

As for Qin Lie, seeing Xuanyuan Tianci coming, he turned around and faced the elevator, and wanted to see what Xuanyuan Tianci meant.

"Qin Lie!" Xuanyuan Tianci gritted his teeth and walked over with a gloomy expression.

The words Qin Lie seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, hysterical and furious.

Xuanyuan Tianci walked quickly to Qin Lie, without even any hesitation in his hand, he squeezed his fist and slammed it directly into Qin Lie's face.

Chen Jinhu was shocked when he saw that, knowing that Xuanyuan Tianci's skill was a top-notch existence among the younger generation.

And Xuanyuan Tian gave the punch, the force was heavy, and he didn't hold back, the power was majestic.

Chen Jinhu was worried that Qin Lie would not be able to catch it, so he hurriedly shouted, "Brother Lie, be careful!"

The others followed suit, raising their hearts to their throats.

But for Qin Lie, he knew that today had disturbed Xuanyuan Tianci's good mood, and he also knew that Xuanyuan Tianci was in a fit of rage at the moment, so he would probably start when they met.

Ready to go.

When Xuanyuan Tianci's fist slammed down, his steps sank, his center of gravity shifted, and he was ready to parry.

It's just that Xuanyuan Tianci's kung fu is really powerful. Even if he is ready to parry, he is still blown away by this punch, his hands are wide open, and then he is hit in the chest by a move that Xuanyuan Tian bestows from the sky.

"Hmm!" Qin Lie was injured, unable to stand still, and stepped back several steps, quite embarrassed.

When Shentu Aoshi saw Qin Lie being beaten, he was unwilling and whispered, "Brother Qin!"

Immediately, his eyes were fierce, he quickly approached Qin Lie, withstood Qin Lie's body from behind, and at the same time turned his hand to meet Xuanyuan Tianci.

The right hand turned into a claw, and one claw poked towards Xuanyuan Tianci's chest.

However, Shentu Aoshi's skills were still a little worse after all. Xuanyuan Tianci watched him call, staring eyebrows and sword eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes, and whispered: "It's just you?"

He didn't pay any attention to Shentu Aoshi at all. He put one hand behind his back, and his right hand blocked to the side. He directly bounced Shentu Aoshi's tiger claws away. At the same time, he kicked Shentu Aoshi in the stomach and also kicked Shentu Aoshi. Exit for four or five meters...

Shentu Aoshi was even worse than Qin Lie. After this kick went out, he was unstable and finally sat on the ground with his butt!

As soon as Xuanyuan Tianci appeared on the stage, he directly repelled Qin Lie and Shentu Aoshi, who immediately boosted the morale of the people on the Xuanyuan family's side, and the group was excited!

"Godsend the young master to play well!"

"God bestows you with good skills!"

"Young master is amazing, you beat these two dogs to the brink of shit!"


"Master is invincible!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Just like Qin Lie's side, because of the appearance of Xuanyuan Tianci, the situation on the scene has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The arrival of Xuanyuan Tianci did indeed put a lot of pressure on everyone.

After doing all this, Xuanyuan Tianci waved his hand, looked at Qin Lie with contempt for the world, and said indifferently, "Qin Lie, do you still have the capital?"

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