Qin Lie's rational side felt that it was not a wise thing to provoke Xuanyuan Tianci like this.

In terms of sensibility, the matter has reached this point, is it possible that he has to bow his head to Xuanyuan Tianci and admit his mistake because he beat Tang Ruiming?

He had a bad relationship with Xuanyuan Tianci from the very beginning. If he admits to cowardice, Xuanyuan Tianci will definitely ride on his head and bully him from now on.

So emotionally, he chose to be tough with Xuanyuan.

This is actually the case.

What was originally just a quarrel, has now grown out of control.

Although even he didn't know how things would end today.

But being a man, sometimes you are full of passion, you have to do what you need to do, even if you know that it is really irrational sometimes, but at least at that time, you are cool, aren't you!

This time, Qin Lie chose to let himself follow his sensibility!

Xuanyuan Tianci had gone mad, and his movements became more and more violent, and his moves were all killers.

On Qin Lie's side, seeing Xuanyuan Tianci rushing over, he pushed Chen Jinhu and Shentu Aoshi away, and chose one person to meet them.

He also wanted to see how much difference there was between himself and this so-called first young master in China.

The two rushed together and quickly entangled together to make a move.

Xuanyuan Tianci went mad, his fists and feet were fierce, and he forced Qin Lie's life with every move.

And Qin Lie, after all, is not a mediocre, and it is not so easy to completely collapse.

At the very beginning, in the game with Xuanyuan Tianci, he still suffered a loss from the backhand. He was punched open by Xuanyuan Tianci, and he was slightly injured in the chest.

When Qin Lie became serious, and Xuanyuan Tianci had a single thought at the moment, that is, Qin Lie must be abolished.

As soon as the two fought, they launched a crazy confrontation in the hall on the third floor!

Bang bang bang bang!

dong dong dong dong!

All kinds of muffled sounds came from the air like raindrops.

The confrontation between the two was like a violent shower, like a tight drum beat, and it was airtight, and it seemed that the surrounding people could not breathe.

It can be said that the two of them are the top figures among the younger generation of Huaxia today, and their skills, even in the older generation, are remarkable.

In addition, the two of them are both young, good at fighting, and have given up the calmness of the older generation. This competition is extremely dangerous, but it is also tense and exciting.

Such a high-quality confrontation almost made the people around him suffocate.

Putting aside personal positions, the confrontation between these two people is definitely a feast for the martial arts world.

Shentu Aoshi was on the side, watching, and his heart trembled in shock.

He originally wanted to help Qin Lie, but in the end he found out that the battle between the two was so tight that he couldn't get in at all.

Both sides are too powerful, refreshing his understanding of the word battle.

He suddenly felt that he had fought with others before, like a child playing a house.

Qin Lie's attack method was very fierce, which was expected by Shentu Aoshi, but what he didn't expect was that Xuanyuan Tianci actually started to use his hands and actually had two brushes.

Even in many cases, Xuanyuan Tianci's attack was to hit Qin Lie on the ground.

It seems that the number one young man in China is well-deserved and not entirely a parallel import.

Everyone held their breaths, admiring the duel between Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci, and waiting for the final battle result.

Finally, after ten minutes of confrontation, the two seemed to finally decide to end the fierce battle.

At that moment, the fists of the two people collided fiercely, making a muffled sound in the air, and then, the two people's bodies separated when they touched each other, and bounced more than two meters away from each other.

However, after adjusting each other's balance, they collided fiercely again. This time, Qin Lie squeezed his fist and smashed it towards Xuanyuan Tianci's Adam's apple with all his strength.

The position of the Adam’s apple is actually a dead point. If you use too much force, it is possible to smash people to death from this position.

Obviously, the strength of Qin Lie's hand is absolutely enough to smash someone to death.

Generally speaking, in the face of such an attack, the best way is to either block or dodge, avoiding the fatal blow and then re-planning.

But Xuanyuan Tianci's eyes were red. Facing Qin Lie's desperate fight, he did not dodge or evade, but instead rushed towards Qin Lie's fist.

At the same time, his two fingers were like steel bars, and they inserted them into Qin Lie's eyes.

Both of them lost their minds a bit, and both planned to leave each other with a lifetime of misfortune.

According to Xuanyuan Tianci's plan, he punched Qin Lie in his Adam's apple. With his physical fitness, he would never die, even if he lay in bed for a month, he would never die.

But Qin Lie's two eyes are poked, and he will definitely go blind!

As long as Qin Lie is blind, he will be a crippled person for the rest of his life!

Even if it is such an exchange, it is not a loss for oneself.

Of course, these are all very irrational thoughts after killing crazy. From the outsiders' point of view, the choices of both of them are a bit crazy.

Both sides make such a move, and in the end, they will only end up with a lose-lose ending.

"God-sent young master!"

"Brother lie!"

The other subordinates on both sides, instead, became rational at this time, and shouted for persuasion, trying to stop the two of the two impulses.

But obviously, at this time, both of them were in a state of battle, so bloodthirsty that they couldn't hear any outside voices at all.

The two approached extremely fast, and they just wanted to turn the other side over.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

At this time, finally, Situ Xuan, who had been watching for a long time in the corner of the hotel, couldn't stand it any longer.

At first, the two attacked each other, and he was very interested. He was very satisfied when he saw Qin Lie being forced to do his best, and at the same time, another genius who could be compared with Qin Lie appeared.

In this way, Qin Lie is not alone, and he can be forced to practice harder.

I was looking at it with this mentality, and everything was normal.

In the end, looking at it, as time went on, the fight between the two people changed.

The last one, losing both sides, is definitely the stupidest way of confrontation for those who practice martial arts.

He also had Qin Lie's safety in mind, and it was impossible for Qin Lie to lose two eyes just like that.

Seeing that the two were about to collide, he finally shot.

In the whole scene, he was the only one who had the ability to stop this tragedy.

Situ Xuan understood, so he shot quickly.

Everyone's attention was focused on Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci. The two shadows quickly approached in the air, and they were about to kill each other.

As a result, at this moment, a white shadow outside the bureau suddenly descended from the sky, from a distance to the battlefield, but in an instant, like a sharp blade that broke the water, it savagely inserted into the two of them.

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