The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1198 Don't Provoke This Person

Qin Lie's expression gradually became solemn because of the appearance of these seven Xuanyuan Guards.

He could see the level of the seven Xuanyuan Guards, all of them were top martial artists.

The Xuanyuan family is still the Xuanyuan family, and the details of the Xuanyuan family that I have discovered by myself are simply not deep enough.

They really still have a lot of trump cards that the world doesn't know.

None of the seven people on the opposite side was Situ Xuan's opponent, but if the seven were to unite, the result would be hard to say.

Worried in his heart, Qin Lie asked Situ Xuandao from behind, "Master, can you handle this?"

Situ Xuan himself was asked this question, he laughed, but relaxed: "Qin Lie, it seems that you still don't understand the strength of this old man well enough."

"The old man feels that it is necessary for you to take a look at what level the real martial arts ceiling is."

"A few little Xuanyuan Wei scare you?"

Hearing what Situ Xuan said, Qin Lie finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the seven Xuanyuan Wei elders could still handle it.

However, it was not the same as before. Facing the seven Xuanyuan Guards on the opposite side, Situ Xuan no longer looked down on him. Instead, he sank his horse and put on a stance to fight. It was also Qin Lie who had known Situ Xuan for so long. The second time I saw him fight a little more seriously.

This also shows that Xuanyuan Wei really has some strength.

Xuanyuan Tianci was also very confident in his Xuanyuan Wei, and ordered the leader in a low voice: "Uncle Gong, please trouble you."

Gong Xijun's face was cold, like an emotionless killing machine.

Whispered: "Our duty..."

After saying this, he took the lead, and with the remaining six people under his hand, he instantly burst into flames and killed Situ Xuan.

The battle is imminent.

The battlefield that should have calmed down, this time the situation is up again, and the atmosphere in the hotel is pulled up again at this time.

However, it was as if God didn't want Qin Lie to see Situ Xuan's full strength shot, just when Situ Xuan and Xuanyuanwei's masters were about to kill each other, God made another joke to Qin Lie.

The battle was about to break out, but at this time, the Ziyang Hotel came again.

It was still the elevator of the Ziyang Hotel, the elevator entrance that Xuanyuan Tianci appeared before.

The elevator door opened again, and another wave of people appeared in the lobby on the third floor.

Not many people came this time, three or two in total.

The man in the front was in a suit, in his fifties, and looked a bit greasy on the outside.

Compared with other big figures, the hunched waist seems to be less tolerant.

Of course, if you really confuse this person with a mediocre, you will definitely suffer a big loss from him.

This person Qin Lie also knew. It was the director of the Kyushu Bureau that he had just met in Qinchun Garden a few days ago, and of course, he was also the confidant of Xuanyuan Family Patriarch Xuanyuan Hao, Guan Hai.

As soon as Guan Hai appeared, he sternly said to Xuanyuan Tianci: "Tianci, don't hurry up and stop me!"

"Uncle Hai?"

Of course, Xuanyuan Tianci also saw Guan Hai for the first time.

Guan Hai's status in Xuanyuan's family is not low, and he has been with Xuanyuanhao in the early years, and he is one of the few confidants of Xuanyuanhao.

I heard that Xuanyuan Hao had to die in order to get the position of the head of the family, and since then, Guan Hai has been following him.

Guan Hai was one of the few foreign surnames who was highly regarded by Xuanyuan Hao.

Not only does he have a high status within the family, but he also holds important positions such as the director of the Kyushu Bureau outside the family.

Even if Xuanyuan Tianci met Guan Hai, he had to respectfully call Uncle Hai.

Guan Hai was the director of the Kyushu Bureau, and he was in charge of all kinds of things. Except for his father's call, he rarely interfered in the affairs of the Xuanyuan family.

He didn't expect Guan Hai to come over at this time.

"Uncle Hai, why are you here?" Xuanyuan Tianci quickly asked.

Guan Hai still had only one sentence: "You stop first, and tell Gong Xijun and the others to withdraw first. Today's affairs cannot be done like this!"

"But!" Xuanyuan Tianci was very upset, obviously the situation could start to reverse, "But I can obviously win!"

"You didn't listen to me, did you?" Guan Hai ordered in a deep voice.

Xuanyuan Tianci felt aggrieved. He came to clean up Qin Lie today and started fighting Qin Lie, but he even let Qin Lie slap his face in front of him.

Afterwards, a 55 to 50 fight with Qin Lie had already made him lose face.

Now that Xuanyuan Wei was finally dispatched, he thought that he could find the place back.

As a result, Guan Hai came out at this time and did not let him do it.

But Guan Hai's majesty is too high, even he has to be afraid.

Guan Guan Hai didn't mean to joke, Xuanyuan Tianci was unwilling, but he could only obey.

He waved his hand and gave Gong Xijun an order: "Uncle Gong, you all come back!"

Xuanyuan Wei's people only acted according to orders. After listening to Xuanyuan Tianci's orders, they naturally quickly withdrew and returned to Xuanyuan Tianci's side.

This battle that should have been violent, was completely stopped because of Guan Hai's appearance.

But Xuanyuan Tianci was still very unwilling. Today Qin Lie touched his bottom line. At that time, the picture of smoking Tang Ruiming in front of him was circling in his mind for a long time.

Although he listened to the words, he questioned Guan Hai with resentment: "Uncle Hai, you'd better give me a plausible reason."

"Reason?" Guan Hai glanced at Xuanyuan Tianci with a low eyebrow and said, "What reason do you want, is this reason enough?"

With that said, Guan Hai took out a black token from his clothes pocket. The token was simple and unique, with the word Xuan on the front and the word Yuan on the back.

Although it was not a treasure, Xuanyuan Tianci was still shocked.

"Patriarch's order?" he whispered, "Dad asked you to come?"

What Guan Hai is holding in his hand is nothing else, it is the status symbol of the Xuanyuan family's patriarch, the patriarch's decree.

With this token, Xuanyuan Tianci of course knew that this was his father's intention by simply moving his mind.

"Well..." Guan Hai said in a low voice, "otherwise, why do you think I'm here, I don't care about your stinky brat."

"But..." Xuanyuan Tianci became more and more puzzled.

The Xuanyuan family is the number one family in the world, and Xuanyuan Hao is the most outstanding person in the world, why would they be afraid of a Qin Lie?

"My dad, why did he specifically ask you to stop me from making trouble with Qin Lie?"

Xuanyuan Tianci frowned.

"Are you stupid?" Guan Hai scolded rudely, "Could your father be afraid of a Qin Lie? Your father asked me to stop you, of course, so that you don't provoke the old man in front of you."

"Situ Xuan?"

"Yeah." Guan Hai replied in a low voice, "Don't provoke this person, his ability is far beyond your imagination, your dad is just afraid that you will act irrationally on the spur of the moment, so that's why I came here, huh, ok Just in time for me."

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