The next morning, Qin Lie was still in the office reading the data report sent back from the United States, when Lin Jian's call came to him.

Lin Jian is the person in charge of Shenzhou Weapons. After the material technology breakthrough of He Linfeng and others, Shenzhou Weapons chose to cooperate for the first time.

Later, the m90 was put into production, and together with other materials, He Linfeng and the others completed the quantitative and qualitative completion within the specified time of one month and sent them to Shenzhou Weapons.

After the completion of that single business, the two sides actually have no more intersections.

At the beginning, Qin Lie also provided Lin Jian with some information about the possible traitors of the Skeleton Society in Shenzhou Weapons. Since then, the two have never contacted again.

Qin Lie had saved Lin Jian's phone number, but the call came. He knew it was Lin Jian, but he didn't know what was going on.

So while looking at the report, I picked it up and turned on the speakerphone. After I connected, I asked, "Lin Lao, I haven't been in touch for a long time, what do you have to do with me?"

Lin Jian said cheerfully over there, "Qin Lie, are you busy recently?"

"It's alright." Qin Lie is not busy with his hands, and he can't say whether he is busy or not, mainly because he has to see what Lin Jian is doing to find himself in order to answer with certainty, so he played Taijiquan, "You have something to say. Just say it..."

"Okay!" Hearing Qin Lie so forthright, Lin Jian went straight to the point, "I'm calling you this time because I want to introduce you to a big business, but whether you can eat it or not, you have to It depends on your ability."

Qin Lie didn't take these words into his eyes at that time.

Now that he has seen the world, he doesn't believe that there is a big business that is not a big business.

Answered him jokingly: "What big business, don't scare me, I'm still young, I'm not brave enough..."

"Haha..." Lin Jian said at the other end, "Shenzhou Weapons is going to open a branch, the main direction is biochemical weapons and quantum technology weapons, we are recruiting business partners, you can see if you are interested."

Qin Lie still didn't take it seriously, and asked casually, "Arsenal?"

"Arsenal!" Lin Jian answered firmly.

This time, Qin Lie was agitated, he hurriedly threw the report in his hand aside, picked up the phone, and turned off the speakerphone.

He put it in his ear and asked Lin Jian: "Old Lin, your state secret arsenal actually wants to cooperate with our private enterprise, are you crazy!?"

Lin Jian then replied: "There is no way, although Shenzhou Weapons has been providing weapons to the country, and we also receive money from the national treasury, but in fact the profit is very small.

The funds invested in scientific and technological research and development are stretched every year, and our economy has always been very difficult.

That's why Mr. Hua allowed us to put the bidding object to the private sector this time. We provide technology and materials, you provide funds and manpower, and the results obtained at that time will be divided into 50% and 50% of the benefits. This is a decision from above. Just an order. "

Hearing what Lin Jian said, Qin Lie agreed.

China is not the United States, and its military spending is not so high.

And high-tech is at the forefront of the world, and it is definitely a money-burning kiln. Military spending is fixed every year. If you spend more in other areas, you will spend less money on scientific research.

This explanation actually makes sense.

"And..." Lin Jian said, "Although we cooperate with you, you mainly provide capital and manpower for construction. The real core of science and technology is still in our hands, and we are not worried about the leakage of information technology."

"In addition, the people invited this time are all major forces in China that have been proven to have no two hearts. They are absolutely loyal to Huaxia, so we dare to invite them. We have considered all these things, you don't have to worry, all you need to consider is just It's just business or not."

At first impression, Qin Lie certainly knew that this was a good opportunity.

Omg, what is this? Biochemical weapons and quantum weapons with the latest technology are definitely the most sophisticated science and technology in the industry.

Even if they only participate in the construction of the arsenal, Shenzhou Weapons does not reveal their technological core.

But as long as you have the heart and learn a little bit from it, it will be of great benefit to the development of your own technology company.

And what is the most important reliance?

This is an arsenal, backed by China, and behind it is a huge country.

Qin Lie is now a small success, but he is still proud of being a Chinese citizen, and he has never had the ambition to say that his light can overshadow the country.

In doing this, in addition to having a strong sense of national pride, from now on, it will rely on the banner of the country.

From the perspective of a small person, go out and brag. When someone asks you what you are doing recently, you answer him directly: I am talking about business with the country. It sounds so much fun!

And since then, it has a relationship with Shenzhou Weapons, that is, it has a relationship with the military.

Take a look at the current level of the Xiao family, who has a big boss in the military world, it can take a lot of military style.

If you can win this business, your waist will be much tougher in the future.

Of course it's a benefit and no harm!

Qin Lie was a little excited when he thought of this.

He quickly asked Lin Jiandao, "Old Lin, how did you think of me about this good thing?"

Lin Jian smiled and said: "The cooperation with your technology company was good last time. You are reliable in your work, and you also helped us find the spy inside Shenzhou Weapons. It is a great achievement. Now, of course, I will think of you when something good happens."

"How much does it cost?" Qin Lie asked these things seriously.

"It may cost about 30 billion." Lin Jian said, "The investment is not small."

Thirty billion...

Qin Lie estimated it a little, and at his current level, he could barely come up with it.

"What about the earnings?" he asked again.

Lin Jiandao: "It depends on how many orders are in the future, but you only need to know that China's military is strong now, and many countries will import our weapons. If there are many orders, your money will soon be paid back."

"And." Lin Jian emphasized, "Doing this, for you, the benefit of money is basically the second, and the relationship with the military is the biggest benefit for you, you understand what I say."

Qin Lie knew it in his heart, of course he understood.

He still wanted to do it.

"The last question." Qin Lie asked Lin Jiandao, "Lin Lao, I just heard you say that you have invited many powerful domestic forces, and I am just one of them..."

"Of course." Lin Jian replied, "This matter is a matter of the entire Shenzhou Weapons, and it is not for me to decide. Many companies have been invited to bid, including the most influential Xuanyuan and Xiao families, and Taidong Kong's family. Everyone has participated, and there will be a bidding conference in two days. You are on the invited list. This is what I tried hard to get down. Whether you can win or not depends on your own ability."

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